The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 508: Old secrets, encounter strange people


Fate theory? <r/>


Yang Shiqi was puzzled and looked at Tiancuo. <r/>


It's true that even Yang Shiqi didn't know about this, but Tiancuo knew a little bit later, and Tiancuo now uses internal power to transmit sound to Yang Shiqi to briefly explain it. <r/>


The emperor has always been very concerned about and understand the legends of the rivers and lakes since the beginning. Legend has it that the old man of heavenly secrets is like a demigod in the world, and none of the secrets he leaked have any errors. Let me tell you a case. Before the Sun Moon God Sect's Great Dharma Protector Day was bubbling up in the martial arts, the old man of Tianji predicted that this person was cruel and violent, and his hands were full of blood... Now it seems that it is really accurate. Can you be dissatisfied with the blood in your hands if you secretly get the name of the No. 1 killer in the Central Plains? <r/>


Therefore, the emperor has always wanted to see the old man Tianji once. <r/>


Not long after the emperor ascended the throne, the emperor finally found the secret old man once... But in fact, I don't know who was looking for who...<r/>


That time, like today, the old man Tianji appeared very strange and sudden. <r/>


The weather was sunny that day, and on the way not far from the emperor's way out of the city, an old beggar lay on the ground and slept late, blocking the way. <r/>


The guard who opened the way knew that the current emperor was wise and would not dare to make trouble, otherwise he would kick him to the side of the road in the morning. So rushed back. <r/>


At that time, when the new emperor ascended the throne, it was the period when he needed to establish his reputation. With the intention of showing off, he had to get off the sedan chair and check it out in person. <r/>


"Your Majesty, just wait for me to check it out." Li Mengyao's father, Li Feiqiu, with his back straight and his back straight, with a handsome and determined face in the sun, came over to persuade him. <r/>


This time, the emperor took the queen and the eldest prince to the nearby suburbs for a private tour, and Li Feiqiu also accompanied his wife. His wife and the queen are sisters, so they share a carriage with the queen and prince behind. <r/>


Because they only went to a nearby city, Tiancuo was left in the palace by the emperor and did not go with them. He only had the head guard of the Gong Guards guard with many masters of Jinyiwei. Although he accompanied him as a friend on this trip, he could be regarded as the head of the emperor's personal guard. <r/>


"It doesn't matter, we are here to understand the suffering of the people. Beggars are the most suffering. You might as well ask." road. <r/>


Li Feiqiu was well aware of the temperament of this friend who was clearly a brother of a monarch and a minister, so he did not persuade him much at the moment. <r/>


Before the emperor came, Jin Yiwei wanted to wake up the sleepy old beggar on the ground, but no matter how loud he shouted, the old beggar couldn't afford it. <r/>


Unexpectedly, the old beggar shook his head and climbed up as soon as the emperor approached. This change made the luggage Feiqiu startled. He stepped forward and stood in front of the emperor, ready to draw a knife at any time. <r/>


"Wait a minute... This one doesn't look like a beggar..." The emperor told others not to be surprised. <r/>


Although the old beggar was wearing tattered clothes and long and messy silver threads, Hefa's youthful face was as white and tender as a child's, and there was no vulgarity in the world. It's just that his eyes are empty and blurry, and he wanders away from time to time, so he doesn't look like a beggar. <r/>


Obviously an old man with dementia. <r/>


"Old gentleman, where do you live? Why don't you, cough, why don't I have someone take you home?" The emperor asked modestly. <r/>


"Me? I... don't remember where I live... I can't go back no matter how I go, so I just live everywhere..." The old man got up, patted the dust on his body, and muttered to himself, "Here the sun Well, I'm sunbathing...comfortable..."<r/>


The emperor moved his eyes and Li Feiqiu looked at each other, feeling depressed. Originally, I wanted to come here to create a close-to-the-people image, but I ran into a hard problem. How can an elderly person with dementia who can't even remember where they are at home? It is too impersonal to drive away directly, and it is a big trouble to bring it. <r/>


