The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 192: Appear as promised, right to digest

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In fact, Mei Qianxiao came to Jinfenglou, just for fun, to chat with a girl, talk about life, talk about ideals, talk about the good fortune between places, talk about the different human body structure between people. The next day, he will go back to the Gongwei Division, ask Xiang Rilong for some strength, and use manpower to drive the mice from Chenjia Village to an open space where poisonous rat poison has been placed. In this way, the coolie did all the hard work, and he completed the task with his feet on the side. After finishing it, hide it for a while, and hand in the task before the deadline on the third day, which is another day of lazy fishing, which is great.

The plan has been arranged and is being implemented step by step.

So he didn't care about the people from Dongchang following him. He was standing guard at the Xiaoyao family in Jinfenglou, which was quite interesting.

All these beautiful expectations have undergone a huge change from the moment he used all his money to settle the bill. If he knew it was his master's debt, he wouldn't settle it if he was killed! Turn around and go! There is a **** of plague in Jinfenglou, so it's not impossible for him to go to Chunfengge!

Now there is only a little bit of silver left on the body, and staying in Jinfenglou can only be watching other people drool, just forget it, go to Baimapo when you have nothing to do, and see the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods at the feet of the Sun Moon God Cult. which.

As for that Dongchang stalking, Mei Qianxiao was actually not worried that he would come in and look for someone. He was mainly worried about Miss Xu. He really came over in the middle of the night and couldn't find anyone else, and he didn't see him going out from the front door, so there was going to be a problem. Let Feng Junzhi make an appearance outside, and make sure that a fan girl like Miss Xu forgets to greet him. Don't say forget him, I'm afraid that even your surname will be forgotten.

"This girl may come to me, you should be more concerned, don't let them find out the secret of my absence, I will come back later. Also, the master must be restless in this kind of place, if something goes wrong, Don't forget to pretend that you don't know him. When necessary, fall into the trap, act bravely, close the door and beat the dog!" Mei Qianxiao continued to explain through voice transmission.

"Sect Master, would it be too rude to treat Grand Master like this..." Feng Junzhi hesitated.

"Don't worry, you don't know which corner to study whether roosters will lay eggs when he is roaming around the world. It's hard to keep him from getting into trouble, but he's the reincarnation of a loach all his life, and he's slippery in a blink of an eye. Run away. Just ignore him, you will make a bad reputation, and we will be a big deal, understand? "

Speaking so righteously, it was actually Mei Qianxiao who didn't want to be dragged into the water by his master. Miss Xu is sure that he and Feng Junzhi are acquainted. If Feng Junzhi says that he is acquainted with you again, he will not be able to get rid of the relationship when you make trouble. He has now made up his mind to eat imperial food at the public gate, but he doesn't want to be approached by Jinfenglou's people the next day to ask the Secretary of Gongwei to take care of him. How could he still be in the capital by then!

"Subordinates understand!"

Mei Qianxiao and Feng Junzhi communicated through voice transmission, so the scene fell into a strange silence, only to see Mei Qianxiao and Feng Junzhi looking at each other, and the atmosphere was weird.

Miss Xu was about to find something wrong in the middle of her misunderstanding, when Feng Junzhi suddenly smiled, with an elegant voice and a magnetic voice: "Thank you for the love from Jinfeng Building. In that case, Feng will go and show everyone an ugly song."

Miss Xu covered her mouth and almost screamed in surprise. She didn't expect Feng Junzhi to suddenly change his mind and open his mouth not knowing what to say.

"Feng Mou prepares a little, and he will go over later."

"Okay! Okay! The slave family is one step ahead, so everyone is ready! Master Feng, do you need to clear the scene?" Miss Xu finally recovered, and she was so excited that she couldn't speak.

"No!" Feng Junzhi hurriedly dissuaded him. His main goal was the stalker. How could someone be cleared out. "Feng will not affect the business of your store. If the customers don't dislike it, just stay and listen."

"That's great! No one will dislike it. How many people dream of listening to Feng Ban sing a song. If they can listen to one now, those guests will definitely not be able to kick them away! The slave family has to make arrangements in advance to prevent too many guests from coming after hearing the sound. , squeeze out the Jinfenglou!"

Miss Xu walked out quickly to bring the good news to everyone.

