The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 283: Shuangzhu can't go back, slackers can't be depressed

In the study room of the commander of the Arch Guard Division.

Li Mengyao's face was a little tired, Yixue and Tingfeng stood beside her.

"The New Year is approaching, and three months have passed. The queen mother, the queen, and the eldest princess should return to the capital from Lianhua Mountain. But this time I went to Lingnan to visit my father's old friend, Guo Zhifu, and I learned that this year's weather is unusual, with early snow in the north and winter in the south. Tide. The tide flooded under Lianhua Mountain, flooding the foot of the mountain, and the tide did not retreat in a short time. The Queen Mother and others who prayed on the mountain are afraid that they will not be able to return to the capital for New Year's Eve. "

Li Mengyao took the hot tea that Tingfeng gave her, took a sip, relieved the tiredness of the journey, and then took off the thick shawl on her body.

"No wonder they haven't come back yet, I'm just wondering." Ting Feng nodded.

"This year, the queen mother asked to go to Lotus Mountain to pray for three months, precisely because of the strange astronomical phenomena this year. I want to use my daughter's body to suppress the bad luck and keep me auspicious and safe in the Central Plains." Yixue sighed and said, "As planned, We will meet them on the way back to the capital. On the Queen Mother's side, Sister Changning helped us find an excuse that we were just strolling down the mountain, and then we would meet them near Lianhua Mountain. At most, the Queen Mother would rebuke a few words, which is harmless. Now It's a dilemma, they can't come back, we can't go back."

"If they can't come back, you should go back to the palace too. Besides, Qianxiao suspected that someone was going to harm you in the last hunt. I've always been worried about this. It's always unsafe to go outside, so I'll send you back in two days. palace……"

"No. Seeing that we are the only ones who come back and the emperor must doubt our experience of going out for three months. Just a quick check will know that we are making a fool of yourself in the Gongwei Si. Then, it will cause Sister Mengyao and Gong Weisi to fall into a bad name of bullying the king. Wouldn't it be troublesome. "

Li Mengyao thought about Yixue's words for a while, and she really felt that it was a dilemma.

"There is not a single survivor of the Five Poison Sect disciples who have been caught. So far, the culprit behind the scenes and his purpose have not been found. It cannot make me feel at ease. This matter is also very annoying. What about New Year's Eve? , and don't want to be reunited with the emperor's family?"

"That can't be helped. It's very special to be able to spend the Spring Festival with Sister Mengyao. I haven't had a New Year in the folk!" Ting Feng said excitedly, obviously tired of the New Year in the palace, and wanted to make waves outside .

"Haha... I'm sorry, did you forget that I have to enter the palace to reunite with the emperor on New Year's Eve?"

"Ah! I forgot if you didn't tell me! You sat next to me last year!" Tingfeng patted his head, "That's okay, let's find Big Brother Mei. He has a lot of knowledge and will definitely be able to show us. The lively New Year's taste of the people!"

"Who wants to celebrate the New Year with that wretched pervert! Isn't it bad luck!" Yixue immediately became irritable.

However, I also somewhat agree with the meaning of listening to the wind. If you want to feel the taste of the folk New Year, I am afraid that you really want to find that eyebrow.

The atmosphere of the girls just became active, and when they saw a few people hurried in, their emotions immediately went down again.

This time, it wasn't because the arrival of Mei Qianxiao spoiled their atmosphere.

"See the commander." The three who came in bowed their hands together.

Li Mengyao's gaze couldn't help but stay on Mei Qianxiao for a while. The last time we met, Mei Qianxiao was still lying in a coma on the bed, but when I saw that people were alive and well, the melancholy and melancholy that had been pressing on my heart for a while was lessened a lot. Although he talks about Mei Qianxiao, he has all kinds of contempt and disgust, but he has not seen him for a long time.

Mei Qianxiao originally thought that the nightmare she had just now would have some shadows on Li Mengyao, but she didn't expect to linger in the place where Li Damei was so surging and magnificent, and she didn't mean to reject it at all. I still have some thoughts in my heart, which is really strange... Could it be that the dream was something that I liked subconsciously? !

What the hell!

Incredible, I have to go to Jinfenglou tonight to prove my sexuality and help me suppress my shock!

Li Mengyao asked the three of them to avoid the ceremony: "Jiang Hao, I have finished reading the dossier of this martial arts conference. Please mourn the matter of your junior sister."

"Thank you, Commander, for your concern. I am trying to find clues about this case. I will not let my junior sister die in vain, nor let the murderer go unpunished!"

