The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 1 Thunderstorm in Ishimura

It was night, and the vast mountains were exceptionally quiet. The prehistoric creatures, poisonous snakes, and insects that usually like to hang out at night had all disappeared without a trace.

The ancient desolate beast that often stood on the mountain peaks, swallowing the moon and howling, did not appear either.

The entire wilderness was silent, and you could hear the drop of a needle. There was no longer the hustle and bustle of the past. However, for this wild world, such silence was a bit strange and made people shudder.

Stone Village is located in the vast mountains, surrounded by many peaks and ravines. At a glance, you can see towering mountains, towering ancient trees, and birds of prey and giant beasts everywhere. It is a primitive scene.

A group of simple, hard-working and intelligent human beings live here. For generations, they have taken Shi as their surname. They were born in the wilderness, took from the wilderness, and finally returned to the wilderness.

Everything here is very simple, without the secular atmosphere of the outside world, peaceful and quiet.

Of course, there are also people in the village who have gone out to explore. When the old clan leader Shi Yunfeng was young, he and more than a dozen clan members went to the far end of the earth and saw the scenery of the outside world.

However, more than ten years ago, among those who went out, only he and another clan member came back covered in blood. That person died not long after, leaving only Shi Yunfeng alive.

From then on, the people in the village were in awe of the outside world and knew of its dangers.

But along with awe, there is also a trace of curiosity, especially the growing children. They are always very interested in unknown things. The old patriarch will occasionally talk about the outside world, with the intention of urging them to become stronger. Only in this way can Shicun be better protected.

In the quiet night, Shicun was shrouded in a faint fluorescent light, which was somewhat conspicuous in the dark night. It was incompatible with the vague and huge black shadows around it. It had a sense of otherworldliness, like a pure land, and was peaceful.

The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng stood at the end of the village, talking with several gray-haired old people, his brows slightly furrowed and his expression very serious, as if something big had happened.

"'s a little unusual. The air seems to be frozen, making people a little breathless."

"There's something wrong. I've never seen such a quiet wilderness. Before, those ferocious wolves liked to howl at night, and howled until midnight. But today it's so quiet."

"It's really not peaceful in the mountains these days. I was woken up several times last night. I felt chills in my skin and bones. There must be some ancient ferocious beast passing by here."

Although the hair and beards of several old people have already turned white, they are still full of energy and their faces are glowing red.

At this moment, they were all frowning, thinking about the danger signs that had emerged in the past few days.

"I think something extraordinary may have happened deep in the wilderness, attracting the attention of some ancient relics in the mountains, and they are all rushing over." Shi Yunfeng thought for a while and expressed his guess.

"Is there a mountain treasure?" An old man blew his beard and stared, showing an incredible look.

When the others heard this, a trace of fire rose in their eyes, but it was quickly extinguished. Even if the mountain treasure really came out, it was not something that Xiaoshi Cun could interfere with.

They clearly know that in front of those extremely powerful species, no matter how many people there are, they are useless and cannot even lift a wave.

"Oh, that good thing must belong to the most powerful ancient beast. We have no chance."

"Go back to sleep first. I have a feeling that something big will happen in the middle of the night. This dull feeling is really disturbing."

"With the protection of the sacrificial spirits, the village will be safe and sound. You don't have to worry too much." Shi Yunfeng looked at the huge lightning-struck tree at the head of the village and said firmly.

Several old people nodded and left with heavy hearts.

Shi Yunfeng looked up at the sky. There seemed to be a thick layer of black clouds condensed there, which was so thick that it could not be dissolved, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"There may be a thunderstorm tonight."

He muttered something, turned around and walked towards his stone house.

The surroundings were very quiet, and the breathing in the stone house could be clearly heard. A white porcelain doll was lying on the bed with big characters, sleeping soundly.

He is very beautiful, fair and tender, very cute, and there are traces of animal milk on the corners of his mouth. He must have drank a lot before going to bed.

Looking at this sweetly sleeping child, Shi Yunfeng couldn't help but smile. He thought of the other children in the village. They were the hope of Shicun's future as they were full of energy.


At midnight, there really was a thunderstorm. The deafening thunder made people's ears buzz and made the entire wilderness tremble, triggering a terrifying earthquake.

The sound of falling raindrops was dense and terrifying, and it was continuous and gave no one a chance to breathe. It seemed like a vast river was pouring down, violent to the extreme.

Heavy rain, lightning and thunder, lightning thicker than the mountains, falling from the sky, like thunder dragons with teeth and claws, splitting more than a dozen mountains into powder in an instant, no longer existing, even the void was blackened, and the air was filled with A slight burnt smell.

It was so terrifying that a huge sea of ​​thunder appeared in the sky, as if there was a god of thunder roaring in it. A vast force of heavenly power covered the earth. All living beings trembled and kowtowed in submission.

At this moment, even the powerful ancient relics passing through this vast wilderness were trembling and uneasy, and they did not dare to breathe out.

Deep in the wilderness, several of the most powerful ferocious beasts competing for the mountain treasure also showed strange expressions on their faces. They looked up at the sky one after another, their eyes full of awe. In front of the mighty God, no matter how powerful you are, you are nothing but a small thing. Ants.

The villagers in Stone Village were awakened. The cries of children could be heard in many stone houses. The men guarded the women, hugged their wives and children, and whispered comfort, trying to eliminate their fear.

However, the sound of thunder was too terrifying. The mountains shook and the earth shook. Floods flooded the earth like wild beasts. The screams and howls of ferocious beasts were everywhere, full of fear and powerlessness.

At this time, on the lightning-struck tree at the head of the village, a wicker branch was like a sacred chain of green clouds, filled with halo, releasing soft light, protecting the stone village, making the place hazy and like a fairyland.

The terrifying thunder that seemed to penetrate people's hearts finally left Shicun and was isolated.

Shi Yunfeng walked out with a pale face, looked up at the sky, and saw a horrifying scene that was extremely shocking.

The thunder surged and gathered into the sea, and the real dragons turned into thunder rolled and swam in the sea, which made people's scalp tense when they saw it. Legendary beasts such as white tiger and suzaku appeared one after another, which shocked people's hearts.

In addition, Shi Yunfeng even saw the vast palace and the dark red sword light, as if a bloody guillotine was floating in the sea of ​​thunder.

He just took a startling glance and felt a chill on his neck, as if his head would be dislocated in the next second.

Shi Yunfeng, who was already injured, sat down on the ground, his pupils were dilated, his chest was heaving violently, he was breathing heavily, and his face was bloodless.

He still remembers that a few decades ago, when he was still a young man, it was also a thunderstorm day like this. A willow tree that blocked out the sky was bathed in the sea of ​​thunder, and lightning as thick as a mountain was swirling. Thousands of willow branches turned into blazing divine chains, stabbing. Passing through the endless sky, the terror is overwhelming.

It seemed to be fighting against something in the thunder sea, showing a terrifying power. Unfortunately, in the end, the willow tree was chopped down, leaving only a blackened stump, which landed in Stone Village and took root.

Although the two pictures are separated by decades, they are very similar. Both are unparalleledly shocking and equally shocking.

Thinking of this, Shi Yunfeng was slightly startled, his pupils dilated slightly, and he thought of an unrealistic possibility.

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