The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 775: Self-defeating, hiding secrets

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The Queen Mother is a very strong woman, and it is rare for the emperor to see her so sad.

But the emperor also knew that the queen mother was a very assertive, even stubborn person.

Even if the emperor knew that the queen mother had discovered the secret of them and Mei Qianxiao, he was reluctant to tell the queen mother the details. It was for this reason.

If the queen mother knew that it was the unidentified old man of Tianji and the people in the magic sect who let you make up the origin of the round eyebrows and thousand smiles, she would never believe it. So he didn't understand why the queen mother knew so little about the process of recognizing Mei Qianxiao, but suddenly affirmed the identity of Mei Qianxiao.

This seems strange to the emperor, and the queen mother seems to have been hit by evil.

"Shouldn't the queen take a rest first, and we'll talk when you're rested." It's not good for the emperor to ask in front of the queen mother...are you scared and stupid?

"Yuan'er is still here, it can't be too late! I didn't believe this absurd thing at first, but I have personally verified it, it can't be faked."

The empress dowager calmed down a bit, the emperor took the ginseng tea handed over by Eunuch Chen, and let the empress dowager take a sip.

"Queen Mother, what do you mean... do you have a way to identify Yuan'er?" the emperor asked in surprise.

The Queen Mother sighed and nodded.

She didn't believe in the matter of regaining her grandson at all. Her thoughts were exactly the same as what Mei Qianxiao said to her... The emperor's family, how many people in the organization want to pretend to be this grandson? Her grandson Mingming was killed by the prince's rebellion that year, and the body was found, and there is still a fake...

So meeting Mei Qianxiao this time, she was purely trying to find out his ulterior motives. She also took a big risk on this trip.

The palace is her territory, where she can set up a net, and there are confidants by her side to defend her. You can't go outside, you must keep a low profile, and it's not good to bring out the masters inside. In this way, if Mei Qianxiao was malicious when she was alone with her, she could not escape death. But if Mei Qianxiao dared to make a move, even if Xu Luoqing couldn't save her, he would be able to quickly tell the emperor the truth... It would be worthwhile to exchange her life, which could not live for many years, for the emperor's sobriety.

Who would have thought that Mei Qianxiao did not play cards according to the rules of the cards, she should have spent all her energy to confuse her to believe in this lost and found grandson, but as soon as they met face to face, she let her get this fake to death...

The empress dowager has a wealth of experience, and she reacted after being stunned for a while... Maybe Mei Qianxiao did the opposite, intending to confuse her judgment.

But the following assertion and advice that there was no turning back made the queen mother really confused by him.

Originally she didn't believe it, but now she's shaken a little bit because of Mei Qianxiao's performance... Judging from his reaction, either this Mei Qianxiao is very dangerous, or this Mei Qianxiao doesn't know who she is at all... If Mei Qianxiao didn't know who she was at all, who would be in charge of impersonation? Why dominate? Why find someone who doesn't know the truth to fake it? It doesn't make sense...there are countless possibilities.

If Mei Qianxiao was extremely risky and thought she could fool her, it would be a mistake. The queen mother tried to calm down, she still has the last killer. I thought it would not work, but now I decided to use it because of sudden doubts.

"Your Majesty, do you still remember that Yuan'er lost her memory when she was a child?" the Queen Mother asked.

Of course the emperor knew.

Only a few imperial physicians and the empress dowager knew about this matter, and it was a palace secret.

Li Huaiyuan, who was only four years old at that time, suddenly fainted for some reason, and was drowsy for several days. Under the diagnosis of the imperial doctor, he only judged that the qi and blood were blocked, and there were no other physical problems, which was very strange. After he recovered, he had lost his previous memory.

The emperor saw that there were no other problems after his recovery, and the four-year-old child didn't remember very much. If he lost his memory, he lost it, but he needed to spend time remembering his family again. . Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for the prince to rebel...

"Remember, there is no sign of a strange disease... Afterwards, the imperial doctor re-examined and said that he was no different from ordinary people, and I was relieved after waiting." The emperor said with deep eyes.

"Actually, Yuan'er didn't have a strange disease." The queen mother said this, her emotions were uncontrollable, and she cried sadly, her strong image was broken without a trace, and she slowly appealed to the emperor about what happened back then.

