The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 426 Omniscient and Omnipotent

Although Yhwach was beaten to a pulp, Yusuke did not think that he would be killed so easily.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Yhwach's figure appeared directly behind Yusuke and wanted to sneak attack Yusuke from behind.

But because the moon in the sky reflects the pupil of Yusuke's left eye, Yusuke, who has a God's perspective, will not be attacked by such a sneak attack.

Pulling out the Ryuken Wakahu from his waist, Yusuke dodged while holding the blade in his right hand and stabbed backwards, directly hitting Yhwach's chest.

Yhwach, who was stabbed by the blade like fire, groaned, and his body ignited with blazing flames from the inside out, burning his body to death.

"Yhwach, I know that you have near-immortal power. But if that's all you have, then I'm afraid you may be killed directly the next time you appear in front of me." Yusuke said calmly. said.

Until now, Yusuke has not used too much power, and now the feeling of Yhwach on him is even far inferior to that of Hasward who just fought. This is a very abnormal phenomenon.

After Yusuke's words fell, another wisp of black spiritual power slowly condensed in front of his eyes, converging into the shape of Yhwach.

"I was just observing your ability just now. It seems that the eye in the sky can not only provide you with vision, but can even activate spells and even create illusions through spiritual pressure. The reason why the spiritual pressure light bomb I saw is not from Hitting me head-on but appearing from above, this is the power of your eyes, right?" Yhwach said slowly.

Yusuke smiled and said: "Aren't you "omniscient and omnipotent"? Then why are there still doubts? "

Yhwach also heard the irony in Yusuke's words. He snorted coldly: "In that case, let me show you the power of omniscience and omnipotence!"

Raising his hands high, Yhwach's body exuded a powerful spiritual pressure, as if he was preparing some ability.

A cold light flashed in Yusuke's eyes, he would not give the enemy a chance to prepare a big move.

"Broken Dao No. 90: Black Coffin."

A huge black coffin appeared directly behind Youhabach, and a black coffin lid also appeared in front of him. The two slowly approached Youhabach, trying to seal him in the coffin.

After the black coffin seals the target, it is not just a simple seal. The black coffin is filled with crosses composed of sharp blades with powerful destructive power. These crosses will pierce the target's body and destroy the target's spiritual power, causing extremely huge damage. s damage.

This is also the reason why "Black Coffin" is classified in the broken path instead of the bound path!

Just when the black coffin was about to close, a circle of spirit shields expanded outward from Yhwach's body, completely shattering the extremely strong black coffin.

These spirit children are one of Yhwach's most powerful defensive abilities, called "Shell Static Blood Equipment".

When other Quincy activate the "Static Blood Armor", they can only cover the surface of their body to enhance their defense, but Yhwach can form a barrier with the spirit sons of the Static Blood Armor, and can counterattack all enemies who attack him. It can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

Upon seeing this, Yusuke immediately activated his swastika, and the Ryuken Wakahara in his hand turned into the dark residual fire Taito Rising Sun Blade.

In order to maximize the power, Yusuke directly activated the power of the Hollow, a black Hollow mask appeared, and pale flames appeared in his eyes.

"The Three Styles of the Residual Fire Taishou: Sun Eclipse Blade!"

After being strengthened by the Cang Yan, the jet-black blade of the residual fire sword turned pale. When it touched Yhwach's outer shell, the white flames instantly burned these defensive spirits into nothingness.

However, at this time, Yhwach seemed to have prepared his own moves. Powerful spiritual pressure burst out from his body, forcing even Yusuke to retreat.

I saw a huge pillar of spiritual energy surrounding the Star Cross rising straight into the sky, and then countless spiritual beings descended from the sky.

At this moment, the surrounding environment began to change. Whether it was the Soul King Ouchi or the Seireitei below, all the buildings gradually faded, and a spiritual pressure aura that did not belong to the Soul Society began to slowly rise.

In the shocked eyes of everyone in Soul Society, Seireitei and Soul King Ouchi completely disappeared. Except for the Soul King Palace that was still suspended, the surrounding environment turned into an ice palace that they had never seen before.

This ice palace is the invisible empire hidden in the shadow of Seireitei!

"From now on, this palace is the center of the world, and I, Yhwach, am the omniscient and omnipotent supreme god!"

Yhwach roared, and a group of dark spirits surged out of his body, integrating with the black clothes on his body and the black cloak behind his back, making him look as if he was made of black spirits.

After these black spirit seeds appeared, they quickly continued to flood into Yhwach's head, dyeing the upper half of his cheeks black, and his eyes and eyebrows were swallowed by these black spirit seeds. At the same time, three strange eyes appeared on the above his forehead.

Seeing the form of Yhwach at this time, Yusuke, as a time traveler, knew that this was the complete form of his strongest power, "omniscience and omnipotence"!

It's just that during the thousand-year bloody battle, Yhwach took the power of the Spirit King and then transformed into this form, with seven all-knowing eyes on his forehead.

Yhwach has not yet been able to absorb the power of the Soul King, and because of the Ring of Soul Control, the power of most of the Quincy in the Invisible Empire has not been able to return to his body. At this time, there are only three on his face. The omniscient eye has obviously been weakened a lot in power.

The three omniscient eyes on Yhwach's face simultaneously turned to look at Yusuke: "Do you know this is..."

"I know, this is the complete form of omniscience and omnipotence. It doesn't seem to be as powerful as I imagined."

Before Yhwach could finish speaking, Yusuke interrupted him.

Feeling the growing murderous intent on Yhwach, Yusuke continued to smile and said: "It seems that I know more things than you, who are all-knowing and omnipotent!"

Yhwach roared angrily, and a huge black hand descended from the sky and grabbed it in Yusuke's direction.

"Power taken away!"

After the huge black palm appeared, Yusuke could feel an invisible force restraining his spiritual pressure. At the same time, the spiritual power in his body was rapidly losing, but he was completely unable to stop this loss of spiritual power.

"How about it? Do you feel very powerless? No matter how powerful you are, under the power of omniscience and omnipotence, there is no room for resistance."

Yohabach spoke slowly. Although his voice was calm at this time, Yusuke could still feel the hidden pride in it.

Since Yusuke appeared, his language showed disapproval of Yhwach's so-called "omniscience and omnipotence" power, which made Yhwach always unhappy.

Now using the power of omniscience and omnipotence to deprive the opponent of his spiritual pressure, this made Yhwach feel sulky.

However, he soon discovered that Yusuke in front of him did not seem to be panicked, and his expression was still calm, as if being deprived of power was not a terrible thing.

"Sure enough, such an ability is really unreasonable. No matter how powerful the spiritual pressure is, it is impossible to oppose such an ability." Yusuke said with a smile.

The corners of Yhwach's lips raised slightly: "Do you want to ask for mercy now? If you kneel down now, it's not like I can't spare your life."

Of course, Yhwach would not be so soft-hearted as to let his enemy go, but he did not mind playing tricks on this powerful enemy that he had once been somewhat afraid of.

"Yhwach, it seems that even if you have omniscience and omnipotence, you can't see any future at all!"

While Yusuke was speaking, a space vortex appeared behind him, and three figures walked out of the space vortex.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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