The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 399: Combining offense and defense, Luban's Secret Technique

"It's not accurate to make fun of you." Mo Le shook his head noncommittally, "To be more precise, it's just to make fun of you."

"I have no grievances with you, so what's the point of you teasing me? Oh, could it be that my master brought back some **** from you, and it happened to be an heirloom of your Mo family? Then you go to my master... scold him. Hit him with rotten eggs! It's none of my business!"

Mei Qianxiao felt a headache when she thought of this, no matter how you go, it is Master's creditor! He didn't even dare to tell others that he was an apprentice for you!

"I don't know your master, I just want Xiyu to stay in Mojiazhuang. In recent years, the Lin family seems to be aware of something and has taken precautions against me. I have never found a chance. This time I have to thank you for sending Xiyu to me. Come..." Mo Le said with satisfaction, "It really took no effort to get here! The Lin family is strong, I'll do the math, I'm afraid that only Xiyu is the only weakness of the Lin family! Today Xiyu falls in my hands, I should have The strength of the Lin family's battle!"

"What do you mean?" The other party made it clear that the target was not the master but Lin Xiyu, which made Mei Qianxiao's mentality tense again.

"Xi Yu is the only daughter of the Lin family, so the Lin family must secretly arrange a lot of experts to **** her secretly. Xi Yu is stubborn, and it is impossible for the Lin family to let her find out. However, the arrangement of the Lin family is my biggest obstacle. They It will prevent Xi Yu from entering my Mo family. If I take a tough shot, I will openly tear my face. Before I deploy everything, confronting our Mo family will definitely lose."

" use me?"

Mei Qian smiled and showed his astonishment. He recalled that night when the beautiful Lin Xiyu on the roof was lying drunk in her arms, he suddenly shot a few icy gazes when he was unable to extricate himself from it. Later, he did not do anything out of the ordinary to Lin Xiyu. It slowly and quietly dissipated. And when Xi Yu was invited to come to the Mo family, there were a few masters who were vaguely following him, and he didn't dare to show up because of his shock...

It turned out that these people did not want to attack Lin Xiyu, but Lin Xiyu's bodyguards!

He would be wrong about himself!

"That's right, you are fascinated by the charm of Xi Yu, and you can't leave the events created by a few small people. If you use you to deal with the masters of the Lin family, you can let Xi Yu walk into my Mojiazhuang safely. But It’s a pity that those so-called masters of the Lin family were stunned by you, a young guy who doesn’t know where he came from. .

"Since you understand that I can control the masters from the Lin family, then you should understand that I am more terrifying than those masters. Even they can't deal with them. Do you still want to deal with me?"

Mei Qianxiao sneered, all her inner strength poured out, and there was a surging circle of invisible air around her, and the pressure was unusual.

Speaking of fighting, Mei Qianxiao has never been afraid of anyone except the old monster Zhang Sanjian since she came down the mountain! Even if he can't win, no one can keep him!

The gambler and the child felt a strong killing intent, and immediately took a few steps back, their expressions dignified as iron.

"I can't help them, but as long as Mojiazhuang is there, they can't help me." Mo Le seemed to have a plan, not a little bit afraid that he had turned into a ghost and smiled, "You heard that our Mojia ancestors defeated Luban three times. A legend?"

Mei Qianxiao didn't know why Mo Le suddenly pulled so far away, and frowned, "No. Stop talking nonsense, I don't have much ink in my stomach, I just want to know if you want to let us go and leave me as if nothing happened, or Waste my time destroying your corpse... I don't want Xiyu to feel betrayal."

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it, it's just a digression. Although the ancestors of the Mo family were good at craftsmanship, they were still far behind the Lu family. Since ancient times, everyone has known that the Mo family's craftsmanship is good at defending, and the Lu family's craftsmanship is good at attacking, so we I often wonder how terrible it would be if the two of Moru were one and the same..."

"Unfortunately, when Lu Ban was in glory, he met the sad news that his wife and children died under the art of engineering. Because of love and hatred, he recorded a stunt in the secret book, and made an extremely vicious design. It is hard to find the descendants of the Lu family. My father spent ten years on this matter and found nothing. As the saying goes, money can make a ghost run the mill. Lu Jiabao spent countless money, but he helped us find the secretary of the Lu family "Lack of a Door". Since then, the two Moru factions have merged into one, and engineering has become a great success!"

Hearing this, Mei Qianxiao had an inexplicable feeling of foreboding.

Lu Ban can be said to be the ancestor of the Central Plains engineering. It is said that even the basic crafts such as the curved ruler, the ink bucket, and the plane were invented by him, which is quite remarkable. When I entered the Mojiazhuang, I saw that the Mojia's craftsmanship has developed to such a bizarre level. If you add the Lu's craftsmanship...

"In addition to engineering techniques, there are many secret techniques developed by Luban in "Missing One Door". For example, he used to build auxiliary supplies for flood control of dams, and the 'Zhenhai Silver' extracted from mercury as the basis, when spread on the sea surface can make a tsunami instantly Calm and amazing skills. However, the secret techniques of the Lu family are all vicious, and the sea area that has been sprinkled with 'Zhenhai Yin' must have no living creatures for several years, becoming a dead sea." Mo Le said indifferently, "And if I refine it again, it has already become a dead sea. Refined so that people can take it... How many glasses of wine have you had today?"

