The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 334: 1 game, 1 chess

The Kshali Emperor asked the four demon monks to help fetch the beads, and several people were busy in the quagmire.

When the smiling figure disappeared into the depths, the Khalil Emperor changed his anxious face, shook off the mud in his hands and walked leisurely to the side to watch the four demon monks fishing for beads, with a play-like smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Khali Emperor, the purpose of our trip is not at all the nine-colored glass beads. Why do we waste time looking for beads... As long as we catch up just now, the poor monk can guarantee the life of the boss of the Gongwei Si!" Yuan Sheng Jingang waved The strong arm slammed into the quagmire, blasting a black column of mud, venting his anger.

"Take her life? Hehehe..." Khalil laughed heartily, motioning him to continue looking for beads and stop joking, "Kill Li Mengyao, you and I will die here soon... Without Li Mengyao's restraint, 'Yue' will Falling out of thin air and killing the Quartet, I don't want to die in this ghost place."

"Kshali Emperor, when our brothers became famous, we never heard of 'yue'... a mere junior who has no reputation makes you an eminent monk in Tianzhu, so you are not afraid of others' jokes when you say it?" Lian Guan King Kong said coldly.

"Come on, the poor monk would rather be laughed at than court death. In short, you can do whatever the poor monk says." Emperor Khalil was too lazy to talk nonsense with these four people who were sitting on the well, so he waved his hand in annoyance to shut them up.

The four demon monks were all extremely vicious, but at this time, although they were unhappy in their hearts, they did not disobey the order of the Kshali Emperor.

Back then, they were chased and killed by the right way, and they did respond to a gossip. They escaped from the Central Plains in order to hide from the chase and escaped to the land of Tianzhu. They didn't do anything good there, and later they provoke the local Jianghu faction. When they were desperate, it was Kshalidi who saved his life. Afterwards, he followed the Kshali Emperor and became a subordinate of the Kshali Emperor, but the Kshali Emperor did not like to be restrained, and several people were equal to each other.

While speaking, Chanming King Kong had already scooped up the nine-colored glass beads and threw them to Emperor Kshali.

"Okay, I'll go back first, there are still many places in Liquan's plan that can't be without me." Emperor Shali collected the nine-colored glass beads, and did not forget to explain carefully before leaving, "Your purpose is to delay them and continue. Do it according to the poor monk's method, as long as that eyebrow is still within Li Mengyao's line of sight, then it's up to you."

After speaking, the slender body of Khalildi quickly left this swamp.


Earlier Wu Wangfu.

Outside King Wu's study, General Manager Liu came hurriedly. The etiquette he cultivated in the court since childhood was fully reflected in him. He walked quickly but not in a hurry, and he was steady and elegant.

He walked to the door and was about to knock on the door when suddenly, the second prince's cheerful laughter came from the crack of the door that was not closed.

Director Liu watched the second prince grow up, and naturally understood the second prince's temperament. At this time, he was in a good mood, and it was best not to disturb his mood with noise, otherwise he would be violent again. It is better to wait outside the door for a while before asking for instructions.

"Hahaha... Duke Weng, are you sure the information is true?" King Wu's voice revealed excitement that had not appeared in a long time.

Director Liu nodded silently and showed a fatherly smile. It was estimated that King Wu was excited to receive the news that the tea business association was successfully opening. He came in a hurry just to report the good news.

"The scout reported that four horses galloped from the north for thousands of miles. The four of them were wearing the precious and thick furs and furs of Kanto's famous products. They hurryed on the road in a low-key manner. They entered Chuzhou at about noon. According to my judgment, it must be the eldest prince, King Wei of Kanto."

Weng Gong's words made Director Liu sigh inwardly. The second prince was not happy for the smooth holding of the tea business meeting, but because the eldest prince came to visit?

The second prince has always been at odds with the eldest prince. When he was growing up, he knew that only one of the first prince and him could become the real emperor, and the relationship was even worse. How could he be happy because the first prince visited Jiangdong?

"Jiangdong is rich and warm. It is completely different from the ghostly place in Kanto, where birds don't poop. How can anyone wear exaggerated and expensive furs in early winter? This is called low-key? It must be Li Tianhan (King Wei) that big idiot." The second prince laughed.

