The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 671: Repeated mistakes, heavy encounters

"When there was trouble on the high platform, the emperor also saw him wandering around?" Li Mengyao asked with a frown.

"I seem to have seen it, but I can't remember clearly..." The emperor lied vaguely.

"As expected, this guy probably replaced Mao Bin's guard just to go in the backstage to steal food, and then left without permission, so he was seen by the emperor...Under no one's guard, the three thieves can of course break into the backstage of the King Kong Sect at will... ... This idiot is in trouble again!" Li Mengyao hated that iron could not become steel.

"It's not that you don't know the depth of Mei Qianxiao's martial arts. Even if he stands at the gate, people will come or leave if they want to come. With the martial arts of the three thieves, even if Mao Bin sticks to his post, he can't stop him. , don't blame them for this." The emperor changed his words, publicly dismissed and secretly supported, and silently helped Mei Qianxiao to say a few good words.

Li Mengyao scratched her head in confusion. Since you said so, Your Majesty... So what was the anger just now? ? ?

"You don't have to worry about Mei Qianxiao. You have met him several times before, and he will appear again when he should appear. Don't waste your manpower on him. I have other important things here for you to help me. It's going to be done in a low-key manner, and it must be done tonight." The emperor distracted Li Mengyao from the issue of Mei Qianxiao's disappearance, and made her think for a while, maybe Mei Qianxiao would be exposed.

"What does the emperor want the minister to do?"

The emperor pointed to the stack of sealed letter paper on the table, and said solemnly: "According to the name on the envelope, help me to deliver it to the representatives of the major sects who came to Beijing this time. This letter must not be lost or leaked, I understand. ?"

"Yes. I will do it now."

"Wait!" The emperor called out Li Mengyao, who was about to run away with the letter in his hand, and said, "After finishing this matter, the Queen Mother ordered you to enter the palace to accompany Concubine Shu and the Queen Mother for a few days. Changning also said that he misses you. It's just that the heads of the various branches of the Gongwei Division have been summoned back, let them share the official duties for a few days."

Li Mengyao understood that the emperor was worried that she would be exhausted during this period of time, and asked her to take a few days off from official duties. Even using the queen mother as an excuse, she is not easy to push.

"As ordered." Li Mengyao realized the emperor's painstaking smile, and then ran out.

"This stinky girl, it really **** to work." The emperor smiled bitterly.

After speaking, he pulled out another quick letter and handed it to Eunuch Chen, who had been standing nearby.

"Mei Qianxiao is too careless in his work. Who is the Gongwei Division? The Gongwei Division is the head of the three companies, and all of them are professionals who deal with martial arts cases. He left many doubts and traces, and he will not help him. I'm afraid I'm going to be suspected... you send the letter to me." The emperor explained.

The emperor didn't say who he wanted to send the letter to. He looked down at the paper and immediately understood... The emperor was sending rescue troops to Mei Qianxiao.


Early in the morning of the second day, it was just dawn, Mei Qianxiao, Cang Yao and Sweeping Monk ran back to the capital with ease.

This time, they have experience, and it's safer to do it. Two peerless masters pretended to be old men who did morning exercises, and ran all the way to do stretching exercises with the common people who went out of the city... Don't think about it, which county old man can do morning exercises for dozens of kilometers and run outside the city walls of Nanjing...

However, they really got some information back.

Sure enough, they became the most wanted criminals again... The wanted amount has doubled... Not doubled, but tenfolded!

Originally, there were grievances and grievances between the rivers and the lakes, and the imperial court would not interfere with the King Kong Sect being trampled on, not to mention that what they did was praised by the emperor's heart.

But they couldn't hold back their criminal record of disturbing Shen Ganba at night. A group of wanted criminals actually stepped on the martial arts conference where the imperial court had a part to maintain order in full view. This cannot be said to be grievances and grievances, it can only be said to be bold.

The court can't do anything if it doesn't do anything, kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, otherwise the wanted criminals will dare to be so arrogant in the future! Even if it's just pretending, the court has to show the intensity of its attention, so it's not surprising to be wanted by a lot of money.

The wanted portrait is still from the past, after all, it has been painted quite a bit before.

"Hey, look, we're all famous now! Three thousand taels of reward are offered, tsk tsk, if we catch any one of us, we can get rich overnight." When the three of them gathered again in an unoccupied corner, Cang Yao pointed as if he had discovered a new continent. Updated content on the wanted list.

That wanted order is Cangyao's man in mink clothes. It is estimated that the drawing is too handsome and he wants to keep one... But the wanted order was originally posted on the public sign at the city gate. Wouldn't it be too much for you to tear it back without knowing it? a little bit? Since they are all torn, do you dare to tear all three back?

"Anyone who can catch any of us will still care about these three thousand taels?" Mei Qianxiao rolled her eyes... Then she shuddered when she thought of something... No, the number one killer in the Central Plains seems to think about it. look...

