The Rest, Only Noise

Vol 2 Chapter 1251: only 1 standard

Steve Nash's performance is amazing.

If Louie's "beautiful basketball" system is compared to various techniques of basketball, then the "meteor" tactics are the basic movement, passing and shooting.

You have to master these basic skills before you can really get involved in the sport.

As the commander, Nash chose to integrate into the system from "Whale Fall", which was outside of Louis' plan.

Any attempt is necessary for a nascent tactical system.

So Louie encouraged Nash to do what he wanted.

As a result, he not only did not fail, but also completed the content of the game that Louis wanted to see with a very good debut.

In Nash's minutes as the system leader, the Lakers didn't make a turnover.

Moreover, the Cavaliers players, led by Nash, blasted the Timberwolves 14-0.

The Timberwolves, who had no will to fight, were defeated on the spot, allowing the Lakers to easily gain a big victory.

133 to 99

It was also the 699th victory of Louie's coaching career.

The 700-win milestone is just one game away.

In this game, Wilson had five players scoring in double figures. Wilson was the best among them, scoring a game-high 35 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists. Garnett also scored 18 points, 9 rebounds and 3 assists. Although Barkley did not belong to A member of the Cavaliers, but he is an AD-like output in the regular stage, scoring the second-highest 23 points and 13 rebounds in the team - the most surprising is of course Nash, who scored 7 in just 14 minutes of playing time. Points 8 assists, only 1 turnover.

The few minutes Nash dominated "Beautiful Basketball" was as refreshing as watching Yuu Putian proudly display her peach hoard.

"I told you a long time ago, he's a genius!" Nelson is the No. 2 No. 2 on the team. "If that Kobe kid gives you a headache, just pretend we picked Steve with the No. 7 pick!"

Louis didn't say much.

He won't use one game to conclude that Nash really has the system in hand.

Maybe tonight was just an accident.

However, even if it is an accident, it is also an accident worth thinking about.

Because in order for such an accident to occur on the court, the parties must have excellent ball intelligence, insight and decision-making ability.

Players who do not have this qualification will never have such an accident.

Reporters, as usual, surrounded Louis and asked him what he thought of 699 wins.

Louis, on the other hand, behaved aloofly: "There is nothing special about peacetime. @ Essence\\/Book House *First update~~"

"How would you rate Steve Nash's performance?"

This Louis has a lot to say.

He used the words "wonderful" and "unbelievable" about Nash's performance when reporters asked him to comment on Kobe.

"I hope he follows Steve as an example and understands the concept and play of professional basketball as soon as possible."

That night, Louie pulled two young assistants - Rick Carlisle and Mike Budenholzer to resume the game overnight.

Carlisle believes that a higher tactical status should be given to a core ball-handler like Nash.

"Steve deserves to be cultivated."

Budenholzer somewhat disliked Nash's defense: "If Minnesota can use Steve as a breakthrough, we won't be beaten 14-0 by us."

In fact, Louis didn't want them to review Nash's performance, he wanted to find other problems.

Such as Kobe, such as Barkley, such as Wilson, such as Ellis, but unfortunately everyone's attention is on Nash.

It was late at night, and Louie told them to go back to rest, and he replayed the game again.

From a global perspective, Ellis has not scored in double figures in the past two games, and at the same time, he has been used as a breakthrough by opponents on the defensive end more often.

Considering his age (36) and bad habits (drinking), it may not be suitable to play @starter.

Only two games have been played so far, and Louie will not make a decision on that, will have to see again.

Through this review, Louie also found the secret of Nash's ability to play well under the "beautiful basketball" system.

The reason is Benj. . (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 1251 The only standard

Now Benj has fully mastered the "Meteor", and, this mastery, not the kind of rote dungeon that memorizes all the tactical runs, but integrates it into his own play style and fully understands other what people do.

He frequently appeared on "Whale Landing", uttering commands for others to move and drop.

In fact, the real commander for those few minutes was Benj.