Mei Qianxiao shook her head, these days, singers are more eye-catching than big devils. Look, let you do those lonely little eyes, Miss Xu doesn't even look at her.

This aspiring young man, it's better for you not to rebel, everyone has a lot of social status when a opera.

This evening, Feng Junzhi was a guest at Jinfenglou, and sang the most famous two short passages of "The Story of Jing Chai" in the hall. The beautiful and leisurely and well-controlled music moved everyone present to tears, which was unforgettable. It made many people in the capital feel extremely regretful who were not able to listen to Feng Yiqu's performance in person. Since then, Jinfenglou has become even more famous. Everyone knows that Feng Yiqu's operas may be heard in Jinfenglou, and they feel that Jinfenglou is of high quality. Famous and famous people love to run to Jinfenglou.

Feng Junzhi appeared in the Jinfeng Building to sing a song, and there was a big disturbance in the capital. Although Jinfenglou's gatekeepers are all good experts, it is impossible to find that such experts as Mei Qianxiao and Qu Hao come and go.

When the two left the city, they ran towards Baima Po, which was not far away anyway, so they were too lazy to look for a horse, and they were Xiaoxiaoshi.

Baimapo is a small scenic spot near the capital. It is said to be a slope, but it is actually a small plateau. One time when the grass was high in autumn, the nearby horse breeders drove the horses to graze, and most of the horses raised by the horse breeders were white horses. It happened that a few great writers who were sending off friends saw this scene and sighed with emotion. A classic poem "Bai Ma Po Farewell", later this small plateau was called Bai Ma Po.

Therefore, such a trend of elegance has also arisen. Anyone who sees off friends and regards themselves as literary and artistic elements loves to come to this Baimapo, and they have to stand in a pavilion on a high **** and sing affectionately in the distance. Farewell” is the completion of the task. Climbing high and looking into the distance to read the eulogy, it is like paying homage, and I don't know if it is auspicious or not.

There is a small pavilion at the highest point on Baima Po, looking down at a green grassland, and a small river of unknown name in the distance passes by. If you look at it from a distance, you can see a river and spring water at the end of Yimapingchuan, and when you look at it from a distance, you can see several overlapping clouds and mountains. It is also a beautiful scenery, spacious and sunny.

But their demons came to have a meeting, not to play, so they chose to gather in the small woods on the side of the capital in Baimapo.

During the day, there will be people here in Baimapo to watch the scenery, to say goodbye to friends, and at night there will be no one. Even if there are, they should be idiots and women who came quietly to fight in the field. This grove is very secluded.

The two came to the Baimapo Woods, Qu Hao was still dressed in a simple and rough style, but his brows and smiles changed a bit.

He put down the ponytail, and his long black hair fell behind his shoulders and hung down to his waist, like a soft dark cloud under the moonlight. He wore a white mask on his face, which reflected strange reflections in the misty moonlight. There are two invisible holes in the corner of the mask. That's right, they were bitten through by the snake's head before. In addition to the eyes, the mask has two holes dug out for people to see, and the mouth, nose and eyebrows are all sculpted on the surface, showing a laughing look.

That laughter is not an ordinary laughter, it seems to be a crazy laughter, which makes people feel uneasy when they see it, but it has a faint fear.

This mask was a gift brought back by the master when Mei Qianxiao was still young. He didn't know where to go to play. It was estimated that it was a promotional item from a scenic spot. He brought back a total of three masks, with different styles, and he and his brother and Quietly each shared one.

Mei Qianxiao couldn't beat the senior brother, so in order to show the traditional virtue of respecting the elderly, the senior brother chose one first. And because Liu Jingyi was very young at that time, but she was already delicate and cute, so in order to show the traditional virtue of loving children, Mei Qianxiao asked Liu Jingyi to choose another one.

As a result, the helpless Mei Qianxiao successfully obtained the unanimous consensus of all the colleagues of the Sun Moon God Cult, the ugliest mask that was left over. This mask is like what Liu whispered: Laughing like crying, eating **** before death, right?

Sorry, although you describe it quite similar, but there is no such thing as a mask before death.

Before entering the woods, the two were surrounded by a few people with the word "hair thief" written on their foreheads.

"Stop! Take out all the money on your body! If I find out that I am dishonest, I will get a knife for hiding a penny!"

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