"Then do you know that people with deep inner strength are almost immune to poisons? It seems that I haven't drunk enough."

Mei Qianxiao felt it for a moment, she didn't have anything at all, she laughed proudly.

"'Zhenhaiyin' is colorless and tasteless. Ordinary people drink it without any problem, and it will be excreted naturally in a few days. Although it seems mild, it is extremely toxic. Once the poisoner uses internal force, Zhenhaiyin will slowly penetrate into the blood vessels of the whole body. , the more your blood vessels boil, the more painful your blood coagulation will be... This poison is specially used to deal with people with outstanding internal strength, the stronger the internal strength, the greater the backlash!"

"Unheard of! Now that you have chosen the road of no return, then I will learn from you!"

Before Mei Qian's joke was over, the man had quietly started rushing towards the gambler. Although the master picked up the spoiled stuff and didn't tell him to let him eat it and didn't have diarrhea, let him know that he has a good tolerance to poison, but he is not a reckless man. Since everyone said so, he planned to fight quickly to avoid unforeseen complications.

Who would have thought that he had just taken a step, and a dark light silently shot at him, as fast as a musket eruption, startling him. He hurriedly flashed out, the dark light was emptied, and he nailed it into the ground to make a black hole. This power is not stronger than the high-strength swordsman's full-strength stab. If he didn't dodge just now, it is estimated that the bones will be punched in the opposite direction!

He looked up and saw the mother of the bear child, a chubby woman crouching on the high wall, wearing a pair of weird-looking western glasses on her eyes. His hands raised what looked like muskets, and the dark hole followed his figure closely.

It's not surprising that the Mo family developed a few guns with strong penetrating power, but his movement skills just now were extremely ghostly, and this lady's eyes were able to keep up.

Mei Qianxiao said that some talented people could not explain why they encountered soldiers. If there were a few high-level martial arts masters, they would be better off. With so many guys using engineering machinery, it's really hard to judge which of his warriors are flaws and which are traps!

Suddenly, there was a flower in front of him, and that **** boy didn't know where to find another sharp paper harrier, and it flew in the air, desperate for his life!

He had not been forced to retreat half a step with the master at the beggar's head's house before, but today he was forced to retreat again and again by these strange things. At the moment, his heart became angry, and he lowered his body like a nimble leopard, and broke out a surprise attack!

I saw that his body was almost parallel to the ground, and his body swayed in a streamlined manner, shifting left and right. Seeing Mo Le tsk tsk, he was amazed that someone could control his body so delicately that it was already comparable to the precision and mystery of the machinery he made!

The woman on the high wall fired two guns in a row, and the black nails all rubbed her eyebrows and slammed her body into the ground.

When the gambler saw Mei Qianxiaohu lurking and protecting his body, he thought he was going to be beaten by Mei Qianxiao. Who would want to smirk and flick a shot, like a falcon flying into the sky, leaping to a high wall at once!

Paper Harrier, the attack range is quite large, but the speed cannot keep up with him. The gambler's hands must have hidden secrets, but their power is limited, and they can be dealt with later. Only the power of this nail gun is terrifying, even if one shot in the body can't be good, Mei Qianxiao is naturally the most scruples!

He chose to get close to the gambler and then jump to the high wall, just in line with the gambler, and let the woman throw the mouse.

The plan is sound, but the engineering whimsy is very plausible.

When the gambler saw that he was in the game, he kicked with both feet and shot out fire like a cannonball, slamming into Mei Qianxiao, faster and fiercer than Mei Qianxiao's movement technique!

This is the power of engineering, making him faster than a peerless master! However, engineering also has shortcomings in engineering. If it is only faster than a straight line, a gambler can use engineering to be faster than Mei Qianxiao, but his inability to turn flexibly is his fatal flaw.

Mei Qianxiao had nowhere to take advantage of in the air, and with the help of her waist, she gave a strange cat on her waist, which was able to avoid the gambler's collision. Straighten your waist again, and face him with a punch.

Bang! !

This time, Mei Qianxiao used this solid fist to knock down many blind and pretentious masters. As a result, it hit the gambler's arm full of iron scales protecting his body, and Ju Li blasted a circle of air. Pressure, as if the power is all refracted to the surrounding. Immediately afterwards, there was a strong reverberation, and he was shocked by his own fist, like a comet crashing to the ground!

"Don't underestimate my newly smelted alloy, which can buffer up to 90% of external force and reflect up to 50% of external force..." Mo Le murmured in a sullen voice.

I thought that the result was over, as long as the wife made a few shots of black nails, he would be able to die no longer. However, Mo Le's eyes suddenly widened, and he saw an unbelievable scene!

Mei Qianxiao smashed to the ground without even being sluggish for half a second, and immediately jumped up again, as if a cuju hit the ground and was bounced back! He quickly grabbed the feet of the stunned gambler who was about to fall, swung it around, and threw it at the woman on the high wall, knocking her out. It stopped directly after smashing the outer wall of a house in the distance. The power was amazing!

Back on the ground, the expression on Mei Qianxiao's face was calm, as if he just threw a piece of garbage.

"The strength of these legs is really surprising... It is estimated that the flame acceleration device can be sustained by increasing the strength by 500%... Are you still human?" Out of interest brilliance.

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