The Return of the City’s Cultivation

Chapter 860: Martial arts queen

"Put me on the pillar of shame? Hehe, why bother to speak quickly? As long as you have the strength and want to convict me, you can now!"

Not only did Ye Tian not back down, but tit-for-tat, with a dull tone, looking at Singh quietly, as if he was not the eighth superpower in the world, but not a kitten or a puppy.

The young man in front of everyone at the banquet, who was calm and relaxed, was shocked. He yelled "good manners" in his heart. He dared to yell Singh face to face and urge Singh, but he immediately changed his mind. , Too stupid and impulsive. They also never expected that Ye Tian would adopt such drastic measures to embarrass Singh and others in public, stand on the opposite side of him, and declare war like the Four Kingdoms at the same time, saying that he was "brave and unconcerned" and praised and confessed. In the hearts of everyone at the banquet, Ye Tian undoubtedly became synonymous with "idiot".

"Oh, today I really have a long experience, and there are such foolish people."

"Why did he contend with Mr. Singh? In terms of strength, snobbery, resources, and cultivation system, he was completely crushed by people. It's nothing more than an egg hitting a stone. This is tantamount to suicide."

At this time, a female voice sneered dismissively: "Crazy and ignorant, not arguing about the situation, this kind of person is hard to have a big climate, but because it is still a Chinese, she doesn't even understand the principle of'being able to bend and stretch'."

She hid in the crowd, low-key and unobtrusive. If Ye Tian was next to her, she would definitely recognize that this person was Wai's apprentice-Bierwei. I don't know if this arrogant girl also came to the party to join in the fun with Wye's consent.

No matter what, Ye Tian's evaluation in her heart has almost fallen to the bottom. She looked at Ye Tian, ​​sneered in her heart, and sneered at him, "Don't say this kind of person is completely incomparable with Landi, Singh, and my master. , Even the likes of Nasu, Ruan Yuwen, and Tai Sang are much stronger than him. Huh, I am also stronger than him. I really don’t know where this person’s self-confidence comes from. What prophecies my master also said... Hehe, it seems to be just a joke."

With Ye Tian's passionate words, Nasu and the three people who provoked Ye Tian jumped out, fingered Ye Tian, ​​and yelled violently, "These **** goods, no matter what Mr. Singh's action is, we fisted them three times and we screamed. Dad called mother."

"After the banquet, I will nail all the Chinese cultivators naked on the pillar of shame and ask friends from all over the world to watch it. It is much more interesting than the monkeys in the zoo."

Nasu from the Philippines looked at Li Siyu and the women with a wicked smile, "Tsk tsk, I just pity the beauties who are all over the country, but I still lack a few maids there. It's okay to do housekeeping. Let you go, but...hehe, I'm afraid these beauties are too tired every day!"

As soon as this remark came out, Singh and others immediately laughed knowingly.

While they were talking, the three of them had a murderous heart, and they had a tumultuous aura that burst out all over their bodies. After all, it was the three earth immortals at the same time. The erupted momentum was overwhelming. The vast majority of the people present felt the wind and rain. It seemed that he was a broken wooden boat in a violent wind and waves, and he was in danger of overturning the boat at any time. Many people couldn't help taking a step back, and their faces turned pale.

The evil spirit next to Ye Tian swept towards this violent wind and waves, and he let out a muffled snort, slightly on one side of his body, as if he wanted to get away, this earth fairy, also want to avoid the edge for a while, Anna and Vitali was even more unhelpful, as the two people who transformed into the gods and transformed the Taoist cultivation base, they took a step back with a pale face.

Suddenly, the circle formed by the crowd widened outward, and everyone subconsciously moved away from the center of the storm.


At this moment, one person did not retreat but moved forward, strode forward, "snap" one step further, standing there like a javelin, this person stood there, Tai Shan collapsed in front of him and his color remained unchanged. It was not Ye Tian. Who, at the same time, the four women behind him, even with their pale faces and cold sweat on their foreheads, their eyes were firm and without fear, they followed Ye Tian to step forward, with their heads upright and unyielding, like a banner.

The hall fell silent for a while, staring at Ye Tian and the girls intently.

"Fearless, righteous, good-tempered women, the moment they appear, they are as dazzling as the bright moon!"

"A few of them, taking a step forward, they have supported the Chinese martial arts world!"

