The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 325: wrong inference

"We, King Wu, eh, why is it so strange." Jiang Hao scratched his head, he was in a mess when asked by Mei Qianxiao, "If it's someone sent by King Wu, the purpose is just to lure us. Come here, how can the nine-colored glass beads be involved in the case?"

"That's right, I don't understand this. Is it just coincidence that the suspect came to the Gongwei Division to request the **** to go to Jiangdong at this time?" Li Mengyao wondered.

"Sir, is it possible that these nine-colored glazed beads have always been hidden in King Wu's mansion, and are now being used by King Wu to tempt us to come?"

"Haha..." Li Mengyao waved her hand and let out a burst of laughter like the wind blowing silver bells. The big eyes of the jade face that laugh like a crescent moon are shining brightly, dazzling, as if she was amused by a mindless joke. , "That's impossible. You've never lived in the palace, so it's not surprising to make such an inference. But I can tell you with certainty that it's impossible."

Even Yixue and Tingfeng shook their heads, Tingfeng even rubbed his stomach that hurt from laughing and said, "That's right, the nine-colored glazed beads can't be in Wu Wang's place!"

No, Li Damei has grown up in the palace since she was a child, and Xiaoge doesn't understand royal secrets. The two of you, the iron mask duo, are laughing!

"Why is your lord so sure?" Mei Qian smiled and glanced at Yi Xue and Ting Feng, then turned around and asked angrily.

"These two princes are Empress Long'er. Although they were naughty and rebellious since childhood, the Queen Mother loved them at the end. The eldest prince is elegant and steady, which makes the second prince more naughty and mischievous. Every time the second prince gets into trouble, the emperor intends to be ruthless. When he was severely punished, he would hide in the Cining Palace, and the Queen Mother would plead for him every time."

"The Queen Mother is a solemn, serious and unsmiling person. In the entire palace, only the second prince and the third princess can make her happy. I heard that the eldest prince who died before was also naughty when he was only two or three years old. The queen mother often scolds those who are not sensible. He and the queen at that time, after their death, the queen mother was depressed for a few years, she felt that she was too harsh to them, and felt very guilty. Later, when she saw the second prince and third princess who were both naughty and mischievous, the queen mother was particularly in love, Treating the two of them is completely different from treating others, maybe the two of them touch the emotional part of her family more."

As Li Mengyao spoke, she quietly glanced at Tingfeng. Listening to the wind stuck out her tongue and admitted that she knew that the queen mother liked her to spoil her, otherwise she would have the courage to force Yixue to take her down the mountain to play, who wouldn't be afraid of the queen mother getting angry.

Li Mengyao shook her head, the mischief of the second prince and the third princess was actually different. The naughty of the third princess is more because of her lively and cheerful personality, while the second prince, his naughty is only for his own amusement, and most of it is selfish behavior that ignores the thoughts of others. But he couldn't stand it, and he would act like a spoiled child. The queen mother liked it very much, and only regarded him as a child who was too active and caused trouble.

"It seems that the queen dowager favors him, and it is not uncommon for the second prince to ask the queen mother to give him the nine-colored glazed beads, so why steal? If he finds it in the people later, he knows that the queen mother has been looking for this bead, it must be I will immediately send it back to the Queen Mother to ask the Queen Mother for credit. You must know that the Queen Mother is his biggest backer!"

"It turns out that, then according to this information, we can infer that there are two possibilities for the current situation. First, the suspect happened to come to the door at this embarrassing time and ask us to go to Jiangdong. After all, it is indeed a good idea to use the tea trade association to cover up his purpose. Choice; second, the second prince came to lure us, but the person who happened to be hiding the nine-color glazed beads and the second prince did not know about it, and he was just used by the thieves. But no matter what the reason, the current situation He became the second prince and detained the suspect, which seems to be very intentional about the case. I guess, is it to solve the case to please the queen mother?" Mei Qianxiao deduced according to the information given by Li Mengyao, but deviated from the truth. lead to a major change in the way of coping.

