The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 286: The old man was crying

Latest website: "That's 'I come, I see, I conquer' belonging to Louis."

In the future, Rudy Tomjanovich recalls what happened at the Knicks preseason training camp in 1984.

Like in 1983, the Celtics lost to the Bucks and were eliminated from the playoffs.

He went into a rage after that game and shredded the self-esteem of every Celtics player from top to bottom.

He stands on the moral high ground overlooking everyone with reason, and no one can refute him.

The Knicks are a completely different battlefield. He doesn't have a solid network and foundation like Boston there. It's not easy to build his prestige, especially if the core players take the lead against you. when.

Louie did it skillfully.

He humiliated Bernard King in the 3-point game, earned him the next year's salary, and created an unoffensive majesty in the hearts of all Knicks players.

Not to mention that after he won the game, he said to the media at the scene: "I haven't shot well for more than a year, otherwise the first ball will not be missed."

The media had to take his words seriously, forcing themselves to forget that Louis's first goal was missed because of a left-handed shot, which made the game have a process of first and then rising.

Bernard King's face has never been so ugly.

He quickly disappeared from training camp and didn't show up until the next day.

Louis did not let him go, insisting on asking for his annual salary for the next year.

In other words, the next year, Louie will get Bernard's $ 900,000 salary.

After taxes, it's still nearly $500,000. (ps: I don't understand New York's tax, welcome to provide the correct after-tax figures, I'll revise)

The knock-on effect of that incident was that it was hard for Kim to look up in front of Louis.

As long as he thinks about losing to Louie with a three-point shot, he is so ashamed that he wants to go underground.

In the following days, the New York media who witnessed the game tried their best to restore the game to basketball fans all over the world.

Even the Times, which did not deal with Louis, wrote about Louis as a positive image.

In that story, Bernard King was a well-deserved fool.

Pulitzer Prize winner Dave Anderson wrote in his op-ed: "Littlelu is a pragmatic man who, unlike his predecessors, is not as good with the media as Hubby. You can feel an uncomfortable pressure in front of him, he's just so confident. He refuses to make insecure promises, asks everyone to lower expectations for the Knicks, and when Bernard challenges him, he Subtly hitting back. Not Bernard's $900,000 you should remember, what littlelu said after the game. He hadn't practiced shooting in over a year, and that's what I remember when he could The coach in charge of the proud Celtics. Maybe, he really is the messiah of professional basketball in New York."

Louis didn't like his new nickname, the word Messiah, which sounded too middle-of-the-road.

He doesn't need to give himself a lofty title like James, nor does he need to put the "king" prefix on his social media accounts to remind others all the time who he is.

He likes the nickname "littlelu," which literally translates to "little road," suggesting his youth.

That's fine, at least it's an approachable name.


Are people going to kneel before him?

On the third day after the media conference, Louis gathered the players and officially decided the team's play style for the new season.

The main offensive formation is two inside and three outside.

Simply put, two stations are low, and three are pulled apart in a triangle shape.

But the Knicks don't have that many shooters, so those who pull away should pull away according to their own range, and don't have to stand outside the three-point line.

The two people who fell down, mainly Bernard King and Bill Cartwright.

As for the tactical variant, Louis opted for a "double-stacked" formation.

With double-stacked positions, all four players except the point guard need to have more movement. The tactic of double-stacking was left behind by Hubie Brown, and Louie decided to use it.

Then there's the point.

Second team play.

Louie holds a piece and likens it to the second unit's ball handler: "I need the second unit to play neatly, with the ball handler and the inside or small forward pick-and-roll, and make decisions within two or three steps of the dribble. Either, the ball handler shoots, or find an opportunity to pass the ball, don't waste time."

This original set of pick-and-roll tactics was actually prepared for Stockton.

Louie hasn't announced who the second-team guard will be, but in his mind, Stockton is the only one.

The tactics of the second unit are also the only tactics that the Knicks will retain as they move from rebuilding to rising.

After all, with Stockton, the best pick-and-roll initiator in the history of the big ball era, not arranging a pick-and-roll system is a waste of talent.

Under Sloan, Stockton is the king of double data in history (steals + assists). Louis does not say whether he can coach Stockton for so long, but he says that Stockton will retire in the future. , Needless to say whose pot is that?

So, no matter what, Louie has to find a way to use Stockton's ability.

Thinking back to when he played 2k and loaded the historical draft list, the most monstrous player in the simulation was Stockton1.

Averaged 30+10 assists per game for 15 consecutive years, and Jordan had to give him shoes.

When Louie was done making arrangements, he saw that Bernard King was a little out of his mind.

"Bernard, even if you're broke, you don't have to be so upset," Louis said lightly. "It's going to get better."

The King of New York said sadly: "Since August 3rd (the day Louie signed with the Knicks), everything can't be better."

"I sympathize with you, Bernard, but my days have been getting better since two days ago, and I can't help laughing in my dreams." Louie was already laughing now.

He smiled and everyone laughed.

There's only one person who can't laugh, and that's the Knicks' No. 1 player.

He walked out of the recording room with an angry look on his face.

The Knicks were training as usual, and Louie thought they could get through training camp safely.

Unexpectedly, the retribution for not obeying the doctor's orders would come so quickly.

On this day, Bill Cartwright broke his leg in training.

His screams became a nightmare that Louis couldn't shake for the next few days, and he had never heard a man scream as miserable as he did.

Before Cartwright was injured, the Knicks still had 0.1% of their thoughts. After he was injured, the fate of the Knicks could not be changed.

"No coach, no matter how good it is, can handle this situation."

"Looks like littlelu's luck ran out in Boston."

"To be optimistic, the Knicks are the first team in the league ready to embrace Patrick Ewing."

Another bad reaction to Cartwright's injury was to make the veteran feel terrified.

Veteran Truk Robinson, who was taken away from his prime by injuries, worries that he will also suffer a serious injury before retiring, and then end up in a wheelchair like George Mikan.

This tragic fate made him shudder, and he arrived at Louie's hotel the night before training camp ended.

His serious expression once made Louis suspect that he was trying to **** himself.

"Coach, I don't want to play basketball anymore."

"If you give up, it's all over."

That's right, Louie is the coach of Ansi in cosplay.

"I played an All-Star, was selected for a while, and was one of the five best players in the league, but now you see what I have become, I can't run or jump, I'm still afraid of that, I don't deserve to play in this jersey anymore."

Cartwright, Cartwright, what the **** have you done?

Louie scolded the **** who didn't listen to the doctor's instructions and broke his foot. How could he have thought that his broken leg might also end his career as a "truck"?

Louis took the liberty to ask: "Have you been selected for a while?"

"It's 1978..." Robinson looked like he was about to Many years have passed. "

"Big brother, it's only been six years, when I was a scout for the Celtics."

"It's only been six years?"

Robinson's mood stagnated for a moment, and then burst out: "It's only six years! What the **** has this **** sport tortured me! How did I become like this? Woohoo!"

In the middle of the night, outside Louis's room, a former macho man was crying.

"If you want to retire, retire, don't yell at me, you will make others misunderstand what I have done to you..."

1 In fact, the victim is not me, but the owner of the book group. He once formed a lineup of Jordan + Mullin + Sabonis in 2k and was dominated by Stockton in the simulation.


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