The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 394 Girl Team Battle

In the courtyard of the First Team's building, Ise Nanao, the vice-captain, was arranging the work of the team members. At this time, a figure whose outfit was incompatible with the Shinigami of the Gotei 13 Team appeared in front of her.

This is a young man with a slender figure and a handsome face, who looks to be about twenty years old.

He has long blond hair that is neatly combed, and he is wearing a white trench coat. He has the aura of a European aristocrat all over his body.

What surprised Ise Nanao the most was that the man who suddenly appeared in front of him was not a Shinigami, but a very rare Quincy!

The Quincy forces and the Soul Society's Shinigami were originally at odds with each other, and over the years, the Quincy forces have been almost extinct, with only a few remnants still hiding in the real world.

At this time, a Quincy suddenly appeared in the Gotei 13 of the Seireitei. This must be a sign that something big is going to happen.

At this time, other groups of Shinigami also discovered Hasward's presence, and they all quickly drew their Zanpakutos from their waists and surrounded the Quincy who suddenly appeared.

"Who are you? Why do you appear in Seireitei?"

Ise Nanao pushed up her glasses and asked the man in front of her in a deep voice.

At this moment, her own side's Death God has surrounded the other side, and it seems to her that the initiative is already in her own hands.

Hasward didn't have the chance to see Ise Nanao. He first glanced at the Shinigami in front of him, and then looked directly past Ise Nanao towards Kyoraku Shunsui in the headquarters hall behind her.

"I, Yuglan Hasward of the Knights of the Invisible Empire's Star Cross, came here precisely to destroy the Seireitei." Hasward said in a calm tone.

After hearing Hasward's words, the expressions of all the Death Gods present changed, with expressions of surprise and anger on their faces.

How could they tolerate a Quincy actually going to the Death God's base camp and saying that he wanted to destroy him?

Just when these gods of death were about to take action to subdue Hasward, Kyoryu Shunsui walked out of the headquarters hall.

"You all stand down!"

Even though Kyōraku Shunsui couldn't see clearly the details of the enemy in front of him, if he dared to entrust such a big person to come here, he was either extremely powerful or a fool.

And Kyoraku Shunsui would never carelessly think of any enemy as a fool!

"Kyōraku Shunsui, the captain of the Gotei 13, would you mind introducing me to me what the Invisible Empire is and what the Star Cross Knights are?" Kyōraku Shunsui said with a smile.

Hasward's face was still very calm, and he said calmly: "Maybe it's not necessary."

As he finished speaking, a European-style long sword composed of spirit seeds instantly swung out from his hand.

Although this is just a seemingly ordinary sword, it has the power to return to nature. Both spiritual pressure and speed have reached an extremely high level.


Kyoraku Shunsui exclaimed and immediately pulled out his Zanpakutō and stopped in front of Ise Nanao.

Only a series of buildings collapsing and people screaming were heard, and all the walls of the first team building were cut horizontally.

As for the Shinigami who surrounded Hasward, except for Ise Nanao who was protected by Kyoraku Shunsui, they were all cut in half. Their bodies were broken into two pieces and fell to the ground, struggling in pain.

Because the power of Hasward's slash was extremely powerful, even though Kyōraku Shunsui blocked his attack, he was also knocked backwards by the powerful impact, and his body directly crashed into the team behind him. Hall walls.

"Is this the captain of the Gotei 13? I'm really disappointed." Hasward said slowly.

As soon as Hasward finished speaking, a black shadow suddenly appeared at his feet, and a black Zanpakutō suddenly protruded from it and stabbed straight into his chest.

The knife was extremely fast and had a tricky angle. Hasward was caught off guard and was directly penetrated through the chest, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

At this time Kyōraku Shunsui's body poked out from the shadows. He looked at the unknown Quincy in front of him with cold eyes, and said with murderous intent in his voice: "It seems that you are nothing more than that."

