The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 294: Enjoy talking

"Ahaha...Qi Datou really likes to joke." Tan Qianzhou was afraid that Qi Desheng's rude words would offend Mei Qianxiao, so he quickly interjected, "This is, his name is Mei Qianxiao. He said he wanted to go to Jiangdong to see it. Look, let him come with you."

The name Mei Qianxiao was not loud, so Tan Qianzhou used it directly.

"It turned out to be Boss Tan's brother-in-law, who is worthy of a big family. No wonder there is a kind of feeling when we meet... There is a festive New Year's taste coming to my face. I am lucky to meet." Tan Qianzhou is a big customer here, and Qi Desheng naturally does not It will be more offended, but also politely try to compliment a few words, "How old is Lingmei, and she is already married? I am so lucky to have such a good relationship... Why did Lingmei not go together this time, with my sister-in-law. Traveling in the mountains and playing in the water, watching the Jiangdong River view?"

"According to your words, she has something to do and won't go far. My sister is 28 this year..." "My wife is 18 this year."

Tan Qianzhou and Mei Qianxiao each answered their own questions, and they didn't collude so carefully beforehand, which resulted in complete incompatibility.

"Is it 28 or 18?" Qi Desheng blinked a few times, and it became more and more difficult to see through this family. Can the age of his sister and wife be 10 years old? Marry and marry are not the same person!

"18!" "28!"

Tan Qianzhou and Mei Qianxiao looked at each other silently, feeling tired for their lack of understanding.

Still smiling quickly, he stretched out his hand to cover Tan Qianzhou's mouth and said to himself, "My wife is 28 years old. I was 18 when I got married. I fell in love with her at first sight. I still feel that her youth has not faded away, and her youth is like 18. The girl is sweet and lovely, so I can't bear to call her half a year longer."

Awesome...Tan Qianzhou couldn't help but clapped his hands twice with a look of admiration, and finally understood the division of labor within the team that Mei Qianxiao said before. Such a sweet and smooth tongue, how can you not be handsome! What kind of husband-in-law talks to his wife like this, he is so handsome that his wife's heart is rippling!

"What about the other one? He's dressed so festively, could it be his brother-in-law?" Qi Desheng quickly changed the subject after he said politely, and didn't even want to stay on this person whose eyes would hurt just to look at him for a second.

But the other person is also wearing bright red. It's not that the family does not enter the house. This family really likes red and purple!

"No, that's the head guard of our family, walk with me." Tan Qianzhou smiled and waved to Jiang Hao.

The other Jiang Hao stood very far away, and if he didn't pay attention, he thought he was also a **** standing in the corner.

Jiang Hao, who said it would not be ashamed to go together before, simply reached out and slapped herself in the face.

Would it be shameful to walk with Mei Qianxiao, a non-mainstream outfit!


Even a stern and rough man of him couldn't hold back his grotesque and blurry appearance! Now I just want to stand as far away from him as I can, and I don't want to be considered to be with him at all!

Now that she was named, Jiang Hao had to step forward even if she didn't want to, and bowed her hands to Qi Desheng.

"Under the ginger..."

"Jiang Daniu! His name is Jiang Daniu!" Mei Qianxiao suddenly remembered that she was wearing bright clothes just now, shining Tan Qianzhou's eyes, forgot to communicate with Jiang Hao, and quickly interjected to help Jiang Hao change her name. It's broken!

"Jiang Daniu? Why do I look familiar to him?" Qi Desheng scratched his head and looked up and down Jiang Hao, feeling as if he had seen him somewhere.

"Impossible, we are young, he is from our village, and he has never been out of the village since he was a child. Later, he was fortunate enough to be recruited into the Tan family as a bodyguard and seldom showed up. You must have identified the wrong person. Look at him. A whole body of muscles, look at these chest muscles, biceps, latissimus dorsi, chest muscles... It's because of their strength that they are called Daniel! Do you want to feel them?

Mei Qianxiao was afraid that Qi Desheng was going to recognize Jiang Hao, so he just touched and explained it, as if he was selling pork to explain the fatness and thinness of each part.

A group of escorts looked at Mei Qianxiao with excited expression and **** skillfully, and felt a chill in their hearts. They warned themselves to stay away from this guy.

"This... I suddenly understand why Lingmei didn't follow me." Qi Desheng subconsciously sat away from his eyebrows and smiled, and whispered to Tan Qianzhou, "I'm just a **** who can't take care of other people's housework, but I still advise Mr. Tan. , let your sister-in-law join your head guard less, it will embarrass your sister Lu Yungai at the most... Oh my god, those hands are starting to go down, this Mr. Spring Festival couplet in your family is really amazing, **** , that intoxicated look, the family is unfortunate..."