Nash just got the ball where it was supposed to go.

Benj had no ball in his hands and only 4 assists, but Louis found through review that 5 of Nash's 9 assists were directly related to Benj.

Although Louis stood on the sidelines watching their game at the time, it is difficult to come up with an answer to this kind of thing without careful review and combined with the memories at that time.

Another discovery by Louie was that Garnett began to "light up" his passing skills.

Although there were only 3 assists in the game, Garnett, as the handover point of the ball and a tactical transition station, passed the ball quickly and efficiently.

However, coping is like the 101 in bed, and the more experienced the person is, the better they know how to make their partner comfortable.

Even geniuses like Garnett and Nash, if they don't quickly accumulate actual combat experience, it will be difficult to realize their talents in a short period of time.

If "Beautiful Basketball" wants to have the strongest effect, Garnett needs to develop his coping ability to the extreme.

Maybe it's time to equip this kid with some coping tactics?

Louie thought to himself, let Garnett pass more passes under the regular system, hone his skills, and improve his passing sense. With a seven-foot-high field of vision, his wide-range transfer can be better than a ball. A fast-conducting ball that requires the cooperation of two or three people.

By the time Louis finished the review, it was already past three in the morning.

Since coming to Los Angeles, Louie feels a lot younger in his mentality.

When it was in New York, he absolutely refused to stay up so late for the resumption of the game.

I was about to rest, but an unexpected guest came.

Louie walked to the door alertly, and saw the person outside through the cat's eyes - this is a spiritual boy with a bald head.

Who else but Kobe Bean Bryant?

"It's so late, do you have anything to do with me?" Louis asked, opening the door. "Bean?"

Kobe's eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed to be troubled by something. First Release Update@

"Coach, you're saying I should follow Steve tonight as an example?"

Please, choose a good time for Lao Tzu to compete!

Louis asked angrily, "Do you have an opinion?"

"I have a great opinion!" Kobe said with reason. "Just watching tonight's game, my role model should be that **** Benjamin, not Steve! Steve seems to have revitalized the team's offense, But that's because Benjamin is helping him run the others, and he's just passing the ball before the opportunity arises!"

Hear how arrogant this kid is with his words - "He just passed the ball before he got his chance"? That's it?

Having said that, Kobe can discover the secret of Nash's excellent Cavaliers debut, which shows that this kid has wisdom.

Louis and the two assistants didn't see the problem after a long time.

However, this matter really has to be calm to see to understand.

Because the coaching staff is more looking for problems when reviewing the game, rather than "picking bones".

As a rookie and the commander of the Cavaliers, Nash went the opposite way and learned the "beautiful basketball" system from the "whale fall" tactics. He could have this kind of performance in his debut against the Timberwolves, no matter who helped He, his scores are full marks.

Saying that he played so well because of Benj at a time like this is like saying that some guys can win championships because of their teamwork. Putting aside the facts, you can't say that even if it's true.

"You came to me in the middle of the night just to talk about this?"


"Next time, please find a normal time. You are lucky tonight. Also, Benj is our No. 1 player. Treat him with respect. Don't be a jerk."

"He's an asshole!" Louie stared at Kobe's words, and then he explained, "I asked him 'Flow. (This chapter isn't over!)

Chapter 1251 The only standard

Xing, the secret of tactics, he would tell me to communicate more with others, if it weren't for that **** Jiang Duo who could run tactics well without communicating with others, I would have believed his evil!"

"Is it possible that Jiang Duo doesn't need to communicate because Jiang Duo is smarter than you?" Louis swept Kobe Bryant from top to bottom with contemptuous eyes, "You don't look stupid... It's just that you didn't go to college and lack a college team. _o_m To put it simply, you are like an uneducated little **** on the court. Since Benj tells you to communicate more, you can't listen to his words and communicate with your teammates more? Practice is the test of truth The only standard, Understand?"

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Chapter 1251 The only standard

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