The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 423 Yhwach vs. Team Zero

"Hasward, I didn't expect that he could defeat you. It seems that he is indeed my biggest enemy on this trip. There will still be risks in fighting him before absorbing the power of the Spirit King. Now I have to deal with the Spirit King as soon as possible. king!"

Yhwach never thought that anyone besides him could defeat Hasward in this world, which also made him even more wary of Yusuke.

At this time, Yhwach was already standing in front of the Reiban Li Palace in the Soul King Palace. This was also the last line of defense of the Soul King Palace.

Since Yhwach used the King Key to directly enter the Soul King's Palace, the protective barrier was not damaged in any way, and the buildings belonging to the Soul King's Palace would not appear in Soul Society.

This also means that people from the outside world have no idea that the Soul King's palace has been invaded, and they cannot enter the Soul King's palace for assistance at all.

"He who comes is stopped."

Just as Yohabach was walking towards the Soul King's Palace step by step, five figures suddenly appeared around him.

The five people are all different in height, short, fat and thin, and they are all wearing white captain Yuori.

However, behind their haori is not the squad numbers from one to thirteen that ordinary Shinigami know, but the word "zero".

These five people are the five members of the Zero Squadron, namely the captain "Eye Monk" Ichibei Ichibei, "Tani King" Hikifune Kiryu, "Izumi Oni" Kirinji Tenshiro, and "Oori Mamoru" Shutara Senjumaru and the "Sword God" Nikaiya Oue.

As members of Team Zero, each of them has at least one of the best spiritual pressures among the captains of the Gotei Thirteen Teams, and each of them has at least one ability that has reached its ultimate level in the realm of the Shinigami.

Among them, the captain of the army, Ichibei, has a spiritual pressure comparable to that of the former captain Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, and the two have never decided the winner.

At their level of strength, if they want to determine the winner, the result will inevitably be life and death or even death together.

Such a lineup of five powerful Shinigami is unique in the entire Shinigami world.

If it weren't for the holy writing abilities of Yhwach and his subordinate Quincy, which cannot be explained by their strength, no one would have been able to break through the guards of Reiban Lidian!

"Monk Eye, you don't seem to have made any progress after not seeing you for a thousand years." Youhabach said looking at Monk Eye in front of him.

Although the other members of Division Zero beside him were all extremely strong men in Soul Society, the only one who posed a threat in his eyes was the humble monk in front of him.

The monk's eyes were as wide as a pair of bells, looking very scary.

A string of rosewood rosary beads hung around his neck, an unusually thick black beard hung down on his chest, and a huge writing brush was slung behind his back.

After hearing what Youhabach said, Monk Yan just said with a murderous look on his face: "Youhabach, since you came here to die on your own, it saves me from having to worry about you showing up again one day."

Yhwach raised his head and looked at the Soul King's Palace suspended behind the Zero Banli Hall, and his eyes seemed to see the Soul King in it.

"Do you think you can stop me with your strength?" Yhwach said in a calm tone.

Monk Yan and the other four members of the Zero Division did not speak. At this time, powerful spiritual pressure burst out from their bodies, and they directly answered Yhwach's question with actions.

In just a moment, there was a strange piece of clothing on Yohabach that wrapped around his body and shrank tightly together. This piece of clothing only left his head outside.

"This piece of clothing has a sealed spiritual pressure that is dozens of times more powerful than the spiritual flail. Anyone caught in such a piece of clothing will not be able to break free. I don't know if such a mourning dress can satisfy you. Woolen cloth?"

The speaker is "Oori Mamoru" Senjumaru. She is the inventor of the Death Overlord Clothing. She can weave clothes on the enemy's body that can seal spiritual power in an instant. She is extremely good at controlling the enemy.

"Senjumaru, I don't think this mourning dress is very good. Personally, I prefer the black one. If the white one is stained red by blood, will others think it is a wedding dress instead of a mourning dress?"

At this time, a thin black man wearing a down vest, hip-hop style glasses, and an afro stood behind Youhabach. The knife in his hand was placed across Youhabach's throat, with a smile on his face. He said to Senjumaru with interest.

