Returned to Qingshi.

Shen Hao was in a good mood.

This time, he not only rebelled against Zhang Yi, but also obtained a regiment of personnel and horse equipment.

Not only that, but also ~ the wealth of the entire Pucheng.

From Boss Liu’s money estate alone, he seized more than 100,000 oceans, as well as precious antique characters and paintings.

And the wealth of other squires and the wealth of the common people’s homes.

I have to say that Cao Shaoxuan is professional in this aspect of looting money.

The equivalent amount of money is about 500,000 oceans.

Shen Hao also has 580,000 oceans in cash and a large cigarette paste worth 230,000 yuan.

However, this big tobacco paste, Shen Hao’s heart is still very entangled.

Shen Hao, who grew up under the red flag, is also disgusted with this, but let him use this for money, what is the difference between that and those who sell big cigarettes.

Shen Hao can’t do it, it’s not good to burn, hundreds of thousands of oceans of smoke, burned, it is estimated that the entire county is hi.

It is quite a kind of abandonment, but it is a pity that it is useless to leave it.

However, Shen Hao thought about it, and this thing was saved for later use.

When so much smoke is destroyed, it is the best opportunity to shock and buy people’s hearts.

Left 100,000 oceans, 980,000 oceans Shen Hao all purchased arms.

Fortunately, there are many foreigners in Guangdong Province, and there are still many arms deals.

Shen Hao also did not expect that this old man still had stocks, but they were all light weapons.

60 Mauser rifles a piece, Shen Hao directly came 10,000

It cost 600,000 oceans.

Box guns are barge guns, and they cost twenty-five dollars, five hundred.

One dollar can be exchanged for 2.4 oceans, this is ten thousand oceans!

One mortar has 3,000 oceans, and Shen Hao has 50 is 150,000 oceans.

One light machine gun was 1,200 oceans, and Shen Hao purchased ten.

The rest of the money was all for bullets and shells.

Spending millions of oceans at a time, such a big deal, Shen Hao directly became the most honorable guest of Elder D.

Qing City is close to the sea, and he personally drives warships to transport arms to Shen Hao.

Looking at the old German warship, Shen Hao’s eyes were hot.

Becker is specialized in munitions, and behind it is the military of D.

“Shen, you are our most honored guest, I really want to call you this friend, in honor of our friendship, I will send you a good thing”

Looking at the beard in front of him, Shen Hao’s heart was full of disdain.

Really a friend, you gave me Qingdao?

“Oh, Becker, something?” Shen Hao said in English;

“Send you ten boxes of 24 grenades”

Nima, what else does Shen Hao think?

So, Shen Hao took out a melon-style grenade.

“Look at my grenade?”

After speaking, Shen Hao slammed hard and threw it out.



Flowers bloomed on the surface of the sea.

Becker’s eyes lit up in surprise: “Oh, Shen, my friend, this grenade is really amazing.”

Not only is the time shorter, but the power is twice as powerful as before, you got it there”

Due to the competition for land and resources, there are small frictions under all countries, and they are all enduring, knowing in their hearts that sooner or later there will be a war.

Nowadays, European countries are actively preparing arms, and privately they are desperately engaged in research and development.

This grenade is a good thing.

Shen Hao said: “This is the latest model grenade but it is worth a lot, you want to give you a few, but you have to take out the corresponding chips”

Becker said: “How about sending you a field cannon worth 70,000 oceans?”

Shen Hao shook his head and said: “It’s too cheap, do you know that developing a new weapon costs a huge amount of money, I have this ready-made, and I can use it directly.”

What do you think? ”

Becker nodded, feeling that Shen Hao said a lot.

“What about the two Krupp FK.96n/A guns, this one is very mobile.”

Shen Hao shook his head and said: “Forget it, since Mr. Becker is not interested, then I will look for the Eagle Country and the Fa Country, they are very interested in the Eagle Country”

Becker hurriedly said: “Shen, my dear friend, business is easy to discuss, why be in such a hurry.”

