The wasp was a little surprised, he didn’t expect this Shen Hao to be so powerful.

“If Shen Hao invited you to join, do you want it or not, I think that Shen Hao is a reasonable person, not some indiscriminate killing of innocents.”

Following Shen Hao is much more promising than this Cao Ying, who smokes a lot and goes to a brothel to kill innocents.

This kind of indiscriminate killing of innocents and visionaries will be finished sooner or later.”

Hearing this, Zhang Yi was silent.

They had seen Shen Hao and did not dare to assert the authenticity of the wasp’s words.

It is impossible to be convincing with just one sentence.

Looking at the silent Zhang Yi, the wasp waved his hand and said: “Okay, I released that young marshal, you don’t let your soldiers mess around”

Zhang Yi nodded and said, “As long as you can release Cao Shaoshuai, I won’t kill indiscriminately, I can guarantee this~.” ”

The wasp returned to Pucheng again, and it was already dark.

However, he did not rush to save people, but – he found Shen Hao.

“Brigadier Shen?”

Shen Hao looked at the wasp and wondered, “Didn’t you leave, why did you come back again?” ”

The wasp didn’t talk nonsense, and looked at Shen Hao seriously: “Before you said that I was a company commander, is it still counted?” ”

Shen Hao nodded and said, “Of course, forget it, I like a person with a sense of justice like you.”

The wasp waved his hand and said, “Okay, don’t put a high hat on me, it’s not impossible for me to be your company commander.”

However, there is one condition”

Shen Hao was a little surprised: “Oh, then you tell me, what are your conditions”

Ma Bee said, “My condition is that my senior brother Zhang Yi also joins your team, and the position cannot be lower than his current position”

Hearing this, Shen Hao’s heart moved.

Another task of the system is to recruit 10,000 well-trained soldiers.

And this Zhang is also the colonel regiment commander.

The key is ambitious, not Madonna.

This is much stronger than a wasp.

The wasp is more like Ling Hu Chong, but the sense of justice does not care.

Shen Hao said: “Of course there is no problem, as long as he is willing to come, or give him the position of regiment leader”

Shen Hao was ready to form an independent brigade of 10,000 people, with at least four regiments.

Of course, the more the merrier.

The wasp nodded and said, “Then I will thank my senior brother Zhang Yi.”

Okay, I’ll go and release that Young Marshal Cao, save him an excuse to kill innocents.”

Shen Hao said with a smile: “It’s useless, you just let him go and won’t come out, the reason why he stayed is to see the Pucheng people themselves are afraid of infighting, this kind of people take pleasure in killing people.”

You just let him go, and he won’t come out. ”

The wasp said, “How do you know if you don’t try?”

After speaking, the figure quickly disappeared into the night.

Soon came to the dungeon.

While pretending to open the lock, the wasp said: “Young marshal, wake up no, I was sent by Colonel Zhang to rescue you”

As soon as Cao Shaoxuan looked at the wasp, he knew that this guy made it up.

He smiled sarcastically and did not speak.

Immediately, the wasp asked again: “Young Marshal asked you a question, I will rescue you, will you let go of the people of Pucheng?” ”

Cao Shaoxuan nodded hurriedly, and the smile on his face was particularly perverted.

The wasp snorted coldly: “Bah, you are stupid for me, you have killed so many people, and your clothes are still white, so your heart must be black”

Cao Shaoxuan leaned on the corner of the wall and said lightly: “You can’t let go?” ”

Wasp shook his head and said, “Another dog officer”

Then there was a sound of footsteps, and the wasp looked back.

I saw Yang Kenan, the commander of the defense regiment, standing at the door.

Without saying a word, he threw the key to the wasp.

With a wink, he motioned for the wasp to open the door.

Cao Shaoxuan shook his head playfully, indicating that it was difficult for Yang Ke to open the door, you can’t.

The wasp looked at Yang Kenan.

“It seems that he wants you to release him personally”

After speaking, he returned the key to Yang Kenan.

Taking the key and hanging it around his waist, Yang Ke said: “You understand now, he doesn’t care about whether he can let him go, in fact, what he likes is killing.”

