[Congratulations to the host for establishing their own security group within a month and successfully completing the task. ]

Reward: 100,000 oceans;

a thousand Mauser rifles, 100,000 rounds of ammunition;

three mortars, ten boxes of shells;

Special Chest: One Bronze Chest]

Among these rewards, Shen Hao is still looking forward to the bronze treasure chest, and the things in it are still very attractive.

Although the peace talisman last time could withstand a fatal injury, Shen Hao was not very interested, and he still preferred things like talent.

“Open the Bronze Chest”

Then, Shen Hao only felt that the golden light flashed in front of his eyes.

A bronze chest suddenly appeared with a cheatbook.

Directly flew into Shen Hao’s hands.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Human Yuan Dan Method (Double Cultivation)]

Then, I saw a golden light flash into Shen Hao’s mind.

Shen Hao seemed to have accepted a kind of inheritance.

Taoists believe that people’s aging is due to the loss of their own vitality.

Taoists say that “if you steal from heaven, you die, and if you steal from heaven, you will be born”.

The meaning of this sentence is “due to our daily life and survival, our spirit energy is depleted, and the day and the month are damaged, so that people gradually age and die, this phenomenon is a phenomenon that Taoists like.”

Sky thief.

On the contrary, through cultivation, to become one with the Tao, to adopt the natural aura of heaven and earth, we will have immortality, and this phenomenon is called human theft of the sky.”

The secret book of “Renyuan Dan Law” can achieve the unity of heaven and man and achieve the health preservation effect of “immortality”.

Because they establish a cultivation system in the body, through this system, they can prevent the loss of heaven and earth, sun and moon on themselves, and at the same time, this system also “steals the qi of heaven and earth”, unites with nature and the Tao.

The first layer: through the stilts

It is very simple to open the pulse through the auxiliary method, and the yin vein can be activated in three or five days, and you can be in the furnace (Linxing).

As long as you reach this step, you can do it without losing your own spirit, and you will not be empty.

The second layer: open the white vein.

Also called in “gradual condensation”

This is the secret vein in the Taoist room, the white vein.

Once you reach this level, you can use the double break to practice the Turtle Technique (enlargement)

Because the cultivation of the tortoise art has reached the extreme, it can promote the “furnace” fire, to put it bluntly, it is the hot car stage.

Only in this way can you gradually condense and improve yourself.

The third layer: through the root vein

“The saint breathes to the heel”

Ordinary cultivators simply cannot experience the breath of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and they cannot experience this breath for life.

In the “Renyuan Dan Law”, through the double rest, you can open up this “root vein” from the yin to the heel, this vein is unblocked, and every breath you take has a sense of “to the heel”.

How awesome it is, Shen Hao doesn’t know.

It’s just that as long as it reaches the second layer, the white vein can expand and expand.

You can also not be afraid of female ghosts.

Shen Hao feels that this system is still very intimate, and it is not bad to know what he needs and will send something.

However, this first layer of cultivation must be assisted in cultivation by harvesting the sun’s qi at noon, and it can be cultivated in three days with talent.

Ungifted beings cannot get started.

However, Shen Hao not only has, he has a heavenly reward and diligence, and he will learn everything quickly.

After understanding this “Renyuan Dan Law”, Shen Hao ignored it.

It’s time to take stock of what you’ve gained.

Open Properties Panel

[Host: Shen Hao

Status: Governor of Goose City County

Assets: 480,000 oceans, 1,000 gold bars, 23 boxes of big smoke (230,000 oceans) in Beijing, real estate in Goose City (80,000 oceans)

Special props: a Natal Talisman Basket, a Space Ring, and a Century-old Lightning Strike Mahogany Sword

Wives and concubines: Hu Xueli, Fang Yanyun, Tao Yingying, Bao Shuang, Xing’er, Ren Tingting, Sister Hua, Dong Xiaoyu, Daiyu Qingwenzi

Gifted skills: never forget, heavenly reward

Exercises: “Renyuan Dan Fa”

Weapons: a pistol Luger P08, a motorcycle, ten barrels of gasoline, 31 boxes of melon grenades;

Hanyang made x110, German Mauser rifle X2,000, 300,000 rounds of ammunition, heavy machine gun Maximin MG08: six

Three Type 94 field guns, ten boxes of shells, three mortars, and ten boxes of shells

Separate battalion supplies (550 rifles, 25 pistols, officer staffing.

