The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 400 The New Vastod

In the fourth team's building, Penida Pakaja, who possesses the sacred letter "C" in the Divine Guards, met Ruby, who ranked tenth among the Ten Blades.

At the same time, Penida is also the only Quincy among the four members of the Divine Guard who does not follow Yhwach to act alone.

Penida's body is the right hand of the Soul King, and his image is composed of a forearm broken at the elbow and the palm of his right hand. He usually wears a huge cloak with the invisible empire symbol printed on it to hide his whole body. If he takes off the cloak, he can see a huge white palm with its elbows raised up and its fingers spread out.

There was a gap like an eye in the center of the palm, and the tips of each finger were connected to each other by a golden chain.

The holy text possessed by Penida means "Compulsory", which relies on the ability to radiate one's own nerves outside the body to contact the enemy, and at the same time forcibly change the opponent's state.

This power of changing the opponent's form can also destroy the opponent's body tissue, thereby achieving the purpose of killing the opponent.

Therefore, as long as it is connected by its neural network, the life and death of the connected object is already under its control!

Penida's ability relies on his extremely powerful splitting and regeneration abilities as the Soul King You, which allows him to proliferate his neural network at a high speed to surround the enemy in a large area.

But when it met Ruby, who used "destruction" as a symbol of power, its own abilities were completely targeted.

After returning to the sword in the second stage, Ruby had hundreds of tentacles wrapped with destructive power spirits, and easily swept through Penida's neural network.

Once these tentacles touch Penida's nerves, they will activate a special ability called "Absolute Destruction", rendering Penida's super-speed proliferation and regeneration abilities completely useless, and the nervous system will be directly destroyed. All.

After a not-too-arduous battle, Ruby successfully killed Penida and became the first person to kill a member of Yhwach's Forgiveness Guards.

Looking at a huge hand that had lost its vitality at her feet, with hundreds of black tentacles twisting behind her, Ruby frowned and said, "What kind of crap is this hand? Is this also a Quincy? Then could it be possible?" Can other strange parts also become Quincy?"

After asking the three soul questions, Ruby fell into a reverie.

After a moment, he shook his head to drive the strange thought out of his head, and then decided to take this hand back to Nirvana for research.

After using a special space device to bring Penida, the Soul King's right hand, into the dimensional space, Ruby suddenly became confused.

"Why is there not a single Shinigami in this team building? Are they all running for their lives?"

But despite her doubts, Ruby didn't worry too much about it, and immediately rushed towards Nirvana's location. His mission in this war has been completed, and all that remains is to wait for his king and colleagues to wipe out all other enemies!

The reason why the members of the Fourth Division were not in their team buildings at this time was because Unohana Retsu was one of the first captains to discover that an enemy had invaded the Seireitei.

Feeling that the situation was not good, she directly asked her ordinary team members to hide, and at the same time she rushed to other team buildings with her elite team members to prepare for medical assistance.

After all, as a medical unit, most of the members of her team, except for her and the deputy captain Kotetsu Yuine, have relatively low combat effectiveness. They have to work hard to preserve their strength and provide medical power to other units of the Gotei 13.

Among the Gotei 13 teams, the fifth team is currently one of the teams in the worst situation. At this time, there are corpses of Shinigami members everywhere outside the team building.

Since the fifth division still did not have a captain in charge, the team members were directly crushed by the incoming members of the Star Cross Knights, without the power to resist at all.

The members of the Knights of the Star Cross who came here are Robert Ajutron, whose holy letter is "N", and Dorisk Belch, whose holy letter is "O".

Among them, Robert, who looks like a skinny version of KFC grandpa, has the Holy Letter "N" ability as "Network Network Jump". This is an auxiliary ability used for communication. This ability is mostly used for internal member communication. , so fighting is not what he is good at.

Another Quincy who is extremely strong and looks like Brother Yami is named Dolisk. His ability with the Holy Letter "O" is "Overkill", which is a way to increase one's own strength by killing others. Ability.

The reason why almost all the members of the fifth division died tragically was because Dorisk wanted to use the power of killing to improve his abilities.

As long as more enemies die in his hands, his own power will become stronger.

However, both Robert and Dorisk were in very bad condition at this time. Their bodies were covered with pink pustules. At the same time, these pustules were still getting sick, giving rise to various different symptoms.

If a normal person saw Robert and Dorisk now, even if they were not so shocked by their miserable appearance that they vomited on the spot, they would definitely not have the appetite to eat again for a while.

At this time, Robert and Dorisk had already activated the power of the Holy Body and had defense and recovery capabilities beyond the "static blood suit", but they still could not resist the power of these pustules eating away at them.

In front of them, a coquettish man with pink hair combed very neatly was observing their status with interest.

This man was wearing the uniform of Xuye Palace, with a pair of glasses on his face, and he had the aura of a gentle scum.

Although this man looks like a human or a Shinigami, he is actually an Arrancar.

