The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 743: Mr. Handshake, Book Mountain Trading

"Learning from a low level, how low is it? Literacy?" Gongliang Junyi asked with a frown as he pulled out the pen from the pen holder.

Gongliang Junyi is a rational and intelligent person. It is clear that the more you don't want to get involved with this person, the more quickly you should finish the matter. It is useless to keep refusing to work.

A quick decision is the right way!

"Of course literacy... Although I started from a low level, I haven't reached that low level yet!" Mei Qianxiao was depressed when faced with Gongliang Junyi's obviously contemptuous attitude.

I have a brother who runs a chain of private schools across the country, can he be illiterate?

"That's good to dare..."

Gongliang Junyi seemed to have heard the happiest thing since today, put down his pen and walked to the bookcase.

After swiping a few times, I quickly picked out books from the bookcase, more and more books... "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius", "Mencius", "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites", "Book of Rites", Zhouyi, Spring and Autumn, these are all basic models, and there are "Hundred Family Surnames", "Thousand Family Poems", "Three Character Classics", "Guwen Guanzhi" and so on... Countless.

Anyway, when Gongliang Junyi finished his work, Mei Qianxiao could no longer see the person opposite, and was blocked by a book as high as a mountain on the table.

"Wait, what do you want to do? Brother advises you to be careful with your words and actions!" Mei Qianxiao had an ominous premonition.

"Take it back and read it all. When will Ruliu come to me when you're back?" Gongliang Junyi leaned back on the Taishi chair and had to enjoy the tea ceremony.

"Are you ill? Am I going to take the championship exam??" Mei Qianxiao stood up suddenly, glaring at Gongliang Junyi over Shu Gao with difficulty.

"If you didn't say it, I almost forgot. Who knows if the emperor meant to let you participate in the imperial examinations... I will also take this book."

After all, Gongliang Junyi added a heavy "Five-Year Imperial Examination and Three-Year Simulation", which is necessary for undergraduate examinations, and this time, he couldn't even see Gongliang Junyi's face.

"You've memorized it all? What a joke!" Now it was Mei Qianxiao's turn to fry her hair.

I thought I was just coming to the Dongji Works Factory to hang out in the canteen and tease the female factory guards, but now it seems that Gongliang Junyi wants his old life!

"Who's kidding you? Books are the bridge of human progress, aren't these the foundations that I must learn as a literati?" Gongliang Junyi said contemptuously.

"Hehe... Just pretend, keep pretending..." Mei Qianxiao picked up a book and opened it, "The Book of Rites... A ritual vessel? What ritual vessel..."

"Ritual utensils are therefore great preparations. Great preparations are also great virtues. When rituals are released back, they increase the quality of beauty; measures are correct, and implementations are done. It is in people, like bamboo and arrows, and like pine and cypress with heart. The two of them are at the top of the world. Therefore, the four seasons do not change Ke Yiye. Therefore, if a gentleman is polite, he will be harmonious on the outside and no resentment on the inside.

Before Meiqian's joke was finished, Gongliang Junyi recited a paragraph smoothly, and when he heard Meiqian's smile, his eyes almost popped out.

The appearance of these literati and elegant scholars confidently and elegantly reciting incomprehensible documents is indeed a little ignorant and handsome...

People will show you a random copy of the book, and Mei Qianxiao has nothing to say, and she sits back on the chair in frustration.

"There are so many, I can't figure it out! Can I make a discount!"

"This is something the emperor asked me to do. As a teacher... I also think you can't handle it. But if I do what the emperor asked, it's your business, and it has nothing to do with me." Gongliang Junyi said with a freehand smile.

It turned out that the emperor was also afraid that Gongliang Junyi would quit his job. The edict did not put forward any hard requirements for Gongliang Junyi. There was not much pressure on Gongliang Junyi's teaching. It was just that he was annoying when dealing with Mei Qianxiao, so he resisted. But since I don't want to entangle with him, I will let him memorize the book by rote, and I will be quiet enough for many years after reading these.

"Wow, you unscrupulous gentleman want to be alone?! I can't understand anything anyway. You have to teach me, don't teach me to go to the emperor to complain to you!" Wish.