"That's right, it's very likely that this guy knows how to please the queen mother best." Li Mengyao nodded, finally having a reasonable explanation for the second prince to keep the suspect, "It's a pity, it's a pity, his painstaking effort is too hasty. The queen mother I prayed for blessings with the Queen on Lotus Mountain, but when I encountered a flood, I couldn’t go down the mountain for the time being. Next month, he returned to the palace for New Year’s Eve and he wouldn’t be able to see the Queen Mother, haha, silly!”

Schadenfreude is so beautiful that your body is trembling, Li Damei, how wrong are you with the second prince?

"No!" Mei Qianxiao looked at the beauty and shook her head, and suddenly thought of a change in her face, "You said that the Queen Mother and the Queen will not be back on New Year's Eve?"

"Yeah, but they are fine. The water and food on the mountain will last for half a year, and the tide should be back in two weeks. What's the matter?"

"My lord, you said before that only one prince needs to return to the fief after New Year's Eve, which means that the prince will be established around New Year's Eve... The queen is the second prince's mother, and the empress dowager loves the second prince the most. The big backer who can speak is not there, isn't it..."

"Shh!" Li Mengyao reached out and covered Mei Qianxiao's mouth, the tender touch and the light fragrance of her white muscles made Mei Qianxiao feel at ease, "I understand what you mean, don't say it anymore!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mengyao felt that her hand also felt a strange hot feeling, so she quickly put it away.

Mei Qian smiled and recovered, and immediately understood what Li Mengyao meant.

Like herself, she has seen that the emperor actually wanted to make someone the crown prince from a long time ago, but this matter can't be seen clearly, so she doesn't let herself go on.

"As the commander-in-chief said before, the emperor's desire to establish a crown prince may have been seen by the people around him, and maybe it was passed on to the ears of the second prince. As such, it is no wonder that he is very eager to have a relationship with Gongweisi, after the empress dowager With the Queen out of reach, there is an urgent need for a major force to fight for the crown prince position for him." Yixue understood what Mei Qianxiao meant, and said with her eyebrows tightened.

Although she had foreseen it long ago, when the two eldest brothers were fighting for power and profit, she was still a little hard to accept.

"Okay, the purpose and reason for all the actions of the Second Prince are basically understood!" Li Mengyao clapped her hands and didn't say anything, but she whispered a few words of praise from the bottom of her heart. If this guy handles the case so seriously every day, she is sure Less worrying about many troubles, "Then let's not do it again and again, neither will we participate in the tea merchant's meeting, and we will not let the second prince take the credit for the nine-colored glass beads! Watching you play that wishful thinking in vain, the old lady is happy!"

Tsk tsk, this is the most poisonous woman's heart!

After the big plan was finalized, Li Mengyao waved her hand and asked everyone to go back to rest.

"No money to laugh, you stay."

Everyone is gone, and only my brother and the humiliating beautiful boss are here. Is this the rhythm of what is going to happen? !

How does that work?

My brows and smiles are bright and aboveboard. How can you let your boss unspoken rules casually?

"I said, what happened to you suddenly undressing?"

"Huh? Oh, maybe I'm a little hot." Mei Qianxiao sat upright, using a pure expression to cover up the filth in her heart, and changed the subject, "Boss, you and the second prince don't seem to be at odds, can I gossip? ?"

"I hate it, why do you still call me boss? There has been new progress in our relationship, shouldn't we change it to a more cordial name?"

Yo West! Has our relationship turned out to be a breakthrough? Why didn't I feel it!

I'm sorry, maybe I've been with that steel straight man Jiang Hao for a long time recently, and my emotional nerves have been dulled, and I haven't noticed a breakthrough in our relationship... So should I call you Mengyao, Yaoyao, or sweetheart? Hey hey hey, a little wild cat is fine too...

"Call the creditor, stupid!"

This is called a kind ball! ! !

Mei Qianxiao's expression was frozen for a long time.

