The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 772: Don't talk more than half a sentence

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Pretentious! What a pretentiousness! !

It's okay to put this word on a harem beauty, but how disgusting it is to show it on an eight-footed man!

Boss Cao almost poured the hot tea in front of him and shouted "come here, push it out and behead it"!

But Boss Cao quickly calmed down. It is impossible for normal people to act so exaggeratedly, this is likely to be the other party's temptation.

This person has been scheming for a long time to succeed, and he has the ability to avoid her from the sky. With such a scheming person, it is impossible to play a patient so exaggeratedly.

Dare to confront her so calmly, I'm afraid that she has another confidence... If the other party provoked her to tear her face directly, she would not be able to catch him, and if she wanted to deal with him, there would be greater obstacles.

She was able to get to where she is today, and she has not dealt with any conspiracy and tricks, and the mere act of arrogance is like a joke to her.

Boss Cao, who had calmed down, took his time and looked a little more peaceful. He said, "Master Meiji came to the capital at the beginning of last year. I can't believe that in just one year, many major events have happened in the capital... It's a coincidence."

What a coincidence? It's clearly moldy! A few years ago, in the capital where the song and dance were prosperous, as soon as I came here, people from all walks of life launched troubles, which affected Chiyu and caused me to work hard for the emperor. I can’t give a reward to this black family. Do you think it’s miserable?

"Don't talk about it, it's all tears. In short, everyone will take a break and worry less. I will burn incense and worship Buddha." Mei Qian smiled gloomily.

Mei Qianxiao kept her mouth shut and did not talk about why the court happened to have frequent disasters after he came. Boss Cao had long expected that if this person was so good at sending her son away, he would not turn around him like evil.

Just as he was about to test further, there was a knock on the door.

It turned out that the dinner party prepared early was about to be served.

"Come in." Boss Cao was sober, and motioned to Mei Qianxiao, the difficult opponent, without being arrogant or impetuous, "Don't wait for the dishes to cool, let's have some dinner before we talk."

Boss Cao said that although he was polite, it was a matter of course that he had been in the top position for a long time, and he did not have the strength to express his opinion to Mei Qianxiao.

Mei Qianxiao disapproved. This old woman showed her rotten and stubborn nature early on.

The dishes were brought up, and the colors were very eye-catching, and the table was filled in a short while.

The maid placed a little bit of each dish that Boss Cao wanted to eat into a bowl at the suggestion of Boss Cao, and was called back by Boss Cao. The attention of this top class society really makes Mei Qianxiao anxious for her... Why don't my brother help you scoop a few spoons, don't delay the time to eat.

Boss Cao is also extremely dignified when he eats. He doesn't look sideways. Put down your chopsticks and chew slowly, and when you're done, lightly wipe off the vegetable juice that's not stained on your mouth with a handkerchief. After a while, he didn't move his chopsticks, as if he was concentrating on the flavor of the dishes.

"This Pearl Jade White Jade Soup... the heat is not enough, it's light." She said after tasting it for a long time without raising her eyelids.

Can you try a piece of tofu for half a day? ?

Of course the food on your table is bland, I know it's bland if I don't eat it! It's more than light, it's just fading out of the bird! This table full of white and green, the monk Sude will serve you, should you feed the grasshopper?

No wonder Xu Luoqing said that Jinfenglou's supreme auspicious banquet is the unique and most advanced menu of Jinfenglou. Outside guests don't talk about eating, they have never seen it before... That's no nonsense, which one of the brothel is a vegetarian? Can vegetarians come to the brothel?

This **** Xu Luoqing is cheating on Lao Tzu again!

"Pearl, Jade and White Jade Soup is really weak... But I know that the 'Chicken Phoenix Bathed in Fire and Ji Rui' made here is very delicious, why don't we add another dish?" Mei Qianxiao felt that this table was not her style, Even if he is a foodie, he has no choice but to propose.

"'The young phoenix bathes in fire and becomes Ji Rui'? What kind of dish is this? Does Jinfenglou cook this dish?" The well-informed Boss Cao didn't know what to do, and even wanted to ask Xu Luoqing to come in and ask.

"You will know when you get on it." Mei Qianxiao smiled and shouted at the door, "Come here, add vegetables!"

The maid outside pushed open the door and entered, looking a little dazed. Mei Qianxiao also saw Xu Luoqingyi standing outside the corridor after opening the door, staring straight at him, not sure if it was because my brother was so handsome today.

"Excuse me..." The maid looked at Boss Cao nervously. Seeing that Boss Cao didn't speak, she looked at Mei Qianxiao.