"I came to you just to talk about this... You don't have to worry about this case."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

"Master Commander, please indicate what is wrong with your subordinates! Although the clues of the case are unclear, it must not be ignored!" Jiang Hao said anxiously.

"I didn't say that the case was ignored. I plan to hand it over to another team to follow up, and work with Dongji Office to handle it as a major case. The deceased has a close relationship with you. Her death will affect your emotions. It's easy to make mistakes if you follow up."

"My lord, I will never make a mistake!"

"'Teachers, relatives, friends and enemies need to avoid suspicion', have you forgotten the rules of the Guard Division?" Li Mengyao raised her face slightly, those almond eyes were not angry and arrogant.

"Teachers, relatives, friends and enemies need to avoid suspicion" is one of the rules of the Gongwei Division on investigating cases, which means that a case with teachers, relatives, close friends, enemies, etc. that can easily affect emotions and lead to wrong judgments, must avoid suspicion and let other Jin Yiwei handle it.

Jiang Hao slapped her forehead hard, her eyes were red, and she didn't know if the tiger palm was causing her brain pain or her heart aches: "This subordinate is wrong, everything is as arranged by the commander!"

"Well, I will personally supervise this case, and I will let you know if there is any progress, so don't worry. In addition, as the end of the year is approaching, wealthy businessmen and children of high-ranking officials all over the world need help with many things, and we can hardly squeeze those people in the hall. You take Jiang Hao's team to take some simple and easy tasks, so you can relax yourself."

As the New Year is approaching, it is not only the wealthy businessmen and the children of high-ranking officials from all over the world that have a lot of things to do, but also the guards, but Li Mengyao asked him, the new head of the Thirty-six Heavenly Demons, to do those simple things, and he immediately understood the painstaking efforts of the commander: "My subordinate The state is acceptable, let the subordinates share some difficult matters!"

Shut up! ! You are in good condition, brother is in poor condition! My brother has only been lying down for three days, and it is not good enough to lie down at all! Speaking of which, my brother is still in love, how can three days of decadence be enough? How can I give my brother a year and a half of decadence to be enough?

"No, it's a big help if you go to work on this." Li Mengyao waved her hand with a smile, her loyal love will really not be in vain.

"Yes!" Jiang Hao had no choice but to answer.

As soon as Jiang Hao agreed, Li Mengyao's two big eyes immediately looked at her brother, her inner expression was intriguing, no matter how she looked at it, it was not right.

"Okay! Now that Jiang Hao's affairs have been settled, then I wish Brother Hao all the best! The commander is tired and should have a good We are not inconvenienced to disturb you! You are busy with official business, I don’t know when the next time we will see you again. I wish you all the best of luck. I wish you all the best of luck in making a fortune. The old and young are alive and kicking, the men and women are screaming, eating big meat every day, and staying with peach blossoms every night. Money is all over the building, and the children and grandchildren are full of mouths!"

Back off when you're done, don't stay half a step!

Mei Qian smiled and said nonsense with a quick mouth, which made the wind and flowers tremble. In the palace, she was used to listening to Taifu's Wen crepe, and she liked to listen to Mei Qianxiao's ruffian-like nonsense, feeling particularly down-to-earth and curious. Even Yixue held back a smile because of this guy's shamelessness. In order not to work, he even worshipped him in his early years, which he had never heard of before! It's just over a month away from the new year!

"Stop! Who approved you to leave?" Li Mengyao sneered and tapped the large wooden desk in front of her with two fingers, but she was not so easily fooled, "I said 'Jiang Hao team', when did you Change teams?"

"Lord Commander, look at me like this, how do I go on a mission?" Mei Qian smiled shyly and pointed to her wraps.

In order to pretend to be sick, he has been pestering this thing! Waiting for this day! As long as he can eat and wait to die, he is lazy, so why not let him haunt him for the rest of his life!

"Really? I'm so distressed, come and let me see how your injury is!"

Li Mengyao heard the words, her big watery eyes became gentle and pleasant, and she clasped her hands together restlessly beside her lower lip, showing an extremely worried look. Coupled with her white bamboo shoots scattered under the fringes of her skirt, she bit her lower lip intentionally or unintentionally, revealing an inexplicable charm.

Seductive demon girl, eat my old eyebrows! Cough, calm down! Keep calm above and below!

Li Damei is violent and fierce, how can she be so gentle and cute! There must be some fraud!

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