The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 810: Right and wrong choice, indomitable

"Why does Lu Anshun want them to wait until night to go out? The plague is rampant throughout the city. Why does it have to take two or three days? He is not in a hurry?" Trust and reliance on the boss.

Fortunately, no shrewd person here found this strange.

"Lu Anshun is in a hurry, but no matter how anxious he is, he has to give himself time to retreat. That's one point. Also, these people in the dark at night won't cause a lot of attention, even if someone finds something strange in the daytime tomorrow. , they have stayed in the city for at least one night, and the plague has begun to spread, it is difficult to stop." Mei Qianxiao explained.

Generally speaking, the plague is the death of people after natural disasters, and it was not dealt with in time due to environmental problems or man-made problems. When they can be dealt with, these corpses have become hotbeds of viruses. The same is true of Wuchang Mansion. The flooding has subsided, and many corpses that have been soaked in blisters for many days remain in Wuchang Mansion, becoming the source of the plague. Zhai Wenyao also handled it in a timely manner, and quickly isolated the corpse from the people infected with the plague, avoiding a large-scale spread.

People like Zhai Wenyao who are so greedy even for disaster relief rice, how could they put so much effort into treating these people, they are all blocked here and waiting to die. Besides, it is a very troublesome thing to treat plague patients. Anyway, there are not many people who deal with them in time.

But if these people are released, the entire city will be unprepared, and the infection of the plague will definitely be unstoppable and out of control.

"Everyone, the talk of special medicines was deceived by the governor, you can't go out." The general manager stood up and persuaded.

When they heard that they could not go out, all the patients who could still stand panicked.

"Who are you? The decree issued by the governor has made us see it with our own eyes. Can what you say count!"

Here they witnessed the people around them dying one by one, eating weeds and drinking stagnant water, just to live and not even have hope. Today, someone suddenly gave them the hope of living, and the tenacity to persist in living until now does not allow anyone to put out the fire of their hope with nonsense, and they became angry.

"I'm the chief of the Gongwei Division Station! If you go out, you will only harm the entire city of Wuchang Mansion. You should do good deeds for the people and stay here!"

"Are you Jinyiwei? Jinyiwei is going to do your Jinyiwei's business, why are you meddling with our business! The governor said that we can go if we can go, do you have the governor's office! You are a liar, talking nonsense!" More and more patients are cursing.

"Don't chatter, in short, none of you are allowed to leave today!" Liu Xing, too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, roared with a stern face.

"I just want to go back! The governor told us to go, you can't force us to wait here to die!" A man in his thirties or forties was quite tough, and after eating a few mouthfuls of steamed buns, he trotted towards the gate.

It didn't matter if he left, the patients behind him followed suit. Those who could walk helped those who couldn’t walk, and those who couldn’t move dragged those who couldn’t get up, all of them rushed towards the gate in a mess, and there were at least two or three hundred people!

"Damn it!" Liu Xing was so frightened that he wanted to retreat when he saw this scene.

These patients are weak, and I don't know how many days they are locked here, they will not be able to eat enough. Liu Xing can knock down a few with one punch. He is afraid that he will not be able to win. What he is afraid of is that so many plague patients are approaching, and the two detoxification pills he made don't know if they can stand it! Because Wuchang Prefecture responded to the plague in a timely manner and the number of infected people was small, there was no need to take risks and invest in doctor treatment. Therefore, Wuchang Prefecture did not apply to the imperial court for a doctor who could handle the plague. In case he contracted the plague here and no one could cure him, it would be no different from death.

He was about to retreat as his body softened, but he was firmly held back before he took a few steps. Looking back, he was actually smiling.

"What are you retreating? Can you retreat?" Mei Qianxiao didn't seem to be at all condescending at this time, and her figure was soaring under the firelight, as if setting the world's respect, people couldn't help but fear, "There is no one behind you. You can go back."

"I...I...why can't I retire!" Liu Xing said blankly, not understanding why Mei Qianxiao said he didn't have to retire.

"Your wife, children, and parents are in Wuchang Mansion. They can't escape, and you can't escape. Where can you retreat?" Mei Qianxiao sneered.

Liu Xing was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head heavily. Yes, others are floating in the rivers and lakes, and if they die, they will die... But his wife, children, and parents are all in Wuchang Mansion. How can they survive when Wuchang Mansion suffers a disaster! The survival of Wuchang Mansion has long been tied to him!

"Then what should we do!" The general manager was a sensible person. Even if he panicked when the patients came slowly, he would not retreat.

"I'll give you multiple choice questions... You can choose to kill them all, and then burn them all down." Mei Qian smiled lightly.

"Kill, kill all?" Liu Xing's eyes bulged out when he looked at the opposite.

He can be ruthless in order to survive, but it is still a little difficult to kill so many ordinary people. Look at Lu Anshun, Zhai Wenyao and the others. At most, they are only isolated here and let them fend for themselves. They have no intention of committing this murder with their own hands.

These are not chickens, ducks, fishes, geese, but living human beings!

"Dispose of them cleanly, and there will be no plague in Wuchang Mansion. Tonight, the detoxification pills you used should still be within the range of medicinal power."

