The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 781: People rely on clothes, the best guard

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Swish three figures arrived and surrounded the two thieves and Prince Enke.

The three are all pure color martial robes, but the style of the martial robes is different from the usual ones, and has been carefully improved. The top is embroidered with lifelike phoenixes, the clothes are made of luxurious materials, and the close-fitting design looks neat and majestic when worn.

When the two thieves saw the three people's attire, they immediately fell to their knees with a thud. The angry arrogance just now disappeared, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

The three people who came here held their heads high, but did not restrain their arrogance. After glancing at Enke and the thief, one of them suddenly looked sharply at Mei Qianxiao.

"I don't know who is here, please come out."

Xiang Feizi glanced at Mei Qianxiao worriedly, who would have thought that Mei Qianxiao didn't discuss with him at all, and dragged him out directly.

Mei Qianxiao has put away her breath, these people just noticed the existence of Xiang Feizi in the dark, and suddenly they saw that there was one more person coming out, and they were all surprised.

"It's getting dark, how come some of the disciples of Fengling Palace still have Yaxing coming out to appreciate the wilderness..." Mei Qianxiao raised her head and looked at the sky. It's a good day for murder and arson, "Is there Yaxing going out for a walk in the wilderness?"

That's right, looking at the attire of these people, you can tell that they are the disciples of the Fengling Palace in Luzhou.

Seeing the uniform of Jin Yiwei on Mei Qianxiao's body, the three disciples' attitudes were much more restrained. So as the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses on the saddle, dogs run happily with bells... Sometimes it's not as good as a person's ability to be good at it. It's not a good thing to say.

The three of them looked at Xiang Feizi, then looked at Mei Qianxiao, although their expressions were natural, but there was a hint of confusion in their eyes.

That's natural. After all, it's surprising to see a Jinyiwei, a golden-haired foreigner, and a well-mannered literati strolling the streets in the barren mountains and ridges at night.

"I said it must have something to do with the Fengling Palace! Look, they are watching from the side!" Xiang Feizi was suffering from many disasters today. Several brothers and sisters almost died in a foreign land. The people who saw the Fengling Palace finally couldn't help it. After venting, he lost his elegant temperament, and shouted loudly with red eyes and a thick neck.

"Shut up and go away." Mei Qianxiao glanced at him angrily, pushed him aside, and said to the few disciples who were coldly looking at Fengling Palace, "This guy is not good at talking nonsense, Don't worry about the few knights of the Fengling Palace. I'm waiting here to meet a bandit, and I'm almost in danger, now, just these few."

"I see. But I didn't come here to relax. I heard that there are bandits occupying the mountain here as kings, and I was ordered to come to suppress the bandits. When I came to the vicinity, I heard the sound of fighting, so I came to take a look. Sure enough, it was them. Come out and do evil."

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the disciples of Fengling Palace had his sword out of the scabbard. He used the scabbard to split a fierce sword technique. With one move, the two thieves pointed by Mei Qianxiao were knocked unconscious and showed his hand. Not bad Fengling Palace martial arts.

The eyes of the person who lifted the scabbard then locked on Enke, with a trace of killing intent.

"No, no, no! I'm not their party! I'm a good person, a very good kind of good person!" Enke now has a little sense of the spiritual level of the martial artist, and he immediately felt that the next person's sight would be the next It was his turn to lie down.

Yes, that's right, you are definitely a good person. You have been plastered with a good person card by a lot of beauties in Nanjing.

"He's with you?" The people from Fengling Palace asked with a smile.

"NO! I don't know him!" Enke interrupted.

Just now, Mei Qianxiao watched him get beaten up and didn't help. He almost thought he was going to be beaten to death just now, and Enke was so angry.

"Then we have to ask you and these guys on the ground to come back with us and explain clearly what your relationship is with them and why you are fighting here," said the disciple of Fengling Palace.

When Enke heard that he wanted to go back with them, these people who were unfamiliar in life didn't seem to be very good at talking, and suddenly shook his head vigorously: "NONO! I really belong to that **** Jin Yiwei!"

"Really?" The disciples of Fengling Palace turned around and asked with a frown as this person changed.

"Oh? You **** Jin Yiwei? Oh, it's weird, do I know this person, let me think about it..." Mei Qianxiao sneered and asked in a long voice.

When Enke heard this, he panicked, Mei Qianxiao, if he didn't recognize him, what would he do if he was treated as a bandit accomplice in this dark place! If you are taken back by these people, you may have to sleep in a cell for one night, and it is hard to say whether you will be able to come out in the future!

"Master Mei, I was wrong. I'm with this very handsome Jin Yiwei." Enke admitted.

dignity? What dignity? Has he ever had this? Did he rely on dignity for Enke to survive until now?

"I'm color-blind, let me see it more clearly... Oh, it's really my person! I just passed this place to **** this foreign messenger today, why was he beaten so badly?" Mei Qian smiled and pretended to Enke He pulled it to his side in distress, and even Xiang Feizi wanted to feel sick when he looked at that hypocritical appearance.

Why was he beaten so badly? Isn't it your bodyguard?

Several disciples of Fengling Palace had never seen such a shameless person before, and their eyes widened. For the first time in their life, they saw the guards not far from watching their escorts being beaten so badly.

"This is the prince of Venice from a foreign country. UU reading These guys must not forgive diplomatic guests!"

Mei Qianxiao didn't play with the disciples of Fengling Palace on an equal footing with Enke, and immediately put on a tone, obviously only the official position of the size of sesame and mung bean was hardened into the official prestige of the prime minister of the dynasty.

The three disciples of Fengling Palace looked at each other in dismay, mainly because the Jin Yiwei was indifferent, and they didn't believe how this level of Jin Yiwei could be the **** of foreign VIPs. But after thinking about it, there is no need for this Jin Yiwei to lie.

It doesn't matter what he's escorting, it's none of their business anyway.

"We were ordered to suppress the bandits, just to protect one of the people. We will arrest these bandits to the government. Since we have also called foreign envoys, how many of you want to report to the officials and testify with us?" said the disciple of Fengling Palace.

"If we don't go, we won't go. We still don't have the time to travel. You can tell Mr. Guan about it yourself. I'll wipe him a few saliva after he is so injured. It's fine." Qianxiao shook his head.

After all, he is a prince, dare he at least use the lowest-grade gold sore medicine! There's no way we can give you something! Jin Yiwei, who is on the stall, really doesn't know how many lives this foreign friend has suffered!

"Alright... Please leave that one to us, too." The disciple of Fengling Palace tried his best to stop himself from imagining the scene of Mei Qianxiao drooling, and pointed to the bandit who fell behind Mei Qianxiao.

"Of course." Mei Qianxiao turned around and threw the unconscious bandit's collar directly in front of them.

Several disciples of Fengling Palace were deeply satisfied... Although this Jinyiwei was in a mess, it was easy to deal with it.

"I can't give it to them! These bandits are staring at us for no reason. They must have instructed them! As long as we wake them up and torture them, we will get to the bottom immediately!" Xiang Feizi jumped out again and shouted.

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