After hearing what ‘Arcane’ said, ‘Radiant’ Alice, ‘Greedy Wolf’ Henge, and the old warrior, the three ‘Lantern Bearers’ looked at each other in silence.

It was because they knew the cruelty of the Overlord that they had the idea of ​​fighting against the Overlord. And because of the constant confrontation with the Overlord, they understood the horror of the Overlord more and more, and the despair in their hearts was growing little by little.

Especially at this moment, when they successfully led the breeding Overlord from ‘T33’ to the ‘Six Ring World’, they found that not only did they fail to help the ‘Six Ring World’ break the dilemma of death, but also accelerated the destruction of the ‘Six Ring World’.

Even Yasli, who had the strongest will among the crowd, couldn’t help but start to doubt whether it was meaningful to fight against the Overlord like her!

Fear and despair spread across the entire battlefield, and even the gorgeous magic ring on the Knowledge Tower seemed to have lost its luster at this moment.

In the air.

Shinji, floating in the sky, didn't care what the people below were thinking. He stared at the meat puppets coming in a mighty way from a distance with disdain on his face.

When he was still at the 'Six Paths Level' and needed to protect the sacred tree, these meat puppets had no effect on him.

Moreover, he had successfully promoted to the 'Bloodline Net' and was no longer the same as before. His strength was a whole level stronger than before, and now the sacred tree was also in his body. Not only did he not need to be distracted to protect it like he did on 'T33', but he could also provide him with chakra continuously.

In this case, the breeding overlord only sent so many meat puppets, which was simply funny to Shinji.

He tilted his head and glanced at the sky: "Is this the limit of the power you can penetrate now? Hey, give some strength!"

As if hearing Shinji's complaints, thunder roared in the sky above his head again.

"If this is your limit, don't embarrass yourself!"

Shinji said while waving his hand casually.

Swish, swish, swish.

Instantly, nine ‘Seeking Dao Jades’ appeared one after another, fell into his palm one by one, and turned into a miniature storm!

It was really an overreaction to continue using ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’ to deal with this level of meat puppets.

But there were too many meat puppets rolling in, layer upon layer, and there was no end in sight. Ordinary techniques really had no way to deal with them, so this time Shinji launched another technique of the Reincarnation Eye, ‘Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’.

This large-scale sweeping technique was only slightly inferior to the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’ in terms of attack power, but the attack surface was larger and wider than the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’, and more suitable for the current scene!


Then, Shinji casually handed the storm in his palm forward.


The storm instantly grew larger, and in the blink of an eye, it became a huge storm that swept the entire world, whistling towards the group of meat puppets.

The already dark world was turned upside down by the ‘Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’.

The huge meat puppets, like mountains, were no different from the ordinary trees and rocks around them in the face of this extinction-type natural disaster. They were swept away by the storm and then completely wiped out, leaving only a mess!

Looking from a very high altitude, the area swept by the ‘Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’ was like a work on canvas being wiped off by a large brush, leaving no trace.

If the scene of Shinji using the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’ to sweep away the meat puppets was shocking to the mages, then the ‘Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’ that Shinji casually launched at this moment swept away the larger and stronger meat puppets, leaving only horror for the mages!

‘Radiant Light’ Alice murmured: “This is a man-made natural disaster.”

‘Greedy Wolf’ Hengo said: “Hey, even the forbidden magic of the Supreme Mage should not be so powerful, right?”

‘Arcane’ nodded dully.

No matter how much he admired the Supreme Mage, at this moment he had to admit that Shinji’s casual attack had far exceeded the Supreme Mage’s full-strength attack!

But this is normal.

The Supreme Mage of the ‘Six Rings World’ is about the same strength as the perfect form of the miko Shion before learning magic, and is very close to the ‘Six Paths Level’.

And now Shinji is ‘Blood Inheritance Net’, which is one level higher than the ‘Six Paths Level’, so if we divide it roughly, now Shinji is actually two levels higher than the Supreme Mage.

So as long as Shinji takes action seriously, anyone with a little vision can see that Shinji’s strength has surpassed the Supreme Mage.

For ‘Arcane’ and others at the moment, the only question is just how much stronger Shinji is than the Supreme Mage!

After a long time, the storm created by the "Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion" finally subsided.

The flesh puppets that were connected and rushed towards the Knowledge Tower like a moving mountain range before, now have disappeared!

The sight is desolate, even the famous mountains and rivers that originally existed near the Knowledge Tower have been wiped out, making the scene in front of us become a bare plain.


Shinji's attack seemed to really anger the breeding overlord who was blocked outside the space barrier. A roaring sound like a roar came from the dome covering the entire land!

The roar seemed to hit the soul directly. For a moment, all the creatures who heard the roar, from the Supreme Storm Mage sitting in the Knowledge Tower to the ants in the cracks in the ground, all fell into a strange state of shock and could not extricate themselves.

Only the ‘lantern bearers’ in the temporary war fortress were in a slightly better situation because they were protected by their own ‘lanterns’.

‘Radiant’ Alice covered her head and said with difficulty: “What was that sound just now?”

Hengge shook his head: “I don’t know!”

His situation was worse, half-kneeling on the ground, and there seemed to be something wrong with the consciousness storage card in the prosthesis, and even his words were a little intermittent.

The old warrior who practiced martial arts and tempered himself had the mildest symptoms. He barely raised his head and looked in the direction of Shinji in the air.

He had a vague premonition that the roar that just penetrated from outside the dome was probably from one of the two overlords of reproduction and plague.

In the air.

Shinji scratched his ears and spat lightly: “Tsk!”

Perhaps it was because of the existence of ‘lantern bearers’ in the ‘six-ring world’, or because the magic rings of the six supreme wizards were working.

In short, the power that the Breeding Overlord can penetrate from the space barrier is very limited, so limited that Shinji, the 'bloodline net', feels bored.

However, this is also a great opportunity for Shinji to test the power of the Overlord, so he provocatively released the breath of the sacred tree, with the purpose of further stimulating the Breeding Overlord and trying to see what the Breeding Overlord can do.

In addition, let's try what choice the Plague Overlord will make in this situation

The second update is here! Please recommend and vote! It's just a small effort, please help!

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