The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 573: The foolish people are happy, don't take it seriously

Both Li Changrong and Cao Ling were incomprehensible, but Mei Qianxiao greeted them as if they were not surprised, and greeted them to continue.

They did not go far and passed a barren field.

In the barren fields, there are still many dead crops. Farmers in twos and threes are shouting at home, talking and laughing, holding a basket, and throwing seeds like fairies scattered flowers as they walk.

"What are they doing?" Li Changrong said in surprise.

"It should be... farming." Mei Qianxiao looked at the familiar gesture of the peasant tossing seeds, exactly the same as the sand sculpture gesture of the drowsy young master swaying silver in the Jinfenglou, causing some trance.

Li Changrong lives in the palace. Although he doesn't know much about farming, he also understands that the fields full of dead crops cannot grow new crops unless they are reclaimed.

What's more, the seeds are still scattered like this, and the soil has not even been turned over?

The basic living food materials of this poverty alleviation town, including the seeds of these cultivated land, are all provided by the imperial court, in order to make it self-sufficient and self-reliant.

Seeing the farmers wasting their land and seeds like this, Li Changrong couldn't help but shouted at them, "Excuse me, what are you doing?"

Li Changrong used internal strength, and the voice was not loud but clearly conveyed to the ears of farmers in Tanaka.

They turned their heads one after another, their simple and honest faces were full of puzzlement, and the one who was close scratched his head and replied, "We are farming... Hey, let's go, the water is coming!"

What water is coming?

Li Changrong turned back quickly, and saw another villager pushing a cart with several big buckets on it, rushing all the way shouting.

The farmland did not see the drainage of the river, and it must have been so laborious to transport water. It was really hard.

The three of them backed away silently, but when the cart passed by, Li Changrong took a look and was really anxious!

There is nothing wrong with the cart, but the big wooden barrels in it are very problematic!

The first few large wooden barrels have been rotten and collapsed for some unknown time. There were several big holes at the bottom where the fingers could play rock-paper-scissors freely. The farmer pushed it all the way and the water leaked from the bucket all the way! How much water is there here!

Let’s just say that the weather has been sunny these days, and I don’t understand why the roads in Changshi Town are so muddy. It turns out that the water truck leaked!

Li Changrong stopped the car and asked, "Big brother, didn't you see a big hole in the barrel? If you don't have a good barrel, you can report to the mayor, and the court will definitely provide you with new barrels. "

"Of course I see, I'm not blind." The farmer who pushed the cart said confidently, "You don't need to apply. These wooden barrels have been used for many years. If you have feelings, how can you change them casually. The little girl now is really, just do whatever you want. Saying you want to replace the old one is ruthless..."

Changing the barrel is not changing the lover, how can it be ruthless!

"But it leaked." Cao Ling was afraid that Li Changrong would be angry, so he stood up and continued to question her.

"If it leaks, it leaks! These big buckets of water can kill me. It just happens that there are seven, seven, eight, eight leaks on the road. The more I push, the easier it is to relax, hehe..."

Even a senior guard like Cao Ling who slashed people with his bare hands without blinking, couldn't bear his emotions, and was about to collapse with a self-satisfied "haha" for the farmer.

"How can I irrigate the fields and plant crops after the leakage is over?" Li Changrong said immediately.

"Hey, this is just right! We think the crops are growing too fast, and there is no water if there is no water!" The farmer who was close to the field just now replied with a smile.

"It's still growing too fast... Look at this field, the crops are full of dead crops, and the weeds have not been cleared. It's good that the seeds you sowed can survive!" Cao Ling continued.

"It's a bit of a waste for these crops to die in the fields. But it's all because they grow too fast. We didn't have time to harvest and they withered." The farmer scratched his head and said regretfully.

"How come it's too late to harvest?" The field was not very big, and Cao Ling couldn't understand why it was too late.

