After Zhao Er’s accident, Fuhai begged Liu Fangzi, a small part of it was for Zhao Er, and more part was for the false morality in his heart.

This makes him feel that he is still a good person and continues to lie to himself, mostly to achieve his own values.

If you really feel sorry for Zhao Er, why don’t you help Zhao Er when Zhao Er was cut off after the incident.

Zhao Er didn’t come to him for a long time, he wouldn’t take the initiative to come to the door to help take care of his crippled brother.

In the end, it was Zhao Er who came to the door by himself, only to apologize and say that he had misunderstood him.

People like Fuhai are disgusting in Shen Hao’s heart, and when a bitch sets up a archway, it is similar to the second dog who pulls a rickshaw in Shen Hao’s courtyard.

Zhao Er’s family was broken, but he didn’t help at all, so he went to Liu Fangzi and bowed his head, still to avoid his conscience condemning

But the daughter-in-law ran away with her brother, leaving her to search for death and life.

Fortunately, with the help of Zhao Er, he survived.

He can’t make money, can’t support his family, Zhao Er helps him, and he is still unhappy in his heart.

I was afraid that others would look up at Zhao Er and look down on him. Inexplicable anger.

At the end, the Fuhai family, Fuhai’s son (who became the small head of our party), stood on the position of the so-called righteous annihilation of relatives, personally killed his third uncle Zhao Er who hurt him when he was a child, and sent Zhao Er to the guillotine.

And heavenly reason?

Some people say that Fuhai admits death, pure nonsense, if he really admits it, when he was a patrolman, he had already seen a lot of things.

Those who are really clean and reasonable, have long resigned and do not do it, or they are serious to the end.

Once in the play, Fuhai became the person in charge of the film, and began to pretend to be high, and the money that others honored was still pretending not to receive.

To do your own set, and as a result, to get rid of the job, is purely harmful to others and to the detriment of yourself, which is stupid and bad.

People like Fuhai, Shen Hao can’t look at it the most, and he should stay away.

It’s not just a nest of decadence.

The way a man should look is not visible on him. When he was angry with others, he did not dare to fight back, but slapped his own child.

When Liu Fangzi gained power, he said that he hated it, but when he needed it, he used his brother Liu Fangzi’s guilt and friendship to ask him to do something.

In the face of people with a lower status than him, he also looks condescending, nodding in the face of power and turning around and scolding the street.

Sleep with the Rigger who saved him, after sleeping with his pants and not admitting it, instinctively evading responsibility.

His stupidity hurt many people around him.

The three brothers, Liu Fangzi will stop at nothing for money, but he has feelings and a bottom line.

Handout, the only mistake in this life may be eloping with Fuhai’s woman.

Fuhai himself couldn’t figure out that the person who abducted his wife was his senior brother and his brother Liu Fangzi.

Because of the long black, everyone called him “Kuroko”.

This sunspot is not as handsome as Fuhai, nor is Fuhai capable, nor does he have a house.

Fuhai was sad and confused, he spent his whole life not to figure out what his wife and eldest sister liked Kuroko.

First of all, in Shen Hao’s view, the two people and three views are incompatible.

Fuhai is a person who is content with the status quo and lives a dull life, year after year, day after day, without the slightest bit of fun, enjoying himself without considering the feelings of the people around him.

And his wife is not a woman who is content with the status quo, not satisfied with the current state of life, and whoever is good to her will follow whom.

The first thing I saw was Zhao Er.

Secondly, the seduction of the scumbag Liu Fangzi, Liu Fangzi is not a man who is content with the status quo.

He doesn’t want to live an ordinary life, and he can do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

But this can often bring freshness to the eldest sister, which is a fatal attraction for a woman who longs to go out and see the world.

Third, when women pursue ideal love, most of them are irrational and very high-end.

Because his wife ran away with his eldest brother, Fuhai hated Liu Fangzi for the rest of his life.

In Shen Hao’s view, the values for women are different.

Fuhai belongs to ordinary people and treats women as treasures.

Liu Fangzi hooked up with Fuhai’s wife and eldest sister, the essence is that Liu Fangzi never regards women as family wives.

