After hearing the captain's words, all the captains present were silent.

No captain was willing to pursue such a trivial crime.

If word spreads, it will even affect his image and reputation in the Gotei 13 Team.

As Rukia's direct boss, Captain Ukitake Jushiro of the Thirteenth Division would naturally not let his team members be sentenced to death.

However, as the captain, his stance was rather subtle, and it seemed unfair to excuse his teammates, so he used his eyes to hint to Kyōraku Shunsui, who was standing opposite him.

Kyōraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō have been friends and partners for many years. Even if Ukitake Jūshirō doesn't say it, he knows what to do.

Jingraku Shunsui took the initiative to stand up and said in a relaxed tone: "It's just turning a human into a god of death, and the impact is simply insignificant. And I believe that little Rukia must have encountered some trouble, so she chose Such an expedient was adopted.”

Yamamoto Genryusai heard this and looked at Kyōraku Shunsui: "Then, Captain Kyoraku, how should we handle it in your opinion?"

In fact, Yamamoto Genryusai himself was not prepared to pursue this matter to the end. Of course punishment is inevitable, but capital punishment is completely unnecessary.

He summoned the captains to discuss it together, just to find a way forward for this matter. All the captains could reach a consensus and give Rukia a lenient sentence.

Jingraku Shunsui smiled and said: "In my humble opinion, I will recall little Lucia to the Seireitei for three months as a punishment as a warning. As for the living God of Death, why not recruit him as the agent of the God of Death? If The other party does not agree to further abolish his spiritual power."

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded when he heard this, and felt that Kyoraku Shunsui's opinion was more appropriate.

Seeing that the captain had no intention of inflicting capital punishment on Rukia, Kuchiki Byakuya breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Kyoraku Shunsui and nodded, indicating that he remembered the favor.

However, at this moment, Dongxian stood up unexpectedly.

"I do not approve of such a punishment!"

At this time, his face was extremely serious, as if Lucia had committed some serious crime.

"Since the law has been enacted, it should be implemented without any compromise! If all laws are like child's play, and the punishments can be changed with just a few words, then what is the meaning of Seireitei's rules!" Tōsen Kaname said righteously. said.

Although his words are unreasonable, they are not completely unreasonable.

Even if word got out, the people of the Gotei 13 would only think that he was a person who was extremely paranoid about legal principles, and would not think that he was deliberately causing trouble for Rukia.

Hearing this, Kuchiki Byakuya said coldly: "Does Captain Tosen mean to give death penalty to a chief officer who was dedicated to performing tasks for the Seireitei but made some minor mistakes for some reason?"

Tōsen Kaname said without giving in: "Captain Kuchiki, please forgive me, I am not dealing with the person personally. No matter who commits the crime, he must be dealt with according to Seireitei's regulations. Or maybe it's because the culprit is Captain Kuchiki's sister, Are you going to bend the law for personal gain?"

Because of Tosen Kaname's insistence, the discussion on the treatment of Kuchiki Rukia reached a deadlock for a while.

Most of the captains believed that the death penalty was a fuss, but Tōsen was very tough, and even the captain could not excuse Rukia by disregarding the law.

Just when Byakuya Kuchiki and Tosen were about to confront each other, people from Room 46 also came to the headquarters hall, and the person who came turned out to be a noble who had some issues with the Kuchiki clan.

"Captain Kuchiki, I heard that your sister actually committed an unforgivable crime. I was shocked when I heard that. I believe that with the family tradition of the Kuchiki clan, they will not protect criminals, right?" the visitor said with a sly smile.

Tōsen Kaname's insistence and the intervention of Room 46 were naturally arranged by Aizen behind his back.

In order to remove the Honyu from Rukia's body, he must promote the "Double Death Punishment".

Once people from Room 46 are involved, not even the captain, Genryusai Yamamoto, can make the decision.

Seeing that Byakuya Kuchiki ignored him, the representative of Room 46 chuckled and did not say much to Byakuya Kuchiki. Instead, he looked at Genryusai Yamamoto, who was standing in the center of the hall, and said slowly: "Captain Yamamoto, we in Room 46 already know about Rukia Kuchiki, a member of the Gotei 13 Team. The rules of the Seireitei must be implemented to the letter. This is also the case in Room 46." decision."

After hearing his words, Kuchiki Byakuya immediately stood up and wanted to argue, but Yamamoto Genryusai stopped him: "Captain Kuchiki, please pay attention to your position. No one can change Kuchiki Rukia's crime. Now that the Forty-sixth Chamber has made a decision, as a member of the Gotei 13, you only need to abide by and implement it."

Kuchiki Byakuya looked lost after being shouted back by Yamamoto Genryusai, while Kyoraku Shunsui shook his head and returned to the queue, showing a helpless smile to the frowning Ukitake.

Looking at Tosen Kaname, Yamamoto Genryusai said solemnly: "Captain Tosen, it is your responsibility to go to the present world to arrest Rukia Kuchiki and return her to Seireitei, and at the same time abolish the spiritual power of the Shinigami in the present world. Before executing " Before "Double Execution", she was handed over to the custody of your ninth division. "

The ninth division is in charge of the prison in the Gotei 13 division, and it is their duty to guard the prisoners.

For Yamamoto Genryusai's arrangement, Tosen Kaname, Aizen's subordinate, was naturally happy to accept it.

At this time, no one noticed that among the captains, the corners of Aizen's mouth were slightly raised, and the development of the matter was progressing perfectly according to his ideas.

After the meeting was disbanded, Tosen Kaname took his deputy captain Hisagi Shuhei directly to the Technology Development Bureau, preparing to go to the present world through the Technology Development Bureau's portal.

Before setting off, Aizen called Tosen Kaname into his office alone.

"Tōsen, this time when you go to the present world, test Ichigo Kurosaki's strength and see if he can use Xubai's power." Aizen told Tosen.

Hearing Aizen's words, Tōsen Kaname showed a puzzled look: "Lord Aizen, do you still have any illusions about Xubai? Facts have proved that it is just a failure. Why not let my subordinates completely put it together?" Let’s deal with that Kurosaki Ichigo together!”

Aizen glanced at Tosen Kaname and said calmly: "Tosen, you just need to follow my instructions."

Although Aizen's tone was gentle, the murderous look in his eyes just now made Tosen feel like he was in an ice cellar.

Knowing that Aizen didn't like others to question his orders, Tōsen Kaname immediately knelt down on one knee and said in a horrified tone: "My subordinate realizes his mistake and will definitely fulfill your order, Aizen-sama."

Aizen nodded with satisfaction, helped Dong Xian Kaname up and said with a smile: "As long as you understand how to do it, I will make my own judgment as to whether Xu Bai can be of great use."

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! ! !


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