If you release him now, it will be equivalent to giving him your life unconditionally.

I only hope that this Cao Ying will be destroyed by others, and the people of Napu City will be saved.”

Cao Shaoxuan said arrogantly: “I can see it thoroughly, but is it useful?”

What you see through is death, and what you can’t see through is death. ”

After speaking, he looked at the night sky and said again: “Oh, it’s almost dawn.”

Then, Cao Shaoxuan’s gaze looked at the wasp again, and said lightly: “I don’t know who you are, but I will accompany you if you want to play this game.” ”

After speaking, he pouted and kissed the wasp.

“Oh yes… Hahahaha”

The wasp looked at the smiling perverted Cao Shaofeng with goosebumps.

“You walk and see, someone will clean you up”

After saying that, the wasp left, and he went to find his senior brother.

At this time, Boss Liu united with everyone and began to target Yang Ke.

Lobbying Deputy Commander A Liao led Yang Kenan to the wooden bridge.

“Commander, Boss Liu has a way to solve this crisis”

Yang Ke said sarcastically: “The way is to let me release Cao Shaoxuan? ”

“Cao Shaoxuan’s father is Cao Ying, who controls tens of thousands of people, we can’t afford to mess with ah, two brothers have died, and the next one is you”

“As a guard regiment, you let me release the murderer? I didn’t expect you to be scared first.”

“I’m not afraid, I’m saving you, I gave you thirty years, when was you afraid of being born into death? I’m saving you.”

“I’m a land protector, can I be black and white?”

“I know, I know, but is it worth it to die so many people for one Cao Shaoxuan, you ask those villagers and elders, ask what they think.”

They want neither righteousness nor justice, but only a peaceful life.”

After speaking, Alyo knelt on the ground.

“The more afraid I am that I will only die a miserable death, and I can’t escape it.”

Anyone dies, so what we die must be worthwhile, and there are always things to do. ”

At this time, Yang Kenan was surrounded, it was Boss Liu’s nursing home.

Yang Kenan understood that this Boss Liu’s solution was to kill Yang Kenan.

Although he was surrounded, Yang Kenan’s braiding method was brilliant, and these nursing homes that beat him could not fight back.

In the end, though, Alyo died.

This made Yanke embarrassed.

When I came to the county, I found that it was densely packed with people, all surrounded by people.

Standing in the front was Boss Liu.

Boss Liu said: “Yang Ke rarely offended the young marshal, and even the people of Pucheng were funeral, you let him listen to what the people say”

Everyone looked at Yang Kenan, and then a woman said: “Once Regiment Commander Cao Jun enters the city, he will kill all the people of our city.”

“Commander Yang, I beg you, please release the young marshal”

“You just let the young marshal go”

“My child is still young, I just want him to grow up safely.

You don’t want to, your daughter will be killed by Cao Jun tomorrow.”

Yang Kenan took a deep breath and said, “I am more sad than you are to the death of Ah Liao and the two brothers.

I’m not asking for revenge, I just believe that murderers should be sanctioned” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“But Commander Yang, what should we do then?”

“yes, what are we going to do?”

“We just want to live”

Instantly, everyone was excited.

Li Tieniu next to Shen Hao stopped talking, and he was also ashamed.

Shen Hao said sarcastically: “Didn’t you shout that you wanted to kill the murderer for Tianxing Dao, why did you let Captain Yang release people at this time?”

Li Tieniu was ashamed and lowered his head and did not dare to look at Shen Hao.

Everything was said by Shen Hao.

Before Shen Hao said that the people in the whole county would force Yang Ke to release people who did not believe him, and now he was one of them, which made him a little afraid to face Bai Ling, and even more afraid to look at Shen Hao.

I just feel ashamed.

At this time, the oldest old man in Pucheng still had Qing court braids on the back of his head.

Holding his crutches, he said, “Commander Yang, five generations of my family have lived in Pucheng.

I am in my 80s this year, leave a way for my descendants to live.

I beg you, Commander Yang.

Just let it go. ”

After speaking, the old man cried while kneeling and kowtowing and begging for mercy.