Instead, treat a woman’s wife as a plaything.

People like Liu Fangzi have never treated any woman as a woman, and all women are playthings.

In Liu Fangzi’s view, he hooks up with his brother’s plaything as long as he compensates his brother for a new plaything, and he can’t compensate his brother for five playthings.

In order to make up for his guilt, in the play, on Liu Fangzi’s wedding day, when he was in the cave room, he gave his newly married beautiful daughter-in-law to Fuhai to play for half a month.

People like Liu Fangzi belong to Qixiong, and their values are completely different from Fuhai.

Zhao Er’s person is between Liu Fangzi and Fuhai, Zhao Er’s attitude towards his daughter-in-law is between his wife and a plaything, anyway, Zhao Er is an ordinary person.

In the end, Fuhai’s newly married wife Rui Girl, as well as his daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, were all killed by the Japanese army.

Only he and his little grandson remained.

Fuhai did not dare to take revenge.

On the other hand, Liu Fangzi is really flesh and blood, in order to repay the favor of abducting Fuhai’s wife, he entered the Japanese headquarters with a pistol, killed Fuhai’s enemies, and avenged Fuhai’s family, and Liu Fangfang himself was also killed.

In Shen Hao’s heart, Fuhai is a pure bad person, but he thinks he is a good person.

It seems that he abides by the so-called benevolent and righteous morality, one duty at a time, but harms others but is not good for himself, in the final analysis, because he believes in the so-called “morality”.

After reading Zhou Shuren’s article, I know that feudal morality is just cannibalism.

Fuhai is just following feudal morality to do evil, and has no alarm about his so-called suffering.

Zhang Guoli really starred in his true colors, playing Fuhai to the fullest, Zhao Er, Liu Fangzi have brothers like Fuhai really poured eight lifetimes of blood mold.

With the plot flashing in his mind, Shen Hao looked at Fuhai more and more disgusted.

Can’t help but kick again.

“Junye, I really don’t know where Zhao Er is.”

Shen Hao sneered, “I really don’t know, right.”

“I really don’t know”

“It just so happened that the chief asked us to arrest a few strong men to become soldiers, the recent war in the south has been tight, I see that your kid is burly and powerful and a good seedling…”

Before Shen Hao’s words fell, Fu Hai hurriedly interrupted:

“Don’t, don’t be Junye, I know where Zhao Er is, Zhao Er is in my house, I came back late last night, and I’m still sleeping.”

Seeing this, Shen Hao sneered, sure enough, the dog thing was extremely hypocritical.

Shen Hao said coldly: “No, I must arrest you to become a soldier now, follow President Yuan, you will not worry about eating fragrant and spicy in the future.”

As soon as these words came out, Fu Hai was frightened and his heart clicked, and his face was as pale as paper.

“Jun Ye don’t want it, Jun Ye, you spared me this time, please let me go, I haven’t married my wife yet.”

Shen Hao said: “I heard that you still smoke a lot, but President Yuan has issued a smoking ban, I think it’s really a pity that you don’t go to the army.”

Hearing this, Fuhai’s back was full of cold sweat, and he hurriedly took out ten oceans from his pocket and handed them to Shen Hao: “Junye, please spare me, these oceans should honor you.”

Shen Hao took the ocean and weighed it in his hand: “Just this little money, is it enough to stuff your teeth?”

If none of our three brothers are enough points, we will report to the director if we are not honest.”

“Junye, I still have five oceans in my store, it’s all my worth, it’s really gone” Fuhai begged for a while.

Seeing this, Shen Hao was satisfied: “Take it out, you will have this thing over, you can’t take it out, and you’re not finished.”

This attitude clearly means that you will become a soldier without giving money.

Fuhai is greedy for life and afraid of death, and he will not become a soldier when he plays, and it is too terrifying for him to be a soldier to fight.

Bullying people like Fuhai, Shen Hao not only did not feel guilty in his heart, but was very comfortable.

When watching TV, I see that this guy is not good, damn white-eyed wolf, the whole family is white-eyed wolf.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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