The Return of the Demon

Chapter 57 People Kneel to Send Off

The old doctor walked out of the crowd, looked at Pan Yucheng, bowed and said:

"Sir, we just want to see Lord Ning off, please be flexible."

Pan Yucheng frowned, Ning Chen is now a prisoner, this is not in accordance with the rules.

But he thought about it, and waved his hand to let the silver clothes move aside.

The old doctor walked to the prison car, looked at Ning Chen, tears streaming down his face, "Sir Ning, I thank you on behalf of the people of Zhenyuan County!"

"You don't have to do this, it's our responsibility to monitor all officials, eliminate cancer, and share the worries of the emperor."

The old doctor sobbed and took out an oil paper bag with a few coarse grain cakes in it, "Take these, sir, and eat them on the way."

What did Pan Yucheng want to say? But he held back in the end.

In fact, these are not in accordance with the rules.

Ning Chen took the pancake and said with a smile: "Thank you, father-in-law, take care of yourself... After I leave, someone will come to Zhenyuan County on my behalf, believe me... The diseases in Zhenyuan County will be eradicated."

"I believe in you, sir."

"Sir Ning, this is a little gift from us, you can take it with you on the way."

"Sir Ning, take this water with you on the way."

"Brother, this is for you!"

A little girl who was not even as tall as the prison car, with a pale face and ragged clothes, held a small bird egg in both hands, tiptoed, and wanted to give the bird egg to Ning Chen.

Ning Chen's eyes were red.

Roasted potatoes, pieces of black meat from unknown animals? There were also various wild fruits and wild vegetable roots.

It's not that they don't want to give good things, but because this is the only thing they can show.

The people of Zhenyuan County are too miserable!

Ning Chen said in a clear voice: "I appreciate everyone's kindness. Take all the things back... I am a wanted criminal of the court. I have to go back to the capital for trial. They dare not abuse me on the way. If I die, they will be punished. Don't worry."

"Thousands of hammers and chisels have been used to dig deep mountains, and raging fires have burned as if it were nothing. I am not afraid of being torn to pieces, but I want to keep my innocence in the world."

"If there is no justice in the world, I am willing to hold a knife and be the king of hell, hahaha..."

Ning Chen's laughter floated between heaven and earth.

If the bet is right this time and he can survive, then his reputation will surely spread all over the world and his reputation will rise.

In the future, the name Ning Chen will be the embodiment of justice... His character is firmly established.

Even if someone wants to touch him in the future, they must consider public opinion.

The spirit and fearlessness in the poem... moved Pan Yucheng and others. They didn't expect Ning Chen to have such talent.

"Sir Ning, thank you on behalf of the people of Zhenyuan County!"

The old doctor knelt down.

"Master Ning..."

"Master Ning..."

All the people knelt.

"Everyone, get up quickly. Ning is not worthy of your kneeling. Get up quickly..."

Ning Chen shouted with red eyes.

But the people were unwilling to get up.

Ning Chen couldn't bear to see this scene. He looked at Pan Yucheng and said, "Pan Jinyi, let's go!"

Pan Yucheng nodded slightly and waved his hand.

The prisoner car carried Ning Chen and walked forward slowly.

Until he walked a long way, Ning Chen looked back and saw that the people of Zhenyuan County were still kneeling there, unwilling to get up.


While Ning Chen was still halfway, the news had been sent back to the capital.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Geng Jing accidentally knocked over the teacup and stared at the silver clothes in front of him.

Yin Yi clasped his fists and said, "Ning Chen killed the uncle of the emperor. He has been detained by Pan Jinyi and is on his way back to Beijing... Pan Jinyi asked me to come back as fast as possible. Pan Jinyi has already written down the course of events in the report."

Yin Yi took out a report and handed it to Geng Jing.

Geng Jing unfolded the report and read it through. His eyes went dark.

Although the uncle of the emperor was at fault, he was still a royal relative. His Majesty should make the decision, not execute him privately.

He is a royal relative, the Queen's brother.

"Stupid, stupid..."

"What's wrong with Pan Yucheng? How did he lead people?"

Geng Jing was furious and furious.

Just then, a red-clothed man ran in, "See Geng Ziyi, His Majesty summoned you to come to the palace to see the emperor immediately."

Geng Jing's brows were furious.

"I wanted to wait until the court was dismissed before going to see the emperor...Now it seems that His Majesty has already known."

He shook his head and smiled bitterly. The Supervisory Department was responsible for supervising all officials, and all officials naturally hated the Supervisory Department.

On weekdays, they dare not do anything?

But now that this has happened, they will definitely take the opportunity to impeach him, after all, Ning Chen is his soldier.

At this time, the court has become a mess.

The officials of Zhenyuan County have submitted a memorial in advance.

"Your Majesty, Ning Chen has no respect for the king's law and has executed people privately. According to the law, he should be beheaded!"

"Your Majesty, I want to report to the Minister of Rites, Mr. Ning, for not educating his son strictly and committing such a heinous crime. He should be punished with the same crime."

"Your Majesty, I want to report to the Supervisory Office Geng Jing. Ning Chen is his subordinate. He condoned his subordinates to commit murder and killed royal relatives indiscriminately. According to the law, he should be beheaded."

These censors are like flies that smell feces, buzzing non-stop.

It's finally time for them to show their skills.

Ning Ziming's face turned pale and his whole body trembled.

He cursed Ning Chen a thousand times in his heart... How could he give birth to such a thing? He is lawless and dares to kill even the uncle of the king. This is a serious crime that can kill nine generations.

Emperor Xuan had a blank expression on his face. His mouth corners raised several times, but he forced them down.

He knew about this last night.

And the queen also knew about it.

The queen fainted several times last night.

The prince was worried, afraid that Ning Chen would not be able to escape this time.


The shrill voice of Eunuch Quan sounded in the hall.

He had seen that Emperor Xuan was on the verge of exploding. If these censors did not know how to restrain themselves, they would die before Ning Chen died.

Emperor Xuan finally spoke, his voice calm: "Ning Chen is already on the way back to Beijing, everything will be decided after he comes back... Dismissal!"

"Your Majesty, it is an indisputable fact that Ning Chen killed his uncle. According to the law, he should be executed along with his entire clan."

A censor with white hair and beard stood up and said tremblingly.

This man is called Yu Xiangming. He has mediocre abilities and has been compiling the Great Xuan Law in the Jianyu Court all his life.

He is almost seventy years old this year. If he does not make a name for himself, his life will be like this.

The Ning Chen incident is his chance to make a name for himself.

Emperor Xuan looked down at him coldly and said, "Your Majesty Yu has made great contributions, but now you are old and have hearing problems. You can't even hear my words clearly... You should retire and return home to enjoy your old age!"

After saying that, Emperor Xuan turned around and left.

Yu Xiangming's eyes were dull and he sat on the ground. He was... dismissed from office.

The civil and military officials laughed secretly, and no one sympathized with him.

This is how the officialdom is. There is no one to help you in times of trouble...but there is a group of people holding stones standing by the well, waiting for you to fall in and add insult to injury.

What a fool, His Majesty has said that this matter will be discussed later, but you insist on getting into trouble...If not you, who should be dismissed?

They are already thinking about how to let their own people replace Yu Xiangming's position?

On the other side, Emperor Xuan ordered Nie Liang, saying, "I will go to see the queen first...You go to the palace gate and wait. Geng Jing and General Chen are here. Let them wait for me in the imperial study."


Nie Liang left quickly.

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