How about three Krupp FK.96n/A guns plus ten Maxims? Ten boxes of shells, and a million rounds”

Shen Hao thought for a while and said: “I don’t have a car yet, if you think about it, I’m a brigade commander, and it’s a shame if I don’t say a car.”

“How about adding a Ford?”

Shen Hao said with a smile: “Deal”

Ten heavy machine guns, a 2,500 ocean, that is, 25,000 oceans.

The price of an imported Ford car is 4 oceans.

The little emperor Puyi in the palace also bought this price. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

80 pieces of a thousand rounds, a million rounds of ammunition, about 80,000 yuan.

Three FK.96n/A field guns cost 200,000 oceans.

That’s almost 350,000 oceans.

Shen Hao felt that a box of melon grenades for so much money really made a lot of money.

Becker also felt that he had made a lot of money, and the profit on arms was 300 percent.

Moreover, I also got the latest melon grenade.

This is a grenade from World War II, and it was definitely ahead of its time in World War I.

In Becker’s view, this thing will be more valuable when it is developed by the military department.

If the military department is allowed to develop it itself, the cost will be at least 500,000 oceans, that is, almost 600,000 marks.

It doesn’t even have to be developed yet.

(1 dollar equals 4.2 marks, 2.4 oceans for one dollar)

As long as you hand in the melon grenade, it is not only a bonus but also an honor promotion.

Both of them smiled happily and felt that they had earned.

“Shen, dear friend, I like to cooperate with you, I hope you can go further” Becker still knows the situation in China very well.

Shen Hao said: “As long as Becker supports me, we will have more transactions in the future”

Becker’s eyes lit up: “Refreshing, I hope to cooperate next time”

Immediately, Becker boarded the warship and waved away.

This time, Shen Hao pulled back the three field guns, and Li Yunlong couldn’t close his mouth with a smile.

With equipment, anyone dares to fight.

Moreover, Shen Hao also had his own artillery, and one platoon was divided into two platoons.

Although, the range of the FK.96n/A combat gun was only five kilometers.

But the mobility is strong, the battles between the warlords, this mobile field gun, is simply invincible.

In these days, warlords did not understand what a trench was.

After getting the weapons and equipment, Shen Hao ordered Li Yunlong to support Zhang Yi immediately.

Li Yunlong said: “We might as well have a siege”

When Cao Ying attacked Zhang Yi, we surrounded from behind, and after a round of artillery fire, their military heart was scattered.

Shen Hao said, “Can that Zhang also stand it?” ”

Li Yunlong said: “Give him ten heavy machine guns, Ma Qin is coming with twenty mortars, teaching him to dig trenches, and there is no problem in guarding for a month.”

Shen Hao said: “Okay, you are good at this, you can do it”

“Don’t worry, no problem, Cao Ying will have to mobilize the army for several days”

Shen Hao found that he was poor again, and there were only 100,000 oceans left, which was not enough to spend.

Sure enough, just as Li Yunlong expected.

Cao Ying mobilized the soldiers and horses stationed in various places, and it took seven days.

He led 8,000 people to Pucheng.

Mortars, heavy machine guns,

It can be said that all the family resources are brought.

The reason for this, Cao Ying asked everyone to see the end of betraying him.

This time it’s about killing chickens and monkeys.

If he doesn’t kill this Zhang Yi, then his subordinates can betray in the future, how can he mess around in the warlord world in the future?

When warlords fight, it is always the common people who suffer.

Pucheng experienced the spoilage of Cao Shaoxuan, which made ordinary people hate Cao Ying to death.

At the same time, it also made their courage bigger, and they had a feeling of common hatred.

Zhang also had the guidance of the people sent by Li Yunlong, and for the first time he also knew about the thing of positional trenches.

Therefore, the people of Pucheng also joined the trench digging operation.

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