All in all, under the leadership of Tan Qianzhou, Jiang Hao and Mei Qianxiao got together with the people from Zhenwei Escort.

Mei Qianxiao didn't know much about the information on King Liuqin's side, but only after listening to Jiang Hao's introduction.

The status level in the **** bureau is different. The boss is called the chief dart head. The population base of the Zhenwei **** bureau is relatively large, so there are four deputy chief dart heads. The chief dart head and the deputy chief dart head have similar positions, just like the level of Wudang's true masters, Emei, who was born with the word "annihilation".

Down is the head of the dart, the master of the dart, and the hand of the dart. The level of the hangman is similar to the force in the guard department, and the level of the guard is about the level of the ordinary Jinyiwei. If it is a very ordinary escort, the **** can take out the dart with the helper. Of course, the darts of a slightly higher level must be led by the darts.

This Qi De Sheng is a very powerful and ruthless character in the Zhenwei Escort. He is somewhat similar to Jiang Hao's head of the eighty-two evil spirits. He is at least the top five among all the darts in the Zhenwei Escort.

A wealthy businessman of Tan Qianzhou's level is a big boss in the wealthy circle. Don't look at the tea leaves, but those are tea leaves that are several times more valuable than gold. It is normal to invite a top-level dart head like Qi Desheng.

After a few people got to know each other, Mei Qianxiao took the lead in chatting with each other for a long time. Of course, the partners who travel together in the future must get acquainted.

After chatting, they came to know that Zhenwei Escort took this deal very seriously. Apart from dispatching Qi Desheng, a high-level escort, they brought all escorts and not a single escort.

The job of dart transport is not vulgar, but it is always a hard work. Mei Qianxiao thought that Qi Desheng would be a rough person, and his brain was straight, probably another Jiang Hao.

After talking about it, I realized that I was a little underestimated.

Qi Desheng's words revealed sharp and penetrating insights. He arranged the trip in an orderly manner, and some key points were quite confidential, even Tan Qianzhou did not disclose it, and his professionalism was quite solid. Obviously, to be a darthead, not only can you play, but also have a certain ability to coordinate. After all, what they are doing is not the business of occupying land and robbing the king, but protecting the life and property of the employer. The difference between the two is quite large.

After chatting with Qi Desheng for a while, Mei Qianxiao felt that I had benefited a lot. It's no wonder that Zhenwei Bodyguard can dominate the bodyguard world, and being the King of Six Diligence is indeed a bit of a level.

"What, the Spring Festival couplets...Ah, brother Mei, you seem to be very interested in the work of a I see that you are tall and generous, and have a good talent. Start practicing now, as long as you work hard enough, practice I can also be a **** in a few years." Seeing the eyebrows, Qi Desheng had a strange attire and seemed to have a tangled relationship with Jiang Daniu, but it was decent to talk about it, so he cared a few more words.

"Oh, I'm in my twenties, and I have married a good wife. I won't worry about eating and drinking for the rest of my life if I break my legs. Be my little white face. What are you doing as a escort? I like to live a long life. To put it simply, why should you be a coolie when you can rely on your looks?"


The atmosphere in which everyone was chatting happily suddenly sounded a tidy inhalation that revealed a touch of pain in the eggs.

How can this person be so shameless?

"But I'm very interested in the work of your escort, and I want to hear more." Mei Qian smiled again, "I don't know if Qi dart has a lot of knowledge and martial arts skills, and has he ever encountered any Jiang Yang robber who is not afraid of death to rob you. Where's the dart?"

Usually these men who have traveled far and wide are most willing to show off their glorious past to others. This opened the chatter box, Qi Desheng talked about the braveness of the year, and the fight with many famous thieves was exciting enough, even Jiang Hao and Tan Qianzhou listened with relish.

The interesting time passed very quickly. The guards of Zhenwei Escort Bureau never touched alcohol when they were out. Tan Qianzhou called the shopkeeper to bring tea and refreshments. He listened to Qi Desheng's story in the room, and chatted for more than two hours in a blink of an eye.

When he was almost done talking, Mei Qianxiao clapped her hands, and suddenly said, "As expected of the head of the dart, he is very brave, you have beaten all the thieves on the thirty-six routes to the ground! But I want to ask, I don't know Qi. Darts, you guys are working as security guards, have you heard of 'Pirates'?"


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