The Li family's branches and leaves were thin, and the Queen Mother was very happy that Li Kangshun and the then Empress Shen gave birth to a dragon child.

Seeing that the Queen Mother liked it, Queen Shen often took Li Huaiyuan to the Cining Palace to play with the Queen Mother.

Until one day at the age of four, that day was the same as usual. Empress Shen took Li Huaiyuan to play in the Cining Palace, and also accompanied the Queen Mother for lunch there.

Afterwards, Empress Shen went back to her own bedroom. The Empress Dowager played with Li Huaiyuan for a while, and began to feel sleepy, so she called the nurse and the servants to coax the child to sleep on the couch.

The empress dowager soon started fighting, but Li Huaiyuan was at a restless age at this age. As soon as he lay down, he was obedient and obedient, and gradually became restless. Li Huaiyuan was slender when he was small, and without the Queen Mother's obstruction, Li Huaiyuan wanted to climb on the back of the chair, and occasionally stepped on the Queen Mother's body ignorantly.

The Empress Dowager had a vague feeling of being stepped on, but she hadn't woken up yet. It happened that Empress Shen came back. As soon as she entered the door, she saw that Li Huaiyuan had turned over the back of the high chair, and immediately let out a scream.

The scream finally woke the Queen Mother.

He looked up and saw Li Huaiyuan's body leaning on the top of the chair, losing his center of gravity, and quickly flipping and falling. She reached out to grab it and could only catch it. When he fell to the ground, the back of his head hit the foot of the recliner, making a muffled thud.

The doll cried out loudly, the Empress Dowager and Empress Shen felt that pain in their hearts, and hurriedly went to pick up Li Huaiyuan to check.

The Empress Dowager was heartbroken by the baby's cry, and she was so angry that she gave Empress Shen a lesson in annoyance and annoyance. This baby is still young, how can you be a mother and leave half a step...

The queen mother regretted it immediately after scolding. It was clearly her own fault, and it was a bit irrational to scold Empress Shen first. But she is used to being strong as the queen mother, and this harem also needs her to remain strong all the time. She will be too soft to apologize to her daughter-in-law for a while, and she can only be shocked by the cry of the child.

This mess has not stopped, the baby cried for a while and suddenly stopped crying, and fell into a deep sleep as if I can't wake up no matter how I call it.

At this time, they had disturbed the servants, and they hurriedly called the imperial doctor to come and check...

"The child is still young, and the skull is not as hard as an adult's. After a knock like this, a small piece of the skull was embedded in the top of the head. But the child's scalp is shallow, and there is neither wound nor bruise. It is difficult to detect if you don't speak. At that time, in front of you and the imperial physician, I couldn't help myself and said that I had knocked Yuan'er's head because of my lack of care. And Lulan was worried that I had to maintain my dignity as the queen mother, so she didn't say it..."

"Afterwards, everyone's thoughts were on Yuan'er, and I forgot to share my heart with Lulan... After Yuan'er gets better, you will leave Changzhou. I didn't expect that you and Lulan would be separated from each other. Separated by two people, she still bears the grievances she suffered in my place... I have to go to the Lotus Mountain every year to pray for blessings, in addition to praying for good weather and good weather for the country and the people, and to atone for my sins, chanting sutras for Lulan and Yuaner Soul..." The Empress Dowager was full of tears, and finally she said the thoughts that had been buried in her heart for many years, she was both sad and relieved.

Now that she has looked away, looking back at what she did that day, she really doesn't know why she is so good at it and owes her mother and son.

The emperor also burst into tears. He didn't expect this royal secret back then, and a secret within such a secret.

Laner could see how much grievances she suffered, but she just swallowed the pain for the sake of the royal family... The royal family thought of her old man, and couldn't hide her grief.

"Then Mei Qian laughed at him..." The royal family endured their grief and looked at the meaning of the queen mother, and seemed to have discovered something.

"I touched a faint dent on the back of his head, exactly the same as when Yuan'er fell... Even you don't know about this, and Lulan is not alive, and I am the only one in the world who knows about it, it's hard to fake it." The Empress Dowager He said anxiously, "What are you doing, get Yuan'er back soon!"

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