The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 413 Ulquiorra vs Yaskin (2)

Just when Yaskin asked Urquiorra how he resisted his "lethal dose" ability, he discovered that the air behind Urquiorra gradually twisted and slowly took on a vortex-like shape. .

At the same time, as the vortex rotates and twists, there are traces of gray foreign matter mixed in it.

Yajin can feel that these gray foreign substances have the same aura as his own, which is clearly the realization of his "lethal dose" rule.

"How is it possible? My "lethal dose" ability is a rule. It has no form and cannot be defended! Yajin said in disbelief.

Ulucciorra said lightly: "Every power in the world has a form, including rules. When more powerful rules appear, your so-called rules will appear weak and ridiculous."

The will represented by Urquiora is "emptiness", and when combined with the coaxing jade to stimulate his power, he can create the energy of complete nothingness.

After the energy of nothingness is created, its own emptiness will cause all the surrounding forces and rules to collapse into it, just like a black hole that can swallow everything.

This kind of void energy can also be understood as a rule, and its level is even higher than the "lethal amount" rule Yaskin masters!

Yaskin roared angrily when he heard this: "Impossible, rules are absolute power, how can there be a distinction between high and low! As long as the rules exist, they should be able to take effect on everything that applies to these rules!"

Urquiorra slowly raised his right hand and pointed his fingers at Yaskin, who looked a little frightened in front of him.

"The seemingly constant physical rules in the modern world, such as the speed of light and mass, will all lose their effect when encountering a black hole. The speed of light will slow down infinitely and the mass will no longer be conserved. This is because the rules of black holes are higher than theirs. reason."

"And now, my rules are above yours!"

After Ulquiorra finished speaking, the air where Yaskin stood twisted, gradually forming a swirling hollow.

After the vortex-shaped cavity appeared, it exerted an irresistible adsorption force on everything in the surrounding space. Whether it was energy or matter, everything was twisted and sucked into it.

Yaskin's body and the "God's Poison Realm" outside his body also twisted, spinning and about to be sucked into the hole.

Once any life is sucked into this hole, it will merge with other substances sucked into the hole due to the collapse force generated in the hole, and eventually become part of the hole and disappear into nothingness.

In just a few seconds, Yaskin's body and the "God's Poison Realm" protecting his body disappeared into the air, as if they had never existed.

"Everything is over." Ulquiorra said calmly.

However, just as he was about to release the sword, a strong sense of danger suddenly arose in his heart.

Relying on instinctive intuition, Urquiorra quickly activated the spiritual pressure throughout his body, creating a void vortex with no dead ends around his body.

Urukiorra's defense had just been completed, and a point of extremely green light lit up from the void vortex where he had just solved Yaskin, followed by countless green lights radiating from this point of light. It exploded into an ellipsoidal field in an instant.

This ellipsoid-shaped field is gray-green and densely covered with white chemical formula patterns, which obviously comes from Yaskin's power.

"It's over? It's indeed over, but it's you who ended it!"

At this time, Yaskin's figure appeared in front of Ulquiorra again, with a proud smile on his face.

"Since the so-called void can swallow everything, then I only need to create toxins that can decompose the void. Under my "God's Poison Domain", your rules are nothing more than this! "

While Yaskin was speaking, these gray-green light spots appeared on Ulquiorra opposite him, and these light spots were gradually decomposing his body.

However, in just a few seconds, Ulquiorra's body had been decomposed into only the head and chest.

It turns out that when the green toxins just burst out, the vortex of void created by Urukiorra around his body was not able to defend against these toxins, causing his own body to be poisoned by these toxins that are so poisonous that they can decompose almost all substances. Contaminated.

When Yaskin finished speaking, the remaining body parts of Ulquiorra in front of him had been completely decomposed by the poison.

But at the last moment when his body disappeared, the calm look in his eyes still made Yaskin feel a little uneasy, as if the other party had some backup plan that he hadn't used yet.

After waiting on the spot for about a minute, Yaskin discovered that Ulquiorra had indeed been completely eliminated by him, and even the last trace of spiritual pressure had disappeared.

"Hahahaha! As expected, my ability is more deadly!"

Yaskin threw his head up and laughed happily. Nothing made him happier than being able to defeat such a powerful opponent, and it also made him more convinced that his power was invincible.

"what are you laughing at?"

Just when Yaskin was extremely proud, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and he could tell that this voice was the Ulquiorra who should have been killed by him just now.

After hearing Ulquiorra's voice, Yaskin's laughter stopped abruptly, and the proud smile froze on his face.

He looked around in panic, and at the same time he mobilized his spiritual pressure to sense his surroundings, but he didn't find anyone near him.

At this time, his "God's Poison Domain" is still maintained. In this domain, no one except him should be able to survive.

"Urquiorra, where are you! No, you should be dead!"

The enemy was clearly there but could not be discovered, which made Yaskin unable to remain calm at all.

He looked around in panic, trying to find Ulquiorra's existence, but he still couldn't find any clues.

"Death? I am nothingness, how can you kill a life that does not exist in the first place?"

Ulquiorra's voice sounded again, but this time as his words fell, the surrounding environment also changed strangely.

Yaskin found that everything around him except himself had turned into only two colors: black and white, and the whole world seemed to have frozen, as if it were an old black-and-white photo.

A black hole slowly appeared in front of Yaskin's eyes, and then the person he least expected to see walked out of it, it was Ulquiorra.

At this time, Urquiora's form changed again. The pair of black bat wings on his back turned into two pairs of black wings, and the demon horns on his head turned into burning black flames, surrounding him in a ring, as if dyed black. Like a ring of angels.

The moment he appeared, a white sun appeared in the sky in this static world of black and white, and the dazzling white light enveloped him, making him look like a god.

At this time, Urquiorra has completed the three-stage return form. This is also the only three-stage return form among all Arrancars currently!

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! !


There is a picture of the Ten Blades of Collapse in the top post of the author's book club, which serves as a reference image for the multi-stage return of the Ten Blades in this book. Interested book friends can take a look!

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