The Remnants of the Uchiha Are Forced To Save the Ninja World

Chapter 27 Forbidden Art That Can Distort Personality

"This pupil technique." After a pause, Shinji showed an expression of "So that's it" on his face: "That makes sense!"

Uchiha Fugaku's right eye pupil art is called "Izanagi no matter".

Whether it is the name or the effect, it is somewhat similar to the famous forbidden technique 'Izanagi' of the Uchiha clan.

simply put.

'Izanagi' is a tampering of fate.

The caster will choose the one that is beneficial to him in the bifurcation of fate, and then graft it to reality to change the fate.

This is a technique that can really warp reality.

So its price is also very high, once it is activated, it will permanently lose a Sharingan, so it is listed as a forbidden technique.

And Fuyue's right eye pupil technique 'Izanaki Ming' is different from 'Izanaki'.

Its effect is to spy on the bifurcation of fate and obtain unknown information from the bifurcation of fate.

That is to say, 'Izanagi Ming' cannot really tamper with fate and distort reality like 'Izanagi'.

Its abilities are more of a peek into events that haven't happened.

For example, when AB confronts each other.

At this moment, fate will have an unknown fork due to changes in subtle environmental factors.

There will be a fork where A and B fight, and there will be a fork where A and B take a step back. Then, it will continue to evolve into a fork where A defeats B, or a fork where B defeats A.

The forbidden technique of "Izanagi" is to distort and rewrite the fork that is not good for oneself.

"Izanagi Ming" is able to spy on some bifurcations of fate before things happen, that is, to spy on a certain possibility that has not happened.

For example, if A has "Izanagi Life", then before fighting with B, he can activate "Izanaki Life" to spy on the success or failure of this fight.

By spying on the future bifurcation of fate in advance, obtain the information of the confrontation that has not yet happened.

If he finds that he has a high probability of losing, then A can avoid fighting and prevent this battle from happening, so as to avoid a fork of fate that is not good for him.

So in the end.

"Izanagi" can really tamper with fate and distort reality. And "Izanagi Ming" can only artificially avoid unfavorable fate by spying on certain information in the future.

After thoroughly understanding the characteristics of the pupil art of "Izanaki Ming", Shinji finally understood the contradictory behavior of Fu Yue in planning the Uchiha rebellion.


In the third Ninja World War, Fuyue, who awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, was ambitious, and felt that the Uchiha clan could finally be proud.

As a result, the fourth generation turned out to be the brightest new star in the third Ninja World War!

He must have used "Izana Giming" against the fourth generation at that time, and found that he was not the fourth generation's opponent at all, so he could only lie dormant honestly.

Even Kakashi, a disciple of the fourth generation, transplanted a sharingan without the permission of the Uchiha clan, and he dared not come forward to forcefully ask for it back.

After the Nine Tails Rebellion, four generations of couples died in battle.

Fuyue must have thought that Uchiha's opportunity had come, and then secretly cast 'Izanagi Ming' on Sandai, or Danzo and other high-level Konoha officials.

From his subsequent contradictory behavior, it is not difficult to speculate that the bifurcation of fate he spied this time may have a winner or loser, or even if he can win, he will have to pay a very heavy price.

Ever since.

The ambition of possessing a kaleidoscope sharingan makes him ready to move, and the fate spied on by "Izanagi Ming" makes him dreadful.

Later contradictions appeared in his behavior.

While actively convening a clan meeting and planning a rebellion, at the same time he was unable to make up his mind and was indecisive.

As for the last genocide night.

He may have also used 'Izanaki Ming' on Itachi, and he was embarrassed to find that this old man couldn't even beat his son.

Perhaps out of the consideration of maintaining the final dignity, or out of consideration of avoiding father and son killing each other and consuming Itachi's power for nothing, he finally chose to admit defeat and gave up resistance.

Thinking of this, Shinji was startled.

At first, after learning about the ability of 'Izanagi Ming', he thought it was a very powerful and even terrifying pupil technique.

After all, information is sometimes priceless.

One can exchange pupil power for future information, even if it is a short piece of information that is very close to the present, if used well, it can almost be regarded as predicting the future.

But when he reviewed Uchiha Fugaku's life, he was horrified to discover that the technique of "Izanagi no Mitsuki" had unknowingly distorted Fugaku's character.

Can be the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and awaken the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Regardless of talent or talent, Uchiha Fugaku should be the leader of the Uchiha clan.

However, after mastering the 'Izanaki Life', the patriarch's performance is simply indescribable.

With top geniuses like Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi successively appearing in the clan, in just seven or eight years, Uchiha, who was a thousand-year-old wealthy family, was sent on the road to extermination of the clan.

"Even if a pig sits in this position, it's impossible to perform worse than Fuyue, right?"

While slandering from the bottom of his heart, Shinji was also secretly vigilant.

Uchiha Fugaku, who awakened the kaleidoscope and wrote Sharingan, uses a more polite word to describe it, that is, looking forward and backward, if you are not polite, then you can only say that he is timid.

This shows that "Izanagi Ming" has subtly influenced and even distorted his character.

It seems that he has obtained the ability to spy on fate and control fate, but in fact, he is more like being entangled in the spider web of fate, and finally turned into a poor man who can't move forward or retreat.

"If I rely too much on this technique, I'm afraid I will become like Uchiha Fugaku in the future, unable to make any decisions, and become a coward who dares to take a step only when there is an option that must win!"

Just imagine.

If Shinji had mastered this technique before, before he forcibly broke into the Anbu building, he would definitely use it on the Anbu on duty, and then come to a prediction that either he cannot win, or the price of winning is extremely high, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Faced with such a situation, would he dare to take that step and break into the Anbu Building?

The same question, with this surgery, does he still have the guts to break into Danzo's root base?

Ask yourself.

If he had spied a fork of fate that was not good for him through "Izanagi Ming", he might not have dared to break into the Anbu Building and Root Base one after another as boldly and cautiously as he is now.

"If you don't have a certain xinxing, you can't control this kind of art that involves fate!"

Shinji sighed softly.

Before, he thought that launching "Izanagi Ming" to spy on fate would cost only the power of the pupils, but now he thinks that in addition to the powers of the pupils, he also has to pay for the courage that cannot be measured by value!

Only then did he realize that 'Izanagi Ming', like 'Izanagi', is actually a forbidden technique with an unbearable price!

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