"That Li Jianbi and I are really at odds. When he was young, he saw that I was not the emperor's biological son, but the emperor treated me as if he was his own. He was jealous and despised, so he always bullied me. Once he pushed me into the water, I almost drowned in the broken lake in the imperial garden! Fortunately, I was rescued by 'he' that night..."

he? Who is he?

Li Mengyao suddenly showed a shy look. He was really charming, and he was really scary. It always felt like this irritable beauty, a shy little girl, was a scam to tempt you into fascination.

"Since then, we've been wrong! What's even more disgusting is that since about three or four years ago, every time we gather in the palace for the New Year, the guy seems to have discovered a new world and always looks at me. I listen to it later. It is said that that guy actually made a request to the emperor to marry me, but was rejected by the emperor on the grounds of 'no marriage with the same surname'. There is something wrong."

Um? It turns out that the two of them still have this one? ? Although he is the second prince and has a high position, he feels that he is not worthy of Li Mengyao. It seems that the emperor is also a sensible person, and he used such a lousy excuse to push the marriage, indicating that the emperor really has a deep relationship with Li Mengyao's family and does not want to cheat Li Mengyao.

And brother also inferred from this that Li Damei's figure has developed rapidly from about four years ago! So majestic, so vast, so towering, so...

"Why are you staring at the melon seed shell Yin Xiao at my desk again and again?"

"Suddenly, I want to sing a poem to them... I will be Ling Jueding, and I will see the mountains and mountains!"

"Look at the melon seed shells and look at the mountains, are you sick?"

Amid Li Mengyao's contempt, she nodded with a smile on her face, you should just be ill, a disease that you can't control because of the perilous Xuefeng!

"Stop talking nonsense, there is a serious business to keep you here. The information given by the suspect, the buyer transaction and the tea merchant meeting are on the same day, you know this. I think this is good, we will focus on catching the royal family. On the prisoners of treasures, avoid the tea merchants and kill two birds with one stone. Buyers are extremely cunning, and when they disguise themselves as sellers to arrest the prisoners to avoid suspicion, we can only control the number of people to a small number of two. Then you and I will go ."

"Okay... a ghost! It's fine if you want to go, but at least you should go to Rilong or Jiang Hao! I'm a rookie who only knows how to play the "Introductory Leg Technique" of Weisi to accompany you, won't it hold you back? !!"

Shit, when my brother knew about this situation, he had already planned the itinerary of sleeping, eating, drinking and sleeping that day in his mind! And in the end, the most important thing to sleep, is whether to go to the Qunfang Building or the Meilan Courtyard, and there is a lot of confusion between heaven and earth! Why is it so clear that there is nothing wrong with my brother during the holiday, but I also have trouble for my brother? ?

"What? It's been a few months since you joined the Gongwei Division, and you actually only learned the "Introductory Leg Technique"? You bastard!"

Sister, you only gave me the "Introductory Leg Technique", okay? ! Anyway, pay attention to my brother's learning progress, and then give this "Advanced Leg Technique"!

"That's right, I'm very If I don't sleep for 20 hours a day, my legs will be soft and my leucorrhea will be abnormal...Be good, let Brother Xiao or Brother Long accompany you."

"It is very important to disguise this kind of task. Using them is more than enough." Li Mengyao said lightly with a deep and serious expression, and the helplessness between the words was miserable and miserable.

You... what he said really makes sense!

But my brother still wants to refuse, it's a life that has no benefit at all, and it's thankless... Unless the beauty is planning something, take off, cough, lower the neckline a little, shyly roar the dragon or something, use the pair of snow-white The smooth legs are hooked up or something, and my brother may even shake a little...

"You complete this task well, and you don't need to call me the creditor in private in the future, do you understand?"

"Finish the task resolutely! I have done my best to die!" Mei Qianxiao said firmly.

Only then did Li Mengyao pat Mei Qianxiao's shoulder with satisfaction, and then went back to her room to rest.

What Mei Qianxiao didn't know was that his misjudgment about the origin of the nine-colored glass beads today caused the situation to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

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