The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 885: Humanoid biochemical weapons

Gradually, Gu Ye discovered that Dr. Yue had a solid medical background, was careful and cautious, and was humble and studious. When in doubt, they will always bring up to discuss with Yueyuan. If Yueyuan couldn't answer it, she would be a little embarrassed to ask her for help. Not to mention, there are a few difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and Doctor Yue's prescription is still good.

At the end of the day, with the help of Doctor Yue, Gu Ye was so busy until it was dark that he finally treated all the numbered patients. Gu Ye moved his limbs and roared: "Come on! Everyone has worked hard!"

Yue Mingyu hurriedly said: "No hard work! The most difficult thing is the little genius doctor. Thank you for the little genius doctor's guidance, I will benefit a lot!"

"You are very good, you have a talent for studying medicine!" Gu Ye's praise made Yue Mingyu blush with excitement, rubbing his hands and wondering what to say.

The doctors in other medical sheds stared at their nephews with hatred for iron and steel, "Look at them! You guys came earlier than this kid, and you missed many opportunities to consult the little genius doctor."

The nephew who was taught in their family stared at Yue Mingyu with angrily in his heart: This kid was too thick-skinned, so he went to the little genius doctor. I didn't know what way he could stay in the little genius doctor's shed.

Some people also argued: "Most of the illnesses of these victims and people are the most common wind-cold, and even more serious it is pneumonia. We can treat wind-cold. Our traditional medicine for pneumonia is much slower than the infusion of the little genius doctor. Ask for advice. After all, I don’t know how to make medicine!"

His father and brother were so angry that they knocked on the big soles of his shoes: "Don't you want to go to medical school? Can't you learn to use medicine if you don't know how to do medicine? You can ask the full moon girl how to get an injection, how to get a needle! One more Craftsmanship, there will be more hope in the future entrance exams!"

"Didn't our family have a recommendation post from a little genius?" Although this guy agreed with his father and brother in his heart, he did not admit defeat.

"If you can get admitted, wouldn't it be better? There are two of our family who can enter the medical school!" The big shoe sole "DuangDuang" knocked on his head, his father and brother gritted his teeth with anger.

The guy hugged his head, begging for mercy again and again: "I learn, if I have a chance, I will learn."

The next day, Yueyuan found that when she went to give injections and slings to critically ill patients, there were always some young doctors around her. Dapeng was so angry that he wanted to kill someone—that was his future wife, you brats, please stay away from me!

However, in the end he couldn't do anything. No way, there was another one behind the mistress' ass, and he didn't see his master pushing others. Dapeng can only try to persuade himself: the future daughter-in-law is teaching medicine, he can't be so stingy. If he was disgusted by the future wife, he would cry without tears.

The snow fell on and off for a few days, and finally cleared. It was clear and sunny for several days, the temperature also rose, and the snow melted down to a shallow layer.

Fewer people come to see the doctor. Many victims were also worried about their collapsed houses, and decided to rush back to take advantage of the good weather and repair the houses. The Chinese New Year is almost here, so you can't celebrate the festival at the victims' resettlement point, right?

Gu Ye gradually became idle, and her husband became busy. The emperor asked him to take soldiers to a nearby village that was severely affected by the disaster to help the villagers build houses!

After spending more than half a month in a row, Ling Juechen returned in dust. Gu Ye, who was looking at the New Year's goods list with her mother-in-law, held her nose in disgust and said, "Brother Chen, how long have you not taken a bath? It's so stinking!"

"Wow! Your man didn't go home for half a month. Without saying a word of concern, he was upset and disgusted. Is there a wife like you?" Ling Juechen deliberately leaned to her side and held her head to Press in your armpit.

"Mother, help me! Nah, let me go, I'm going to throw up!" Gu Ye retched a few times. Her sense of smell is more sensitive than ordinary people. At this moment, she feels that she is facing a humanoid biochemical weapon, full of lethality.

Princess Rong He was so angry that she took the ledger and threw him: "Let go of your daughter-in-law! Do you really want to make your daughter-in-law stinky? Go take a bath!!"

Ling Juechen stopped making trouble and let go of his little wife. Gu Ye angrily kicked him in his calf—see you still bullying me!

Ling Juechen shook his head sadly: "Mother threw me, and daughter-in-law kicked me! I'm just a puff in this house!"

"Okay! Lord Ning, the wise and majestic King Ning, who dares to **** you off? Can anyone believe you when you say it?" Gu Ye pushed the human-shaped skunk out of it-it's too stinky, a nasty smell!

"Why no one believes it? Who doesn't the dignitaries in Beijing know that I love my wife the most? I am willing to be bullied by you." Ling Juechen took advantage of the princess looking down at the account book, and quickly kissed his wife's tender face. After being beaten a few times, he whistle back to Ting Jianxuan.