Li Feiqiu had a tacit understanding and understood what the emperor meant. The emperor didn't want to say anything to send people, but it was suitable for him. He quickly said, "What's the old gentleman's name? Why don't I ask someone to take you to eat, let's slowly miss where we are. ?" <r/>


"Good! Good! I... want to eat meat." The old man's eyes suddenly became blurred, his eyes were shining, and he looked exactly what I wanted. <r/>


Tsk, I met a liar... Li Feiqiu frowned and thought. <r/>


Some remote places are the most liars of this type. When they see people who seem to be rich, they will deliberately lie on the road to block the road, and give some money or some food and drink to get rid of them. <r/>


This man looks lonely and lonely. Although the emperor is at the time of his prestige and trust, it is not easy to take such a pitiful person. It is easy to spread rumors and hurt people's hearts. <r/>


Li Feiqiu had no choice but to admit that he was taking advantage of this time. "Okay, I'll have someone take you to the nearest restaurant..." <r/>


"Young man, seeing that you are so thoughtful, I'll advise you... You hurry up and go back to your home. You may be able to avoid the disaster of blood within half a month of being locked out of your house... Otherwise, you will die from misfortune at light, and your family will be destroyed at worst..." The old man laughed Showing a row of clean teeth, his eyes that became chaotic again looked at Li Feiqiu and murmured. <r/>


"You old man, I kindly invite you to dinner, but you curse my family to be destroyed?" Li Feiqiu is a good-tempered person. He has been well-connected and made good friends in his life, and no one does not praise his broad personality, but this old man revenge for his revenge and cursed him The whole family, no matter how good-tempered, will be angry. <r/>


"Hey, don't be angry. This is not a curse, but it may damage my lifespan..." The old man waved his hand and turned his back in a mysterious and unpredictable posture, "The secret of heaven must not be revealed. Sincerely and fearfully, I tried my best to balance the prosperity, but this time I gave you advice is the closest to my death. If you listen to it, listen to it, and if you don’t listen to it, you will be pulled down.” <r/>


Li Feiqiu never believed in fate, but the old man was so sluggish that he was different from ordinary people, and he spoke strangely. If it is a liar, which liar dares to defraud their fleet of nearly 100 people? Seeing so many people crowding around, many Jin Yiwei even looked fierce, and the old man was not afraid at all... He later realized that the old man should not be an ordinary person. <r/>


Who has wandered between destiny and destiny all his life, is he not the only one in the world? <r/>


"May I ask if your Excellency is an old man of Tianji?" Li Feiqiu suddenly bowed and asked in question. <r/>


"Oh, oh, didn't you say go to dinner?" The old man turned around with his hands behind his back and found that no one was taking him to dinner, and then he turned back tremblingly, the demeanor of a master just now seemed like a passing glance, "I have forgotten my name, you love me. If you call the old man Tianji, you will call the old man Tianji... but the old man Tianji also needs to eat properly, and I have been hungry for several days." <r/>


Li Feiqiu is confused again, the old man Tianji should be a master of the world, this old man who exudes the smell of a liar every minute and every second should not be the old man Tianji? <r/>


Could it be that this is just a simple mentally retarded old man, so he is not afraid of their crowd? <r/>


The emperor had been searching for the old man Tianji for a long time, and every time he received a message to send someone to invite him, he would be a step behind, and even wondered if the old man was avoiding him on purpose. Since he is an expert outside the world, he must be different from ordinary people. <r/>


Just as he said, the secret cannot be leaked, and the old man may violate the destiny if he leaks too much secret. It is better not to say everything so clearly. <r/>


The emperor was basically certain that this crooked old man with a childish face was the old man of heaven. <r/>


"Wait a minute... I beg seniors to give me some pointers... If you are worried about my secrets, can you meet my son and teach my son's fate! It's okay to eat and drink, and I'll accompany you to the nearest airport in a while. A good place to eat!" The emperor called quickly. <r/>


"You?" The old man seemed to realize that there were other people besides Li Feiqiu at this time, and then he looked over, the turbid and free eyeballs trembled slightly, "You son? I don't bother to look at any of your words. ." <r/>



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