While speaking, the long knife in Kyoraku Harunui's hand swung to the side, directly cutting a large gash in half of Hasward's body. Countless blood spurted out, dyeing the nearby ground bright red.

Whether it was the God of Death or the Quincy, there was almost no chance of survival after suffering such heavy injuries.

After all, the Quincy and the Shinigami do not have as powerful a recovery power as Hollow or Arrancar. Under normal circumstances, only Hollow and Arrancar can achieve the regeneration of severed limbs or internal organs.

But just when Kyōraku Shunsui thought he had a chance to win, he suddenly discovered that Hasward had a white shield with a golden cross in his hand.

When the shield appeared, Hasward's injuries were instantly restored, but a large number of cracks appeared on the shield, and even the surface material began to peel off, as if it was about to break.

In just this moment, Kyōraku Shunsui, who had a very high combat IQ, roughly analyzed the capabilities of the shield in Hasward's hand.

He looked at Hasward with a solemn expression and said in a deep voice: "Can this shield of yours deflect the damage you suffer?"

"Yes, this is my "Guilty Shield". However, the ability it possesses is not just to help deflect damage. Hasward said slowly.

At this point, the Scape Shield in Hasward's hand suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, and a golden light shot straight in the direction of Jingraku Shunsui.

Upon seeing this, Jingraku Shunsui immediately dodged, but this extremely fast golden light seemed to be locked on him, and no matter how he dodged, he could not avoid it.

At this moment, the corner of his eye noticed the intact Scape Shield in Hasward's hand. Kyoryu Shunsui seemed to understand the power of this golden light.

“The so-called scapegoat is to find a scapegoat to transfer the hurt suffered. It turns out that his scapegoat shield can not only replace his own "sin", but he can also bestow this "sin" on others! "

At this time, Kyoraku Shunsui kept thinking about countermeasures. He knew that once he was hit by this golden light, all the damage he had just caused to Hasward would fall on himself, and he would be seriously injured and on the verge of death in an instant.

At this moment, Ise Nanao rushed over quickly, and in her hand was a long sword with a mirror-like blade.

This long sword is the Zanpakuto passed down from generation to generation by the Ise clan, and it is also the ceremonial sword of Seireitei - the Eight Mirror Sword!

The Eight Mirror Sword is a naturally existing Zanpakutō. It was not made by the sword god Nimeiya Oue, but is an artifact that has existed in the Soul Society since ancient times.

The Eight Mirror Sword itself has almost no offensive power, but it has extremely strong defensive power. According to legend, it can even defend against the power of gods.

Just when Kyōraku Shunsui was about to be hit by the golden light, Ise Nanao blocked him with the Eight Mirror Sword.

When the golden light hit the Eight Mirror Sword, it shot directly into the mirror-like blade of the Eight Mirror Sword, and was instantly eliminated.

Kyoraku Shunsui breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw this: "Nanao-chan, fortunately you came in time!"

Although he had neutralized an attack by Hasward, Kyoryu Shunsui was in a very solemn mood at this time.

First, the opponent's ability is very terrifying. It can be immune to damage and can transfer to the enemy. It can be regarded as having almost no weaknesses.

The second is that he has already felt the impact of spiritual pressure caused by the battle everywhere in the Seireitei. Obviously, the opponent's so-called 'annihilation of the Seireitei' this time is not just a casual talk, but a premeditated large-scale attack. Attack!

Thinking of this, Kyoraku Shunsui knew that as the captain of the Gotei 13, he must deal with his opponents as soon as possible, and then organize various divisions to fight back.

"The flower wind is chaotic, the flower god is crying, the sky wind is chaotic, the demon is laughing, the flower sky is crazy!"

As Kyoraku Shunsui finished reciting Jiefangyu, the Zanpakuto in his hand turned into two scimitars, one large and one small.

"Let me see if your "Guilty Shield" can defend against the rules of the game! "

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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