This man is the "Sword God" Nikaiya Oue, the man who single-handedly created all the "Shallow Fighters" in Soul Society. He can be regarded as a treasure in Soul Society and the most valuable Shinigami.

Although Nigeya Oue is a Zanpakutō master, his swordsmanship is also outstanding. Coupled with the sharpest Zanpakutō "Sheath Fu" in Soul Society in his hand, there are only a handful of Shinigami who can defeat him head-on.

At this time, dozens of thick green vines grew out from the feet of a fat aunt with long pink hair carrying a huge spoon at the edge of the Zero Division, forming a huge birdcage-like barrier around it, surrounding Youhabach. And all five members of the Zero Division were shrouded in it.

This birdcage barrier is called "Birth". It is an extremely difficult sealing barrier. Not only is its own vitality extremely powerful, it can also absorb the spiritual power of the trapped person and all the spiritual power that attacks it to repair itself.

The person who used this move was Hikifune Kiryu, the "Tani King" in the Zero Division. She was Urahara Kisuke's former captain of the 12th Division and the original inventor of Gihun Pill.

"Now that the mourning clothes are ready, let me prepare the cemetery for you. I believe you will not refuse such a green and environmentally friendly cemetery, right?" Hikifune Kiryu said with a smile.

At this time, her image suddenly changed, from a fat aunt to a sexy royal sister.

It turned out that Hikifune Kiryu's spiritual pressure was too powerful, so he invented a technique to store his spiritual pressure as fat.

The "childbirth" barrier just consumed a lot of spiritual energy and also consumed a lot of fat, and her body suddenly lost weight.

The monk looked at Yhwach who had been controlled, and slowly took off his big brush from his back. This writing brush is called "Ichimonji" and is actually the zanpakutō of Eye Monk.

"Then Yhwach, let me write your epitaph! How about I write "Yhwach the Despicable"?" "

While the eye monk was speaking, the Zanpakutō in the form of a brush in his hand directly activated the swastika and turned into a snow-white brush.

The name of this Zanpakuto is "Hakubi Ichimonji"!

At this time, except for Kirinji Tenshiro, the "Quen Tang Ghost" who was responsible for the treatment, the others in the Zero Squadron all launched attacks on Yhwach.

With a pull of the needle and thread in Senjumaru's hand, the white clothes sewn outside Yhwach's body were tightened to the limit. Not only did Yhwach's body become distorted and deformed, but even his spiritual power could not be restrained from flowing outward.

Hikifune Kiryu manipulated the green vines on the "birth" barrier to wrap around Yhwach from below, and then frantically absorbed Yhwach's spiritual power.

The vines on the "Original" barrier not only became stronger, but also grew branches and green leaves, and even eventually bloomed huge flowers.

The spiritual power in Yhwach's body was so powerful that Kiryu Hikifune was filled with admiration. This was the first time she had absorbed such pure spiritual power.

"Sword God" Nikaiya Ouetsu slashed out his Zanpakutō horizontally, directly slicing Yhwach's neck.

Because his Zanpakuto was too sharp and smooth, not even a trace of scar could be seen after cutting off Yhwach's revelation, and even the blood in the blood vessels and the air in the trachea could still flow normally.

Finally, Monk Eye waved the white brush in his hand in the direction of Yhwach. The tip of the brush was instantly blackened by ink from an unknown source, and he slowly wrote the two characters "Black Ant" in the air. .

After Monk Eye finished writing, the two words flew to Youhabach and were imprinted on his body.

"Yhwach, no, it should be said to be a black ant. My words have erased your former name and power. From now on, there will no longer be a person like Yhwach in the world. Some are just as humble and insignificant as black ants." And you are not worth mentioning." Monk Yan said slowly.

As Monk Eye described, this is the most powerful secret of his Zanpakutō "White Pen Ichimonji", which erases other people's names and powers, and then gives new names and powers.

As long as he relies on this pen in his hand, Monk Eye can turn a weak and penniless man into a strong man standing on the top of the world, and he can also make a strong man who was originally infinitely famous become as humble as an ant in an instant!

Just when everyone in Team Zero thought that everything was over, Yhwach, who looked broken and in a state of embarrassment, slowly spoke.

"Is this your ridiculous power?"

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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