"That's right. Your Highness, I have received the latest news that King Wei has already hooked up with Lin Jiazhuang, the head of the martial arts alliance. If he and the Lin family are successfully married, it is equivalent to having the entire martial arts family as their backing, and His Royal Highness's crown is in danger. Come on... Your Highness, there is no poison and no husband, the opportunity is fleeting."

The second prince pondered for a long time and asked in a low voice, "Are you ready?"

"In recent years, the masters of both good and evil have all expressed their willingness to follow His Highness to the death, and have made them disguise as a band of bandits wandering around the border of Jiangdong, who can enter the tea merchants' association at any time, pretend to be robbery... In fact, they assassinated King Wei. ' Weng Gong said coldly.

"Aren't there many innocent people in the Tea Chamber of Commerce..."

"His Royal Highness, if you ambushed King Wei in the wild, it will definitely make the Emperor suspect His Highness' ruthless hand. Don't we plan for several years to make the death of King Wei seem to have nothing to do with His Royal Highness?" Weng Gong suddenly stood up. , solemnly knelt down in front of the second prince, "We have worked so hard to send people to rob and kill the tribute of the Wusun Kingdom in the Western Regions, just to get the small urn of premium apocynum tea that can attract the King of Wei? We decided to do it at the tea trade fair, isn't it precisely because it can keep King Wu away from his own territory and take risks alone? Now as long as King Wei is killed and the crime is blamed on the bandits, who else can the crown fall on other than His Royal Highness? hands!"

Seeing the second prince's shaky expression, Duke Weng added his strength: "The success of the tea merchants' association is the most favorable political achievement for Your Highness to compete for the crown prince. No one will think that your highness does not pay attention to the tea merchants, and only treats the whole tea merchants as King Wei. The emperor will believe that this matter has nothing to do with His Royal Highness. His Highness, the king has been defeated, throughout history, which throne was not cast with bones, and which palace hall was not filled with blood? His Royal Highness spared King Wei today, he If Prince Wei of Riruo becomes the crown prince, do you think he will let His Highness go? The innocent people at the tea trade fair are not innocent, but they are just my dedication to the new king leading us to a more prosperous era!"

Duke Weng said so generously that the second prince's eyes turned blood red, and he slapped the chair heavily: "Well said! If a king or a bandit is defeated, no dynasty is full of blood! Besides, even if it fails this time, this king will not. What a loss, at most one tea merchant will be blamed for holding a bad tea. Just do as you say, this king wants the real dragon to soar, and it is indispensable to you, the auspicious cloud to set off, the cloud does not leave the rain, the dragon does not leave the cloud, you and I support, why worry about this world I, Li Jianbi, can't help but pour down the rain!"

"His Royal Highness is wise! To be able to serve such a wise man is the glory of Duke Weng's life! I must arrange it properly!"


Outside King Wu's study, Director Liu covered his mouth tightly with both hands, fearing that he would cry out in shock, and his feet would be so soft that he fell to the bottom of the stairs.

This fall almost made him cry out in grief, and he quickly covered his mouth even harder, so he could hardly breathe.

Your Highness... Your Highness is going to kill your brother!

How can something so outrageous be allowed to be done! Unexpectedly, Duke Weng seemed to be knowledgeable, but his heart was so vicious, and he encouraged His Highness to take such a road of no return!

Director Liu crawled and rolled away from King Wu's study before he dared to stand up and take a breath. His flustered mind made him not know what to do, and he patted his head after a while, how could he forget this savior!

Li Mengyao, the commander of the Arch Guard Division!

All the land in the east of the river is the power of King and only a powerful force like Li Mengyao can stop His Highness from committing a catastrophic disaster!

Director Liu was glad that Li Mengyao happened to be in Jiangdong, and out of breath, he asked his servants to prepare a carriage and rush to the sub-station of Gongwei Division.

In the study room of King Wu's mansion, a servant hurriedly came to report.

"Reporting to Your Highness, Manager Liu called someone to prepare a car and went to the sub-station of Gongwei Division!"

"Understood, back off."


In the study, the second prince burst into laughter and patted Duke Weng's strong shoulders under his clothes: "Hello, Liquan! At a critical moment, I didn't expect to use all the lackeys sent by the father!"

"His Royal Highness has won awards... I have never failed to design a murder, no matter how complicated the steps are." Duke Weng took a sip of hot tea, got up and said with a light smile, "It's getting late, if His Highness has the special request he said before, Gotta do it now.”

"Go, it's hard for you!" The second prince said with satisfaction, his cheerful laughter echoed in the study.

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