"Come on, add a copy of 'Young Phoenix Bathed in Fire to Present Jirui'..."

"We don't have this dish..." The maid wondered.

"Why not, braised pigeon!" Mei Qian smiled and spread her hands.

Boss Cao raised his hand without saying a word, and the maid obediently backed out, no matter how much Mei Qianxiao kept her, she didn't look back.

After the door was closed, Boss Cao suppressed his anger and smiled at the tasteless Mei Qian: "This is a court vegetarian banquet. Ordinary people can't see the whole picture if they ask for it for a lifetime. The common dishes are simply fish-eyes, unreasonable!"

"It's all fruits and vegetables, adding meat can kill you, right? You like to be vegetarian and eat it slowly, and I didn't force you to follow me to eat meat!" When it comes to eating eyebrows, it's not a face to face, and he actually scolded Laozi for his braised milk. Pigeons are vulgar dishes, "You are a vulgar banquet of vegetarian dishes, what are you doing, a few green vegetables and radishes are going to be expensive to sell if they look good..."

"You!" Boss Cao has never seen such an ignorant person. "The vegetarian banquet is about pure vegetarian food, and the food is fresh, and there is no room for any meat and fishy! Your move is equivalent to ruining this good vegetarian banquet! No! Knowing Yaqing, vulgar is unbearable!"

"Is it still vulgar? You really think these dishes are elegant and noble with some names, right? You 'pearl jade and white jade soup' are the vulgar poor people in your mouth who couldn't afford rice and meat before. Spinach It’s just tofu and millet porridge… Look, a bunch of vegetarian dishes created by the people have changed their names to elegant names, and they’ve brought you a sense of pride in eating them.” Mei Qian smiled angrily.

People who look down on braised pigeons will eventually be spurned by braised pigeons!

Boss Cao was so angry that he lost his appetite. His good upbringing made him feel bad and he didn't forget to put his chopsticks away: "It's a waste for you to eat this dish. Come on, clean up."

The maid was called in again and hurriedly started to clean up the dishes.

Seeing that Boss Cao hadn't even finished the small bowl of vegetables she had taken, he asked in a worried voice, "Madam, you haven't eaten much of this dish yet..."


"Yes." The maid didn't dare to say more, and quickly took down the dishes.

Unexpectedly, this dead old woman suddenly said that she would not eat it if she didn't want to eat it, and even removed the vegetables. My brother is now hungry and regrets that he has no chance to eat a few bites, which is a disappointment!

He didn't talk for a while, and Mei Qianxiao didn't want to stay with this person too much, so he quickly resolved this local tyrant's troubles to give Xu Luoqing a face, and left quickly.

"Tell me, if you want to ask me anything, I'll give you some advice. If you don't like me in this room, I'll be annoyed if you look at me. Since you have the ability to invite me, I won't give you three pushes or four pushes. Do it quickly."

Boss Cao wiped his mouth and fingertips again and again, and then said coldly: "Okay. I have something to tell you, and you can tell me how to solve it."

"You say, I'm listening~ My family has a big business, but God's will is messing with people, the family is thin, and several grandchildren have been killed one by one by the murderous hands of caring people... I'm all old, whatever. It won't be many years..."

When the old woman said this, she couldn't hide a bit of sadness on her face, and she seemed a bit more humane. People are ruthless, even such a stubborn and domineering dead old woman has the same feeling of licking a calf, and Mei Qianxiao gives a little sympathy.

There are some things that even the wealth of thousands of dollars can't buy.

"But recently someone pretended to be my dead grandson and coaxed my only son around, I guess, he seemed to want to..."

"You don't have to guess!" Mei Qianxiao interrupted by patting the table, and said with great certainty, "It's clear that I want to impersonate your grandson, infiltrate your family, inherit your inheritance, divide up your fields, and sleep away your beautiful maids, like The one just now was quite beautiful... What else are you thinking, listen to me, let him die and it's over!"

He has seen many stories of power struggles in these big families, and many of them are insidious people who seek for the unattainable wealth in their life. How do I still need to ask?

After Mei Qianxiao finished talking emotionally, she found herself a little excited, so she sat down slowly, watching Boss Cao staring at him in a stunned manner.

"What? What's wrong with what I said? Or do you want me to help you get him? That's why you cultural people are not as efficient as us rough people, and you still negotiate and consult... I have thousands of ways to make him kneel and beg for mercy. , you believe me, I will go back to the dungeon and get some leather whip candles and tiger benches, and let him kowtow and confess to you how he designed to pretend to be your grandson..."

Tsk tsk, it's such a big deal, and Xu Luoqing has to trick him into making a fuss.

The rich world is hard to understand.

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