No, I have to arrange a decent job for the master. The killer can no longer let the master stay, it is too dangerous... It is Mei Qianxiao who is too dangerous, who knows when the master will tie him up for the bounty .

"We still have a group name, Amitabha, the name is not bad, 'Broom Samsung'. The star is Ye Yao, dazzling, and the mood is good..." The floor sweeper nodded slightly while looking at the content above.

Where is the mood? It's just a broom star × 3!

"It's alright, alright, it doesn't have your names written on it, it means we haven't leaked stuffing yet. Just press the string and say that the three little ones are not here for the past few days, so you are going back to your hometown to visit relatives and travel to other places. You will be in a few days. I just went back. I have to go back first, and I guess I will be scolded by the boss for a long time. "

"Don't pretend to be frowning, I see that you are so happy every time you are scolded by that little girl, plus that look of rapid heartbeat and selfless eyes, if I'm not mistaken, hum..." Cang Yao used to see through everything His eyes stared at Mei Qianxiao, staring at Mei Qianxiao so shyly, "Are you a pervert in your heart?"

You meow away!

In the first half, I really bluffed my brother for a moment...

Farewell to the two big brothers who knew that they were causing trouble, Mei Qianxiao used Qing Gong to sneak into the city.

He deliberately landed on a bustling street to show up, and calmly followed the road to a nearby teahouse.

This teahouse also serves as breakfast, order a few cakes and snacks and go upstairs to find a private seat, accompanied by a pot of hot tea, it is really a must for sobering up... So this is the place for the guests who left Jinfenglou the next morning. ideas.

He deliberately appeared on the way from Jinfenglou to here, of course, to pretend that he stayed in Jinfenglou last night. It's okay to go to Xu Luoqing to collude, because of her personality, please let her collude, but dare to go to beat the drum and complain about the injustice, so it's better to just pretend to be like this.

Who would have thought that his **** was still hot, suddenly the high-end screen of the elegant seat in the other corner was pulled open a little, and a man in a martial robe walked over to the wind and bowed his hands to him: "Master Mei, my master has invited me, Let’s have a look at the face together.”

Mr. Mei?

He laughed a lot when he was called directly, but suddenly a respectful shout made people a little uncomfortable. After all, not many of his secondary translators would call him an adult, and even if he pulled out all the official rosters of the past and the present, he could not find this official position.

It means that this person is not familiar with him...

Today, he can't get a lot of people to see him eating breakfast here to testify for him. How can the witnesses sent to the door be wasted... I just don't know if this person is credible enough. How could the fine be taken seriously.

Mei Qianxiao prayed to God in her heart and prayed to Buddha, the other party got a slam, shook her head and pretended to be drunk, and walked into the independent seat...

Seeing an old man sitting behind the screen drinking tea, Qian Qianxiao was dumbfounded.

Although I said that my brother begged God not to give me a cat or a dog... But I don't need to bring Yang Shiqi, the prime minister of the three dynasties, and the king of officials, Yang Shiqi, right? ! When God listens to other people's wishes, does it have to be so extreme? !

"Lord Mei, I haven't seen you for a long time... Sit down, what are you doing?" Yang Shiqi motioned for Mei Qianxiao to sit down, his old-fashioned face showed a hint of I didn't expect to meet Prime Minister Yang here. I'm sorry. Mei Qian sat down with a smirk, looking at the conspicuous birdcage he placed beside him and insisting on the topic, "Walking the birds early in the morning, as expected of Prime Minister Yang, the older you are, the stronger you will be!" "

Brother and Prime Minister Yang... I really don't know how to sort out this relationship, because there is a bit of embarrassment between the two. After all, my brother has seen "Above the Court Beyond the Love of the Lord and the Minister...", ah, after all, my brother was called in by the emperor and made blood alliances in front of Eunuch Chen and Prime Minister Yang. Apart from that, he has no relationship with Prime Minister Yang. Communication... This kind of relationship is a little bit second, and whoever mentions it is embarrassing.

Prime Minister Yang also seemed to understand the reasoning, and without seeking embarrassment, he casually took over the topic of Mei Qianxiao and started chatting: "Hehe, this is my starling, and sometimes I will take it out for a spin when I get up very early. Don't underestimate it. It, it has been carefully trained by my wife, but it can talk. Come, say hello to Lord Mei, and say 'hello'!"

Prime Minister Yang teased it, and the little myna really spoke up...

"Go away, sleep in the living room tonight! Go away, sleep in the living room tonight!"


After all, the scene still fell into a speechless embarrassment! ! That's it, why don't we talk embarrassingly about our inexplicable **** alliance! !

Thank you Bird, for letting you know from the side the reason why Prime Minister Yang woke up so early today... The bench in the living room should be panicked... Bird, please stop calling, Prime Minister Yang is in his seventies and eighties, you should say a few more words, brother. The guy is crying...

Next time, Prime Minister, you can come to see brother, and brother will definitely arrange a place for you?

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