The old man took the lead in kneeling, and in an instant, tens of thousands of people around him also knelt down in unison.

“Please release Young Shuai Cao”

“Please, Commander Yang”

Countless people begged.

Shen Hao, who was standing behind, was a big drama for free.

It’s really like life.

In the prison, listening to the tsunami-like pleas of the mountains outside for mercy, Cao Shaoxuan laughed proudly.

Then, several people from the defense regiment also knelt in front of Yang Kenan one after another.

It’s murderous.

Yang Ke couldn’t say a thousand words.

“This world has its own righteousness, and the three generations of my Yang family have been the head of the defense regiment, dedicating themselves.

I understand you, as of today, I resign as the regiment commander, the defense regiment is disbanded, and it is your business whether you let people go or not.”

After speaking, Yang Kenan only felt that his heart was dripping blood, and turned and left.

Everyone knelt on the ground and burst into tears.

Shen Hao pouted, to be honest, he didn’t do anything wrong.

This Yang Kenan is also hard enough, and he would rather die unyielding.

Shen Hao wants to recruit, such a person who investigates corruption and becomes a county magistrate is a good hand.

Such talents are worth saving.

Yang Kenan walked to Shen Hao’s side and said to Shen Hao: “Mr. Shen, although I don’t know your identity, I know that you are not an ordinary person, I want you to do me a favor?” ”

Shen Hao said: “Oh, you said”

“I hope you help me send my wife and daughter to the provincial capital of Guangzhou, I will thank you a lot”

Shen Hao raised his eyebrows and said, “Oh? Aren’t you running away? You are no longer the regiment commander, and you don’t need to care about the life or death of these people.”

Yang Ke sighed with difficulty: “If I leave, Cao Shaoxuan will go crazy and kill the people of the city, and I can only stay.”

If my death can be exchanged for their peace, I will be content.”

Shen Hao smiled and gave a thumbs up: “Repay the grievances with virtue, I respect you as a man, I can’t do it, rest assured that you can’t die with me”

Yang Ken shook his head and didn’t believe it at all.

At this time, the rooster croaked, and the sky was covered with a white belly.

The squire represented by Boss Liu in Pucheng got the key, hurriedly took everyone to the prison, and let people out.

At this time, Cao Shaoxuan was actually hanging himself in prison.

Boss Liu was so frightened that he quickly ordered someone to open the cell door.

Saved Cao Shaoxuan.

Seeing that everyone had saved themselves, Cao Shaoxuan laughed wildly.

“Hahaha, I’m a murderer, you actually have to save me, fun, fun, fun”

This scene made everyone dare not speak.

Boss Liu said with a fawning look: “Young Shuai don’t play, we are wrong, you come out quickly”

“Young handsome, we all know that we are wrong”

“Young Shuai, come out quickly, we will kneel down for you”

Everyone knelt at the prison gate.

Looking at where the black pressure was kneeling, Cao Shaoxuan’s laughter became more and more rampant.

“Hahaha, interesting, really interesting.”

“However, I tell you whoever catches me in, let me out, or I won’t go out.”

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, and I have no idea for a while.

At about eight o’clock in the morning, the entire city of Pucheng was surrounded by soldiers.

Zhang also came galloping on horseback.

Straight to the prison in the backyard.

Saw where Cao Shaoxuan was lying with an arrogant face.

Kneeling on one knee and holding his fist, he said: “The young marshal is late to count, please forgive the sin”

After speaking, he said to the soldier: “Don’t open the lock yet”

Cao Shaoxuan suddenly waved his hand and said, “Is that lock something you can open?” ”

Zhang Yilen hugged his fist again and said, “Young Shuai is my fault”

Cao Shaofeng looked at Zhang Yi with disdain, “If it weren’t for my father’s dog, I would have killed you a long time ago.” ”

Hearing this, Zhang Ye lowered his head and his eyes flashed a trace of killing intent, which was instantly hidden.

Before hesitating whether to agree to the words of the wasp and defect to Shen Hao, at this moment, Zhang Yi had already made a decision in his heart.

It’s just that before making this decision, I have to meet Shen Haojiu.

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