The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 716: Reasonable Doubt, Key Person

"But you didn't see that, just now Bi Youwei was ready to pick up Jasper's stick to hit the dog with his undisguised expression of excitement... It's clearly different from the usual modesty and demeanor, that's the expression of his nature!" Hong Qi frowned.

"Tsk tsk tsk... You have made the same mistake as most people, and it is easy to make subjective judgments about the changes in other people's expressions. This kind of judgment is very irrational. We must trust the evidence."

Lao Tzu slapped it with a palm! Didn't you say every day that Bi Youwei had a problem and told me not to go back! What you said at that time was not all subjective judgments! There is bird evidence!

"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier." Yue continued to explain, "No matter how humble a person is, he is also a person, and he also has his own little ambitions. You can ask any disciple of the Beggar Gang, which one has never become the leader of the Beggar Gang. The daydream? Bi Youwei naturally has a little bit of thought, but he keeps his own feet and his ambitions are not strong. But the position of the leader of the beggar gang suddenly fell to himself, who never felt that he had a chance, and the momentary strong excitement temporarily overshadowed It's normal..."

Bi Youwei was about to become the leader of the Beggar Gang, and he was suddenly wronged by the eternal sinner of the Beggar Gang. His mood was too high and he was hurt. Even if the revision saves his life, he will go crazy because of the stimulation. Listening to Yue apologizing for him, Bi Youwei's inner grievances and anxiety gradually calmed down, and Qin Hongyi used Qin Hongyi's released hand to wipe away the snot and tears on his face.

Hong Qi couldn't say enough about Yue, so he just turned his head and didn't bother to talk to him again, waiting to see how Yue would clean up this mess.

"Master Yue... As you said, everything should be based on evidence. You have no basis and no evidence, is it a little partial to slander me like this?" Qin Hongyi also became quiet, returning to the solemn expression that was originally cold and reserved, " What you said now can be placed on me just by what you said, but it is obviously more in line with what Bi Yuwei has done.

Qin Hongyi suggested that Yue and Bi Youwei seemed to have an unusual relationship.

"Of course there is evidence... Otherwise, how could I turn my attention to you from Bi Youwei, whose motives and timing are perfect?" Yue laughed and said confidently.

Qin Hongyi is an old man. He doesn't just get caught out by being sold at random. He smiles ironically: "I am Qin Hongyi, who has made countless contributions to the beggar gang, and takes the lead in every crisis. You are not afraid of shadows. How can it be slandered?"

"From Qi Xiujin's death." Yue answered without thinking.

Qin Hongyi's words from the bottom of his heart dispelled most of the doubts raised by everyone. But Yue suddenly said that Qi Xiujin's death was a clue, which surprised everyone.

Qi Xiujin was killed by Shangqing Guan, how could it be the reason why Yue suspected Qin Hongyi?

Even the father and son Hong Yigong and Hong Qi looked at each other and felt that it was completely unreasonable.

Qin Hongyi's expression was indifferent, he couldn't see what he was thinking, he just stared straight at Yue, and didn't say a word when he heard Qi Xiujin's name.


Yue nodded silently in his heart. Before he said anything, it was the smartest choice for Qin Hongyi not to talk to him. Before there is a convincing statement, the less you say, the less you leave out the flaws.

What Qin Hongyi did during the period was too secretive, and Yue did not make it clear that few people could understand it. He was fine with Hong Qi and his son, and Daoist Master Qingkun and Daoist Ganmao behind him did not have a satisfactory explanation. Today, he will definitely not easily compromise.

Originally thought that when it came to this, Qin Hongyi should be in a mess, but he didn't expect him to be very calm. It seems that he feels that he has no flaws and is very confident. It's better for him to be in a mess, saving a lot of time for talking...

Now that the opponent doesn't blow himself up, Yue has to spend more time, and the world-famous Dongting Lake Whole Fish Feast has to be postponed a little.

"Before we talk about Qi Xiujin, let's talk about the motives of the culprit behind the scenes... There is no doubt that the slow poisoning of Hong Yigong shows that the culprits behind the scenes have been planning for a long time. Then I went to the Beggar Gang Shang Qingguan as the object of suspicion, Gan Yang The Taoist priest died at the hands of the beggar gang, and these things cannot be realized without intentional arrangements. The direction of the development of the matter is enough to show that the mastermind behind the scenes is to fight the beggar gang and the Shangqing Guan. It is unclear what benefits can be obtained from it."

"Why can't the interests be unclear for the time being? Don't the gangsters behind the scenes just want to steal the position of the leader of the Beggar Gang!" Gong Cheng is considered to be the more brainy among the Beggar Gang. After all, a diplomat should have some ink in his stomach. He thought along the lines of Yue's words. said afterwards.

Gong Cheng's thinking is actually a bit one-sided. If it is determined that the mastermind behind the scenes wants to seize the position of the leader of the Beggar Gang, it means that the mastermind must be among the Jiubao elders and Hong Qi who are more likely to be the master of the gang.

Based on these conditions alone, it is impossible to narrow the scope to such a small extent.

However, according to the menstrual investigation, the fact did go in this direction, which was similar to what Gong Cheng said, and Yue continued to talk without refuting Gong Cheng's idea of ​​one step.

"That's not necessarily true. If it's just for the purpose of grabbing the position of the gang leader and directly poisoning Hong Yigong, why bring Shangqingguan into it?" Yuechao Gong Cheng said, "According to what you say, Bi Youwei is definitely not the murderer behind the scenes. If Hong Yigong is not there, he is the most favorable candidate to succeed him. It will not benefit him at all to deliberately lead the Beggar Gang and Shangqing to turn against each You are right..." Gong Cheng understood what Yue meant. , there is no need to establish xenophobia just to rob the gang leader.

Thinking by analogy, if it’s just for grabbing the position of the gang leader, poisoning the gang leader is enough. Helper. This is a deadlock and cannot be established.

"So the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes is to have the Beggar Gang and Shangqingguan fight from beginning to end... Am I right, Elder Qin?" Yue raised his head and asked Qin Hongyi suddenly.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. But if everyone thinks what you're saying will help solve everyone's doubts, you can just keep saying it." Qin Hongyi said nonchalantly.

"It's not right for you to say that..." Hong Qi suddenly jumped out and said suspiciously, "If the mastermind behind the scenes is just to make the Beggar Gang and Shangqingguan fight, then Elder Qin should not be suspected. Everyone remembers the first time after the news of Dad's coma was exposed. During a meeting, Elder Qin took the lead in opposing the trouble of looking for Shangqingguan. At that time, everyone was angry. If it was to promote the two factions to fight, he should strongly agree to use force against Shangqingguan. The grievances between the two factions can be settled here. End it!"

"That's right, he wanted to do this, how simple and rude... But the reason for him to change his strategy is thanks to you." Yue said with a smile.

"Me? It's none of my business!" Hong Qi felt that [Xin] was offended.

This time when the Beggar Gang happened, he was held in the dark by Mei Qianxiao from beginning to end, and he was told to hide and hide again.

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