With Mei Qianxiao's whisper like a devil, Liu Xing raised his butcher's knife with trembling hands. Not only Liu Xing, but Mei Qianxiao's words also fell into the ears of others. They are now at war between heaven and man, thinking about the overall situation and human nature how to make choices.

They haven't made a choice yet, but the first patient to come has arrived. He was madly ignoring the swords of the crowd, intending to rush through them.

The crowd clenched their butcher knives tightly, chasing after the man as if they lost their souls... They are now doing the most difficult multiple-choice questions. When he walks over, the plague will disperse; if the knife is cut, his heart will be cold. When the knife is swung out, it is an inhuman slaughter!

But the patient had not yet reached the point where they could make a final decision, and was intercepted by one person earlier.

That person was Mei Qianxiao, and he swung the torch towards the person and chopped it down. The torch slammed on the man, and the golden and red sparks splashed around, just like a beautiful bunch of fireworks had been set in place.

The fireworks are easy to be cold, the beauty is fleeting, and the only thing left is the man who fell to the ground fiercely. Cao Ling, who had been silent all the time, would naturally follow the leader's lead. Seeing the decision made by the leader, he knew in his heart that this was righteous, but he couldn't bear to turn his face away.

"Yes, as long as we kill them all, we have to live! Only in Wuchang Mansion can we survive!" Liu Xing was simply inspired by Mei Qianxiao's smile. .

"No! Don't kill them!" But at this moment, a person from behind them rushed over.

The general manager was startled, and when they looked back, it was Prince Enke.

After they left the dungeon, he hid him in a wasteland and waited for them to come back. Unexpectedly, he seemed to be sneaking up after him!

"As long as people are still alive, they can always think of a way!"

Enke rushed towards Mei Qianxiao and pleaded for mercy, and he could clearly see what happened here just now.

"Women's benevolence! There's no other way, leaving them alone will cause endless troubles!" Liu Xing finally made up his mind and was moved by this **** again, and couldn't help scolding him.

"Don't kill them? Are you going to take the risk of contracting the plague to stay and look after them?" Mei Qianxiao didn't seem surprised to see Enke appearing, and asked him.

"Okay, I'll stay!" Enke nodded without saying a word.

When everyone saw an important foreign guest so impulsive, they all looked at each other, thinking that he was mentally ill.

"What about you? Of course you can't live with so many people. Are you all willing to risk the possibility of contracting the plague and stay?"

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, this impulsive and mentally ill problem was thrown in front of them.

Killing them all can save a whole city of people; leaving them to take care of them can save a whole city of people, and it's less murderous, but it's very likely that they'll catch up with themselves.

This question of life and death, perhaps many people will not hesitate.

"I'll stay." The general manager said lightly.

"I'll stay too." "Grass, it's a big deal. I have been in charge for so many years, and all I have done is to eliminate evil for the people of Li and the people. I can't go down with this knife against the common people. If I want to go down with this knife, Lao Tzu has long since gone up to the mountain to be a bandit, and he will not be more at ease!" "If we do a good job of protection, we will not necessarily be infected with the plague. If we can't stay here for a few days, the capital should be rescued by reinforcements!" "That's right. And we We were going to find a place to hide, but Lu Anshun would never guess that we were hiding here!"

Watching the people around him respond one by one and make unexpected choices, Liu Xing shook his head: "Mad! You are all mad!"

"Then you can go, sweet potato brother." Mei Qian smiled.

"Let's go, I was originally going to bury the dead with Liu Xing threw the knife horizontally and said disheartenedly.

Stimulated by the problem of dehumanizing, his mind became unimaginably calm.

He has figured out his situation. His family was in the Wuchang Mansion, and Lu Anshun wanted his life, but he would not do more to his family. Anyway, when the plague spread, his whole family was also wiped out. But if he ran to hide and was discovered by Lu Anshun's people, even if these people here took control of the plague, his family would also die without a place to be buried.

It's better to put your life here!

"Sir, then we..." Yingdu Mansion also asked.

"Our mission is to rescue the Spring Couplets. We will stay if the Spring Couplets stay."

"Take orders!"

The Shadow Metropolis Government is not so particular about human rights, and Cao Ling gave them an order and they had no choice. They were originally dead soldiers, and they had to break through the mountains and seas of fire when they obeyed the orders.

"Okay, since you have chosen the second option, then I'll do it according to the second option." Mei Qianxiao shook the torch in her hand, attracting the attention of everyone on the opposite side, pointing to the man on the ground arrogantly towards them Authentic, "Listen, now that you have been kidnapped by us, go back and lie down immediately! Whoever dares to act rashly will suffer death, and he is a lesson for you!"

what the hell! Who wants to hold the plague patients hostage, does it make sense to say it out! Don't talk nonsense, okay?

They had just made a great choice, their eyes were full of tears, and the corners of their mouths were light. Everyone felt that they should be the protagonists of this area, and they were so handsome. But when he said it out of his mouth with a smile, the connotation has changed!

Cao Ling understood... This is the second option, and this is the multiple-choice question that Mei Qianxiao said at the beginning.

It is not a choice of killing or letting go, but a choice of being insensitive or indomitable.

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