It's just that he has neither hollow holes nor bone armor or mask on his body, and the remaining hollow features of other Arrancars can't be seen at all.

He is Sal Apollo Grantz who was transferred from the original Ten Blades to the Technology Development Bureau.

"The amount of spiritual energy you two guys have is really amazing, but the cute "pink spores" below are only in the first stage. I wonder if you can still stand here like this when they evolve to the next stage? "Saar Apollo pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, with an evil smile on his face.

Robert and Dorisk both showed angry expressions upon hearing this, and simultaneously gathered the Holy Destruction in their hands to attack Sar Apollo.

Among them, Robert's Divine Loss is a mesh-like structure. After being launched, the network of spirit particles becomes larger and larger. At the same time, each line composed of spirit particles will become thinner and sharper. All objects that touch this network will All cut into pieces by it.

The Holy Destruction sent by Dorisk was a huge crossbow arrow. This was the Holy Destruction that he had just strengthened after killing and absorbing the enhanced power of the members of the Fifth Squadron.

However, facing the attacks from Robert and Dorisk, Sal Apollo just showed a mocking smile and did not make any defense.

He pushed the glasses he had just pushed with his left hand again, and stretched his right hand forward. He actually blocked the full blow of the two members of the Knights of the Star Cross with his normal strength!

"I'm sorry. I was just playing with you just now, which may have given you the illusion that you can defeat me. But from now on, you two will be honored to be my experimental subjects!" Sal Apollo said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the pink abscesses on Robert and Dorisk suddenly exploded, and this was also the 'second form' that Sal Apollo just mentioned.

Although the bursting of these abscesses did not produce much power, it exploded patches of yellow-green turbid water on the two of them, which looked extremely disgusting.

Strictly speaking, this kind of attack is not only a physical attack, but also a mental attack.

From these broken abscesses, countless pink worms emerged, constantly absorbing the spirit seeds of the two people. However, in just a few seconds, the spirit seeds of Robert and Dorisk were absorbed by these. The worms soak it all up.

Due to the supplement of spiritual power, these pink worms are getting bigger and bigger, and the flesh on their bodies is getting fatter and fatter.

On the contrary, the perfect holy bodies of Robert and Dorisk disappeared directly due to the lack of support from the spirit sons. In the end, they lost too much spiritual power until they completely lost their consciousness and fainted on the ground.

"Little cuties, take these two guys back!"

Sal Apollo said with a smile, and then these pink worms continued to gather and combined into two worms that were approximately the size of normal humans.

After the two worms swallowed the unconscious Robert and Dorisk respectively, they opened the black cavity and returned to Hueco Mundo.

"Sal Apollo, congratulations on catching two living members of the Star Cross Knights. Please send them directly to the Technology Development Bureau!" At this time, Nirvana's voice sounded in Sal Apollo's ears.

"Director Nirvana, I'm sorry. I have already applied with Mr. Yusuke to form the Central Academy of Sciences, and it has been approved by Mr. Yusuke. I will take care of these two experimental subjects on my own, so I don't need to bother Director Nirvana." Sal Apollo He said slowly.

Nirvana laughed strangely when he heard this: "Sal Apollo, didn't you read the contract when you joined the Technology Development Bureau? Before leaving the Technology Development Bureau, all the trophies obtained belong to the director. This is a privilege. It’s legal! You haven’t gone through the resignation procedures with this director yet!”

"Who the hell can read your more than two hundred pages of contract? Forget it, but I don't have the original contract here. Can you give me a sample for the next one?"

Sal Apollo was very dissatisfied at first, but thinking that he could use the other party's contract as a reference in the future, it was very practical.

Niryuri smiled and said: "No problem, I believe we will have a lot of cooperation in the future. But I still want to congratulate you for becoming the fifth Vastod in Hueco Mundo!"

At this time, the reason why Sal Apollo was able to defeat two members of the Star Cross Knights so easily was that on the one hand, the two Quincy were at the bottom of the Star Cross Knights, and at the same time, it was also due to the fact that Sal Apollo had become Achieved the Vastod level Arrancar.

Before Sal's Apollo Arrancar, he had been a Vastod.

However, he has been obsessed with studying the so-called "perfect life" and split the imperfect power in his body, and the split part became one of his own adjutants, Ilfert Gullanz.

After the split, Sar'Apollo fell from Vastod to Yachukas, but this was just a necessary process for him on the road to evolution.

Through the special splitting method he has developed himself, dividing his soul will not cause him to stop evolving, but will instead allow him to have higher potential.

As long as he can accumulate enough power to break through Yachukas's limit again and become Vastod, his power will far exceed that of his original Vastod period!

Finally, with the help of Couyu, Sal Apollo completed the evolution of what he defined as "perfect life" and returned to the ranks of the strongest Arrancars.

Now, even if he faces the first four blades among the ten blades, his strength is not inferior!

(Note: Thrall Apollo was originally set by Vastod as an official setting. In addition, the official explanation of the location of his void hole is on the X generator, so there is no visible void hole on his body)

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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