"Mother, I'll go to the kitchen to get some delicious supplements for Brother Chen. He is thin!" The husband came back, and Gu Ye couldn't sit still with the princess.

"Go! Chen'er has taken a bath, so you can have dinner in your yard, don't come over. Chen'er has been tired for so long, let him rest!" The princess smiled kindly.

Seeing her daughter-in-law leaving behind her son, the princess smiled and shook her head. Mother Chang’s serious face rarely showed a smile: "The princess dislikes her, and she still feels very distressed for the prince. She knows that the prince is not eating well these days, so she stares at the kitchen to make up for the prince. The prince has a good taste. !"

The princess is a big eatery, and the delicacies she carefully prepared are definitely good things. Since the princess married, the food in the mansion has gone up. The meals of the masters all came from the little kitchen of the princess. That aunt Yan's craftsmanship, it is estimated that the world can't find a second one that can compare with her.

Mother Chang secretly touched her rounder waist. The masters went up to eat, and the powerful servants around them followed the master. She will have to be more restrained in the future and can't get fat anymore. However, she couldn't resist the food!

"Chen'er, this child, used to be cold and cold, and would like to ignore anyone. Those little girls in the capital, afraid that he and the mouse would see a cat, only dared to look at him secretly. I was worried that he would not be able to marry him. Where's my daughter-in-law! It was the lucky kid who met my daughter-in-law! Look now, it's not cold or fierce... Just now, when I can't see it?"

The eldest princess complained, but the corners of her mouth kept rising, unable to suppress it. It's a pity that my daughter-in-law is too young. Otherwise, with her son-in-law's feelings, she will soon be able to embrace her grandson-let the flow take its course, she is not in a hurry!

Grandma Chang smiled and said, "The common people say,'One pot goes with one lid.' The prince has a high-sightedness, so people like the princess can get into the eyes of the prince!"

"The stinky kid is like me and has a vision! At the beginning, Chen'er was his father, he was tall and handsome, and he was very proficient. Who would not want to marry a little girl in Beijing? Fortunately, this princess started first. What a pity-too ​​short-lived. If he is still alive, he will be proud of his son, right?"

Mother Chang secretly glanced at her master, and when she saw her mentioning her husband, she no longer had deep sadness in her eyes, but with sweet remembrance, she finally let go of her heart—the princess’s knot was finally opened .

"Princess, if the husband is alive, I should be very happy to see you now. Back then, you and the husband, who did not praise the fairy family? How many ladies and ladies do not envy you? The husband loves you, I must hope you can Happy life!” Mother Chang poured a glass of water for the princess to moisturize her throat.

Long princess Rong He slowly opened a smile on her lips and said, "Yeah! I used to get into a dead end. Now I want to understand, why is the dead important to the living? My son said he was busy and stayed away for many days. Home. My daughter-in-law has the ability, and there are many things outside to point to her. She is also impatient to take care of the trivial things at home. I have to help me stare!"

"Princess, you really feel sorry for this daughter-in-law. You used to be very impatient with such things as the head of the house!" Mother Chang tidied the thick books. At the end of the year, the managers of various industries have handed in the accounts, and the princess has been busy for a long time.

"My son has the ability, and the shopkeeper, the manager, and the accountant can do it. I just listen to the report and flip through the account books." When there was no mistress in the mansion, everything in the palace was in order?

"You deserved to be born with you, princess, and you can't find anyone more capable than the prince in Beijing." Seeing that the master was in a good mood, Maternal Chang gave a flattering.

"A Chang, you have also changed. This is not like what you said. However, I dare not take credit for the upbringing of my son. It is all taught by my father!" The princess picked up an account book she hadn't read, and gently Turned two pages. UU reading books www.

"That's also because the prince has good congenital conditions, is smart, and hardworking..." Mother Chang threw it out as if she didn't want money.

"Okay, your prince is not here, and no matter how much you praise, he won't be able to reward you with a copper plate." The princess said in her mouth, the curvature of her mouth rose even more.

But Gu Ye, who feeds Zhang Luo to her husband, has become a delicacy in the mouth of a wolf-like guy. Man, once you drive, you can't stop the car. No matter how tired you are, you must first comfort your "brother."

By the time the meal was in my mouth, it was a while. After an intense exercise, Gu Ye, who had used lunch, was hungry again, and ate better with him. In the afternoon, under Gu Ye's strong prevention, Ling Juechen held his wife honestly and lay down on the bed.

"No wonder: Wenrou Township, where's Hero Tomb! When I was outside, my head was filled with my daughter-in-law who is full and drank? What is my daughter-in-law doing at home now? Did you miss me? Especially at night, I think you can’t wait to fly back with your wings. You little conscience, why don’t you miss me?"

Ling Juechen put his hand under his wife's head, let her sit on her pillow, and stared at her for a while-the more she looked, the more she felt that the daughter-in-law was rare, what should I do?

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