Although no one spoke out, the few women showed that they were not afraid of danger, and the people present felt shocked.

Ye Tian habitually stood with his arms folded, took a little bit of his chin, and said Su Ji slowly: "Maid? You are not worthy to live for a hundred years!" He pointed to the women behind him, "A few of them, will Becoming the queen of the martial arts world of Yazhou is an existence beyond your reach. You don't even have the qualifications to crawl under their feet!"

This was really unreasonable to everyone, it was like a barking mad dog, and the three of Na Su were naturally violent.

"Several low-level cultivators who transform into gods, can you tell them to reach the fairyland in a few days?"

"Do you know that you are talking to three earth celestials? Nothing in the coffin and no tears!"

Hearing these, many people couldn't help but laugh out loud. The so-called earth immortal, with the word "Xian" in it, is a watershed. For many years, countless cultivators have been unable to cross the chasm, and countless amazing talents have been kept out, let alone a day or two. Even if it takes ten years to be able to enter the earth, that is an impressive achievement, as everyone knows that there are many cultivators who cannot make a breakthrough in a hundred years.

In fact, with Ye Tian’s methods, as long as there are enough medicinal materials, a few women can become earth immortals in a short time, and even virtual immortals. The cultivation civilization of the Xuantian realm does not know how many light years have fallen on the earth, and it is not the people present. It is conceivable that the Dao Immortal Venerable goes deep into his way, let alone those who are not present can measure it, and can't blame them for thinking that Ye Tian is ignorant and arrogant. At the beginning, he used Ming Shen Dan to mass-produce "Earth Immortals", which made a sensation in the Profound Sky Realm.

No one had thought that it was originally a "fun show" at the banquet, but because of Ye Tian's tough stance, Singer and others were a little embarrassed, but everyone was silently mourning for the Chinese martial arts world, Ye Tian's The practice can be regarded as digging their own graves, which caused many people to sigh again and again.

"Oh, if God wants him to perish, he must be crazy first!"

Because of Ye Tian's words, Singh stood aside, his murderous agitation made him look like a lion rushing to eat. I am afraid that if Ye Tian said more, he would be violent and murderous.

The atmosphere was so depressing that people couldn't breathe, but at this moment, someone yelled, "Goddess is here!"

A stone ignited a thousand waves, and the atmosphere on the court changed. It turned from a sword to a volcanic hotness. Everyone forgot about Ye Tian and others, and they all rushed to the door, even Singh and Na. Su and the others also put away their gazes at Ye Tianhu, and walked over together, but although the crowd was excited, they were in order, lined up in two rows at the hotel's three-meter-high gate, leaving one for the goddess. aisle.

At this time, a group of more than ten people gradually walked in.

Ye Tian didn’t care about goddess or goddess, and didn’t come forward to watch. He led a few women to sit down, as if nothing had happened before, calmly sat on the gold dining chair, and crossed a piece of blue on his hand. The belly of the fin tuna, put it in your mouth and savor it carefully. For him, these earthy delicacies have been insulated from him for six hundred years, which is more important than Singh and Nasu.

"Ye... Ye Tian..."

The evil spirit stammered at Ye Tian, ​​hesitant to speak.

Ye Tian immediately understood what he meant, took a sip of the red wine, and said, "Oh, evil god, the matter of my country of China has nothing to do with your country of Uk, and it won't make you muddy water, I understand. You shoulder the hardships of a country. Whether you are alienated from me or not, I still say that. If you need it, Ye Tian is obliged."

"You mud bodhisattva crosses the river and can't protect yourself. What do I need from you?"

However, the evil spirit did not say this, Ye Tian’s approach is crazy to the evil spirit, and it is absolutely impossible to develop, but after all, Ye Tian is the savior of the evil spirit, and the evil spirit feels sad for him, and his face is sad. Lulu finally said: "Ye Tian...I have always admired the Canadian goddess. I have long heard of such a figure, so I went to pay respect." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the crowd, and finally turned around halfway through. Come, staring eyebrows and apologize: "Yes... I'm sorry."

Anna wanted to say something, but after looking at Ye Tian for a long time, she did not speak. She stood in front of Ye Tian, ​​bowed deeply, and got up with red eyes. Only then did she walk to the crowd at the door with Sha Shen and others.

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