It's impossible for someone like him to be nice to others. As long as he sinks quickly, he will definitely resort to water ghost tactics. If he wants to die together, no one wants to live!

"There are annotations I made in the book. If you don't understand it, read it several times. If you don't understand anything that children can understand, ask Mr. Li to take you to see the brain department... I have done what the emperor asked me to do. , it's your fault if you don't grow up, it's useless to file any complaint. So you can go away with them now, don't bother me if you have anything, let alone bother me if you have something." Gongliang Junyi patted Shushan, Yang Hands-off.

Gongliang Junyi was a person who was highly regarded in the hearts of the former factory master Wei Xingchao and the current commander of the Gongwei Division, Li Mengyao. Gradually assessing the situation, he understood that he clearly had the initiative in this matter, and Gongliang Junyi immediately took control of the situation.

"Cut, take it away and take it away... Go back and use it to wipe your butt." Mei Qian smiled disdainfully.

"Haha, there's something you can use to wipe your ass... I'll find you a random check in a few days. If you haven't recited one, then it's my turn to go to the emperor to sue you." Gongliang Junyi sneered.

It's not that he cares about Mei Qianxiao's study progress, but that these books are private goods that he has read all the year round and left many insights and comments, full of hard work. A **** like Mei Qianxiao couldn't do anything. If he really wiped his butt, he would be so angry that he spurted blood and had to threaten to protect his own safety.

"You, Meow, are you planning to not make Lao Tzu feel better? Don't give any face?!" Instead, Mei Qian laughed so much that he vomited blood.

Mei Qianxiao really planned to drag her back, but maybe after a few weeks, the emperor would forget about his whim. But Gongliang Junyi went to the emperor every now and then to say a few words, and he could still hope to escape!

The emperor forbears that he has a good temper for a day. If Gongliang Junyi makes a few small reports, won't he be punished?

"Why give you face?" Gongliang Junyi said this very seriously.

He couldn't think of a single reason for Mei Qianxiao to say this.

On the contrary, this guy has done a lot of things for him to help the Guards, and it is already very good that he didn't ask him to settle accounts!

There is really no reason to say this, Mei Qianxiao just said it shamelessly and shamelessly. Usually someone with a weak head such as Jiang Hao can be fooled, but facing a shrewd person like Gongliang Junyi will definitely fail.

Mei Qianxiao pondered for a while, it was impossible for him to memorize this pile of books, and if forced by the emperor, he would have no choice but to resign. But it's rare now that he even got the entry and exit vouchers for the palace database, so it seems like a big loss to just give up...

"Little Yizi... look..."

"Who's your name?" Gongliang Junyi snorted and added two thick ancient books. Enke, who was on the side, couldn't figure out the point and was still amazed at the great load-bearing capacity of this desk. Smashed so many books without being crushed.

"No, I mean Lord Gongliang... You see, the emperor has no rigid requirements for you, nor for me. You said that we will take a step back and recite some simple things... I can handle it, and you can too. Jiao Gong, why do you have to memorize everything so seriously, do you think everyone is doing well!"

Gongliang Junyi is a man of understanding, and immediately pushed the two stacks of books out, revealing a small slit and staring at his eyebrows with a thousand smiles, and dragged a long voice: "Although there are no hard requirements, but this is the work that the emperor has explained, how can I be perfunctory? Cross..."

"I didn't let Lord Gongliang perfunctory negotiation!" Mei Qianxiao then widened the small gap, revealing her flattering smile, "It's clear that I have poor talent and slow learning. On the contrary, Lord Gongliang taught patiently and worked hard! I I feel that it is necessary for me to share the worries of Lord Gongliang in order to repay the kindness of Lord Gongliang's cultivation!"

Dealing with smart people is easy. He can tell what he means with just one look, and he can still say that he is conscientious and conscientious, which is really ugly. Of course, what happens to oneself is not called filth, it is called extraordinary wit.

Obviously, with a shrewd person like Gongliang Junyi, it is still possible to do some business, but it is difficult to take advantage of it.

Why did the emperor throw the initiative in the hands of such a difficult guy, alas...

: . :

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