The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 329: hesitant to move forward

Zuo Bieyun and Li Mengyao gathered around to watch, Zuo Bieyun had expected clues in his heart, but he pretended to be surprised.

Li Mengyao was quite surprised: "The other party has a strong sense of prevention. This roof is covered by green leaves and horizontal branches, and it is difficult for us to be found here. We will move forward through this rope. If we quietly arrange someone behind us, we must think we are still there. In the inn, I don't know that we left in such a covert way. A clever arrangement can get rid of the crisis that we may bring, these prisoners are very clever, and they are really cheap! "

"Gao Ming? I can't see it. We are sending signals here, and we can't let the people behind us know where we are." Zuo Bieyun murmured.

"Brother, since people will make such an arrangement, it means that someone must be watching in the dark. If you do any strange behavior, it will be exposed immediately! And it will also expose the people behind you! This matter is also yellow. !" Mei Qianxiao explained angrily.

"It makes sense." Zuo Bieyun whispered and asked Li Mengyao with some doubts, "But why are you calling them cheap? We haven't seen anyone yet, so how do we know they are cheap?"

"A person with such a strong anti-reconnaissance ability is either a wicked dog from the Dongji Works Factory or a wicked gangster... No matter what kind of person it is, they are all cheap." Li Mengyao said fiercely, with the scar on his face, showing a vicious look, Obviously hate the two things mentioned above.

This... Aren't Dongchang and Gongweisi both from the public gate, do they have an inexorable feud, why are they cursing people so viciously?

Mei Qianxiao gave Zuo Bieyun an indifferent look. Anyone who slowly knew how Li Mengyao was a strange woman who dared to love and hate (irritable and ruthless) would be as confused as he was. As for the grievances and grievances between Dongchang and Gongweisi, let's not mention them in detail. No one stumbles on each other, wears shoes and knocks sap, and it will take three days and three nights to talk about the whole thing. In short, there's nothing wrong with Jin Yiwei and Dongchang's editorial affairs, just don't meet.

"The suspect has never been able to explain the buyer's origin. We are not prepared to take precautions, and if we continue to chase, we will lose contact with the rear support. When we are in deep danger, it may be difficult to save. I don't think it is appropriate for us to chase." Mei Qian After thinking about it with a smile, he suggested.

If he is the only one, then of course it is easy to handle, Longtan Tiger Cave will not be taken seriously. But with these two things it's different. It would be fine if it was just Zuo Bieyun, but it was very troublesome to have Li Mengyao. There are too many secrets on him, and if the head of Jinyiwei finds out his true identity, if she is tracked down, it will definitely be a piece of shit.

And don't think about secretly knocking Li Mengyao unconscious at a critical moment like last time in Dunhuang. Li Mengyao's explanation that time has always been doubtful, and he will definitely not believe it again. In order not to reveal his identity, he did not play well.

"You're not right when you're rich in eyebrows." Zuo Bieyun suddenly said anxiously.

Hey, Jiangdong Xiaobawang, you just talk, scolding people for no reason, does your brother look like someone who has no money... Oh no, this is my current name.

"The suspect is only collecting money to do things for others. Who is the boss behind the scenes is unwilling to hire, and the buyer's identity is unknown. It is very normal. If King Wu hadn't promised to save his life, I'm afraid this buyer would not have been hired to protect himself. Now the buyer I don't know the real appearance of the person who joins, which is a good opportunity for us to disguise and enter the net. How can we retreat because there are unknown risks? Would you Jinyiwei be afraid of the risks when handling the case, so you will retreat before the thief? Going out to catch the thief, how can there be comfort? when?"

Zuo Bieyun's remarks made Li Mengyao nodded again and again. She also meant it. There must be risks in catching bad bandits. The other party is extremely vigilant and has a very strong anti-reconnaissance ability. If they miss the opportunity of undercover connection this time, I am afraid it will be difficult to arrest these evil parties again.

Mei Qianxiao was about to say something else when Li Mengyao gently stretched out her hand on his chest to stop him and push him back: "Going is absolutely necessary, but the danger is definitely not small, your poor martial arts will only hold me back. You might as well stay in the house and find a way to get in touch with the rear support, so that they don't get tricked and waste their time in this inn."