Equipped with: 6 standard water-cooled heavy machine guns, 30 light machine guns, 2 80mm mortars, 6 60mm mortars, 1 sniper rifle. )

Dead Soldiers: 1100, Li Yunlong]

After taking stock of his wealth, Shen Hao was still very satisfied.

Together with Huang Shilang’s wealth and the wealth rewarded by his own system, not counting arms and other assets, it is almost half a million oceans in cash Shen Hao.

Looking at a lot, in fact, it is really not enough to spend.

At present, there are 1,100 dead soldiers, 1,000 people in the security group, and at least 500 people on the Qinglong Cottage.

A soldier 4 oceans a month. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Six yuan for the squad leader and five yuan for the deputy squad leader, plus the salaries of cadres such as platoon commanders and company commanders, these people must have a high salary.

Eating, drinking, and Lassa, the number of people was almost three thousand.

The minimum monthly expenditure is 20,000 oceans, which is not counting the wear and tear of weekday training, you can’t just kick the right step.

Where can a goose city feed such a large army.

These are not counting other military supplies, clothes, boots and the like.

Now it is not well equipped, and it is a big expense.

500,000 oceans, really not enough to spend.

If you buy a rifle from a little devil, 20,000 will cost you a million oceans.

One cannon costs sixty or seventy thousand oceans, fortunately, Shen Hao has three, and they are all equipment more than ten years later, and they are currently the most advanced.

Now among the tens of thousands of people in a division, one can also be the treasure of the town army.

This shows how profitable the arms business is.

Military salaries vary from place to place, with some high and some low.

The military salary given by Shen Hao is not high, some slightly trained troops, the military salary is 8 fast, Yuan Datou’s elite troops, each of them is fifteen oceans, there is no comparison at all.

Of course, there are also poor places, two oceans a month.

Some people say that it is ten oceans when they recruit soldiers, but they can’t get money when they pay the military salary after a month.

As the saying goes, when a cannon goes off, ten thousand taels of gold.

Those who are soldiers, do not produce, you want to let them create benefits, that’s just a joke, these people you have to spend money on.

It seems that you still have to make money.

It is better to have a stable income of 100,000 oceans a month.

Do you want to continue taking concubines?

Summon all the dead.

Everyone in the security regiment was training.

Suddenly, I heard a burst of footsteps.

Everyone’s gaze froze, and they saw a dark-skinned man with eyes like copper bells, and a pair of tiger eyes scanning the audience.

Looking at it, they subconsciously avoided it.

Zhang Mazi’s heart was shocked (Wang Zhao), so strong momentum.

The person who came was Li Yunlong and a thousand dead soldiers.

Everyone then discovered that the strength of this Lord Shen was so strong, in addition to them, there were actually so many soldiers and horses.

It’s just that so many people don’t have guns in their hands.

However, these people are very disciplined.

Li Yunlong said: “Standing by in place”

At this time, Shen Hao was late.

Seeing Shen Hao appear, everyone immediately stood straight.

With reverence in his eyes.

Shen Hao said: “Li Yunlong is out of line”

“Yes, adult”

Li Yunlong stood up obediently.

Shen Hao introduced: “This is Li Yunlongton, the new head of our Echeng County Security Regiment.

From now on, you will all be under his command.”


Li Yunlong glanced at everyone and said, “Sir, we need equipment”

Shen Hao smiled slightly, and said in his heart: Let your dirt bun open your eyes in a while.

“Li Yunlong took a thousand people to the warehouse to pull all the arms”

“Yes, my lord”

Li Yunlong’s eyes flashed with excitement.

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