"Come here and see, this piece of sugarcane is ripe! If you are in a hurry to harvest sugarcane, you won't be able to harvest the sugarcane in the field. There are not many in the field, and the sugarcane harvest accounts for a large proportion. It's obvious at a glance, right?"

The farmer led them a few steps forward and saw a large sugarcane field on the other side.

The sugarcane field is quite large and stretches as far as the eye can see. But the sugarcane seeds inside were sparse and sparse, and they all wondered if they were also planted in this ghostly manner by sprinkling the sugarcane seedlings in a fairy-like style.

The most important thing is...the sugar cane field has not seen their harvest!

It's the end of March, and the sugarcanes in the ground are ripening prematurely, even evaporating water and drying out, like dry straw bales! The sugarcane in some areas has been chopped with a sickle. That is to say, you can chop wherever you like. Whether it can be counted as harvesting is another matter!

"You should harvest the sugarcane that is full of fields!" Li Changrong looked at the sugarcane that was necrotic in the field. Although the planting was inefficient and the quality was poor, it was very distressing for it to be wasted in vain.

As a poor town, these sugarcane harvests are also a good income!

"The sugar cane is also growing too fast to be scattered... Before we finish harvesting, the fields will return to ploughing when winter turns to spring. The plan of the year lies in the spring. If you don't weed and renovate the fields, don't waste a year. It's clear at a glance which is more important and which is less important." The farmer said proudly with a careful look.

"Then you should reclaim the farmland and clean up the weeds and dead crops!" Cao Ling had reached the brink of collapse, panting.

"We want to clear it, but unfortunately the weather is good early, and it's time for spring ploughing... If the seeds are not planted, what kind of harvest will we get this year, in comparison, it is clear at a glance which is more important."

So when they came today, they saw that the field was in a mess, and the peasants were sowing with the Buddha nature like fairies scattered flowers, right?

"How can you do a good job of doing things like this? The fields are not tilled and the water is not watered. How can a new crop of crops grow?" Li Changrong was no better than Cao Ling, so angry It's almost tied.

She had never been so angry before when she almost couldn't beat Dong Shengrui. No wonder the saying goes: When a scholar encounters a soldier, it's hard to explain! Depressed!

"The new round of crops will grow slowly, and we won't have time to do other things! So now you understand why we use those bad wooden barrels to deliver water! It's right that it doesn't grow up. !" The farmer shook his head, with a high-level appearance, and those who didn't know it thought that he happened to meet Zhuge Village in the Longzhong Wolong!

After such a debate, dare to feel that this wooden barrel is leaking or you have the right time and place, it is a logical genius!

Li Changrong and Cao Ling were two shadow guards in the capital city. They were organized, rational, and capable all their lives. They took turns to fight, but they were so popular that they were so popular that their pretty faces were flushed, which made Mei Qian laugh uncontrollably.

"Okay, okay, let's do important things." Mei Qianxiao pulled their sleeves one by one and took them away. UU Reading saw that Li Changrong was still angry and persuaded, "People can insist on me Under the DPRK's poverty alleviation policy, there must be a reason to stand on the front line of poverty, and it is useless for you and them to be anxious."

Don't use the word "stand up" in this description, okay? Not a good thing!

"It's not that the policies aren't in place, it's that the foolish people have to take care of themselves! I have to suggest to the emperor that basic knowledge and techniques should be taught to these poverty alleviation areas first, otherwise it will be a waste of subsidies!" Li Changrong still shook her head, feeling uneasy.

"It's not completely foolish. I think they use the idiom 'which is more important' than others." Cao Ling replied coldly.

After walking and jumping in the rivers and lakes for many years, she is now an eye-opener!

"Hey, how can you mock people like this?" Mei Qianxiao turned her head to lecture Cao Ling seriously, "Obviously, there is also a 'clear at a glance' that people use well."

Do you have to worry about this at a time like this?

If it wasn't for the fact that he was the leader, Cao Ling would probably have cleared the door for Li Mengyao!

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