Although Li Mengyao's words were ugly, the skillful hand placed on Mei Qianxiao's chest made Mei Qianxiao feel a deep warmth.

She was actually worried about her brother's safety...

"I'm going too! I came here with two people, how can I come back alone? What if others think that my brother is escaping? It will damage the glorious image of my brother!"

Mei Qianxiao grabbed the skillful hand in front of her chest, and the warmth of her large palm wrapped the soft catkin, which made Li Mengyao feel a strange feeling.

"You, meow, can you have other images besides being wretched? Let go of your dirty hands, don't take the opportunity to be a hooligan!" Li Mengyao patted Mei Qianxiao's hand with force, and turned her head to the rope, for some reason she didn't want to make Mei Qianxiao See her weird look.

"Wait, I said, we came here with three people, why are there two people here, what are you talking about..." Zuo Bieyun appeared out of time to protest his identity as a human being.

"Okay, okay, the three of you are here... There is so much nonsense, you quickly slide down to explore the way." Mei Qianxiao rolled her eyes and said.

It’s fine if you don’t find yourself redundant, but don’t keep showing your unnecessary presence.

"Me? I'll go down first?" Zuo Bieyun glared at the long rope and saw no end. Even if he knew it was Duke Weng's arrangement, he couldn't help swallowing.

"No, I'll go first." Li Mengyao stopped him, "I and I, who have no money, are your bodyguards. If there is an unknown situation, the guards should go first. If you let the boss go first, it won't be a show."

"Then I'll get off first!" Mei Qianxiao was about to step forward.

"Get up and start! At your level, when the long rope slides down and falls to the ground, I'm afraid you will be paralyzed!" Li Mengyao said with disgust, but she was still very pleased that the coward who had taken half a step beforehand was so brave. " I'll go down first, and I'll catch you later! I don't ask you not to waste your good skin, as long as your martial arts skills reach 70% of Liu Qiu's level, I'll be thankful!"

"That's it, goodness!"

Hehe, Jufeng Human Flesh Cushion, hehehe...

Li Mengyao felt that among the three here, she had the highest martial arts skills, and it was the safest to go down to explore the way first. She moved as soon as she said it, and saw that she wrapped the camouflage bag on her back with a rope, hung her hands on it, and slid down the rope. In fact, there is a better way to slip down with her Qinggong, but she is only pretending to be an ordinary thug, so naturally her martial arts can't be too high.

The rope is actually not as far as imagined, after all, the inn is only so high. There were dense branches along the road, which made Li Mengyao's cheek hurt from scratching, and also brought out a few holes. However, Li Mengyao usually suffers from wind and fire, and suffers a lot of minor injuries. Such a scratch is not a big deal at all. Although her appearance is a top priority of the Kung Guard Division, it is better to put it aside than the mission.

This is a typical strong woman.

Mei Qianxiao is relieved to let Li Mengyao go down first. Li Mengyao's martial arts level is completely first-class in the arena. As long as there is no monster like him, Li Mengyao is not injured, it is difficult for others to get good from her.

When they saw that the rope swayed a few times without wind, Zuo Bieyun and Mei Qianxiao also drew a gourd and used the baggage as a tool to hang on the rope and slide down.

Mei Qianxiao finally came down, and her whole body was relaxed in mid-air, waiting to enjoy the soft and plump embrace of the beauty for a while...

Who would have thought that when he got there, let alone hugging him, he was even kicked in the foot by Li Mengyao! This kick kicked him off the Although he avoided hitting the tree trunk at the end of the rope, he was planted on the ground and ate a mouthful of mud!

The gap between this dream and reality is too great!

"Damn it, I said that the humiliation of the meat pad, ahhh, I agreed to catch me! The most basic trust between people! Brother, are you ready to be hugged by the princess!"

Li Mengyao saw that Mei Qianxiao's dirty face was not angry, but regretful and unwilling, and a little pride rose in her heart: "When I came down, I found that this place is ooze, you won't die if you fall, then Why do I need to catch you?"

Seeing it or not, this is the ugly face of a woman, what she promised is the same, but what she gets is another, and in the end, he was justified by what she said.

tsk tsk, woman...

"Amitabha...Did you bring the beads?"

At this moment, in the depths of the dense forest where they were, there was an eerie whisper.

It was like the whistling of a mountain stream like a cloudy wind, making people feel uncomfortable.

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