The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 50 Planning Uchiha

At this time, the proud expression on Sasuke's face had not had time to switch, and his eyes were full of shock.


"My noble Uchiha Sasuke was defeated by this humble outsider!" Sasuke, who was wrapped in snow and couldn't move, couldn't accept this reality for a moment.

Seeing that Sasuke was defeated by a seemingly ordinary Yotai move, all the children watching were stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Sasuke, who was so impressive one second, would be subdued the next.

At this time, a group of little girls reacted and immediately stepped forward to help Sasuke remove the snow from his body.

Naruto scratched his head. He didn't expect that his friend would deal with that stinky Sasuke so easily.

The reason why Youta was able to defeat Sasuke so easily was because he had a very powerful blood inheritance limit-controlling the weather!

Due to his young age, Yuta is not yet proficient in controlling the weather, so he often activates the Blood Succession Limit ability based on his emotions. For example, when you are too happy, the weather nearby will become very sunny; while when you are too sad, it will rain heavily nearby.

Regarding the power of weather, Yutai can perform micro-control. For example, the rain is concentrated in a very small area to attack the enemy, so that the enemy will be directly overwhelmed by the huge amount of rain and unable to stand.

And precisely because of Yuta's powerful talent, like Kimimaro, he also has an incurable blood disease. If he had not met Tsunade and Kabuto, Yota would have died at about the same age as in the original work, and was later resurrected by Orochimaru experimenting with the technique of "dirty soil reincarnation".

At this time, Itachi under the tree not far away slowly turned his head to look at Kabuto aside, but there seemed to be a trace of murderous intent hidden in Furui Muha's eyes. After all, Yuta, who had taught his precious brother a lesson, was now being cared for by Kabuto.

Kabuto, who was being watched by Itachi, pretended not to notice and pushed up his glasses, but a drop of cold sweat slowly dripped down his forehead.

When Izumi saw this, she covered her mouth with her hands to suppress her laughter.

At the same time, in Sandai's office.

"Sarutobi, I received news that the Uchiha clan is already planning a coup."

"The current situation is urgent and we must respond immediately!"

Danzo sat across from Sandai and said in a deep voice.

At this time, the third generation also frowned and said slowly: "I also heard from Shisui. The radicals within the Uchiha clan do have some ideas, but they have not yet reached the stage of a coup."

"It is not appropriate for us to take drastic measures now, as this will more easily intensify the conflict with the Uchiha clan."

Danzo was furious when he heard this and shouted: "Huh, Sarutobi Hiruzen, it is because of your indecisiveness that you have created this situation."

"What is gradually weakening the Uchiha clan and disintegrating their power bit by bit? This method will not work at all!"

"Although I hate Uchiha very much, I have to admit that this family is indeed blessed with an endless supply of masters. Not to mention Uchiha Yusuke, there are also masters among the younger generations of their family."

"Your plan to rely on Shisui to recruit Uchiha Itachi to ANBU has also failed. If something unexpected happens to Shisui and is out of your control, do you think we will still be the Uchiha clan's opponents now?"

When Danzo said this, he couldn't help but think of a conflict he had with Yusuke a year ago.

At that time, the Root Organization discovered a child with a powerful bloodline that could control the weather, and Danzo ordered people to bring the child to the Root Organization.

It's a pity that the root organization personnel sent returned without success, because the child actually stayed with the Uchiha clan, and even temporarily lived in Yusuke's home.

After learning this information, Danzo was unwilling to give up the child, and even personally prepared to take him away by force.

However, after arriving at the Uchiha clan and meeting Yusuke, he realized that Yusuke at that time was no longer an opponent that the Root Organization could handle!

When the two parties were confronting each other, the aura exuded by Uchiha Yusuke was so overwhelming that he and all the ninjas present could not resist it. The shock that seemed to come from the soul level made him completely lose the courage to rob people.

In fact, at that stage, Yusuke had already mastered the ability to release spiritual pressure, and it was in this way that Yusuke intimidated Danzo so that he did not dare to act rashly.

The third generation also knew about this incident. Originally, he thought that if Danzo personally went to the Uchiha Clan's headquarters, he would be able to succeed, but he didn't expect that Danzo would give up in the end.

Later, when I asked Danzo what happened, Danzo did not tell the real reason why he was so scared at the time. He just gave a perfunctory explanation that he did not want to have a large-scale conflict with the Uchiha clan for the time being.

After hearing Danzo's analysis of the strength of the Uchiha clan, the third generation adjusted his sitting posture, leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

After a while, Sandai opened his eyes and said slowly: "Just use Shisui's eyes to control Fugaku!"

"Although Fugaku's control over the family is no longer enough, he is still the clan leader after all, and his personal strength is also very strong."

"After we can control him, we can then use stronger means to focus on attacking the radical faction within the Uchiha clan."

"No!" Danzo objected at this time.

"Shisui's so-called "other gods" ability has never been used, and the effect of the ability is not sure at all. And once it fails, it will alert the snake and Shisui's identity will be completely exposed. "

Although Danzo said this, what he really considered were three other factors.

First, Danzo was already determined to obtain Shisui's pair of Sharingan eyes, and did not want to use up the "Beltami" which had a very long interval between uses at this time.

Secondly, if Shisui is allowed to use his ability to control Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Fugaku will not obey him, but will obey the orders of the third generation. This will undoubtedly mean nothing to him and Fugaku. And if the Uchiha clan is really classified into the third generation line, it will make it more difficult for him to compete for the position of Hokage in the future.

Thirdly, for Danzo, who hates the Uchiha clan, there is no need for this clan to exist at all, so it would be better to eliminate them completely!

As for Danzo's objection, Sandai thought for a while and felt that it was somewhat reasonable, and then asked: "So do you have any suitable plan here?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Danzo's mouth, and his left eye exposed outside the bandage narrowed, flashing a sharp cold light.

"Of course, as long as you are willing to nod and agree, this plan is absolutely foolproof."

"This cancer of Uchiha will also disappear completely in the ninja world!"

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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