At this point, the three great sages were killed and strung together by old vines, unable to move on the vines.

The three surviving venerables have all lost their souls. How can they dare to stay where they are? He ran wildly in three directions.

As fast as it came, so fast will it run.

Three avenues of golden light spread into the distance, and the three humanoid creatures fled in panic, with no desire to resist at all.

They were convinced that this old vine was in its golden years and had never grown old. This time they had made a mistake.

"Fellow Taoist, since you've come, let's take care of it. Why are you in such a hurry?"

A humanoid creature with a bright divine ring on the back of his head felt a chill in his back as soon as he heard these words, and a piece of vine pierced out of his chest. Then, each symbol bloomed with brilliance, releasing unparalleled power. He couldn't help it for a moment. It moved, and a slight moan was heard coming from behind.

He knew what it was, and he could already imagine the scene in his mind of the three great sages behind him groaning in pain.

Then, the feeling of life force flowing away came over him, as if his life force was being sucked away, flowing out of his body, and he couldn't help but cry out.

Before he could react, another figure appeared in front of him, not far away from him. It was the venerable man who planned the divine seed and came from the Southern Meteor Mountain.

Now, there are five sages strung together like candied haws.

The big forces that gathered below were all dumbfounded. Didn't they agree to carve up Butian Pavilion? How come all the strongest people have become candied haws?

Moreover, that terrifying vine is hunting down the last Venerable.

"I come from Xiling Beast Mountain, you have to think clearly about the consequences of killing me." The last venerable roared, moving out the forces behind him, trying to make Lao Teng have some scruples.

However, what responded to it was a swift and fierce stab, and the power of the gods rippled, suppressing everything. Unsurprisingly, the venerable from Xiling Beast Mountain became a member of the skewer.

"If I don't kill you, you will kill me. What is there to consider?"

Lao Teng's calm words made the six venerables palpitate. What kind of strong man is this? Beings who look down on life and death and have no scruples are the most terrifying creatures.

"It's too late to regret now. You offended the six major forces at the same time. Even if you are in the divine fire realm, you will still be robbed. Our clan has gods alive. You must think clearly and don't make enemies for Butian Pavilion." A humanoid creature was still trying to use words. Come to disturb the old vine and make it put down the butcher knife.

But this is undoubtedly fanciful.

"What exactly is a god? Is he the top powerhouse in this world?

In your eyes, the gods are invincible and are regarded as the goal of your life. However, for some strong people, the gods are just a starting point.

From the moment you decide to take action against me, you are destined to die without end. Therefore, fall in peace. Some choices should not be taken lightly. One wrong step will lead to an abyss. "

As he spoke, the rattan glowed brightly, and its devouring power suddenly expanded countless times. The skewer composed of the six great sages immediately withered away and turned into skin and bones.


Until the last moment of their lives, the six great sages were still roaring. Of course they were unwilling to give in. Originally, they were sitting on the great mountains and rivers, and were revered by all beings. Every time they stamped their feet, the wilderness would be shaken. Compared with the current situation, it is simply a skewer. One in the sky and one on the earth.

After falling from the clouds to the bottom, my heart is naturally unbalanced.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world. Whatever decision is made, there will be a price to pay.

In the end, there were no more six great sages, all turned into ashes, and all the essence of life turned into the nourishment of the old vines.

The big forces who were watching were all cold and froze on the spot, very embarrassed.

They looked fierce just now, wanting to tear apart the people in Butian Pavilion and rush in to burn, kill and loot.

Now they are all honest, and all of them are "smiling".

"Haha, I knew that Butian Pavilion would be able to survive the difficulties. It seems that we don't need the support of my clan."

"Yes, my Qilin'er is a disciple of Butian Pavilion's genius camp, and will stand with Butian Pavilion at all times."

Many leaders of big forces have the courage to get close to Butian Pavilion. They want to muddle through and are showing their favor to Butian Pavilion.

The elders and disciples of Butian Pavilion looked at them coldly. No one was a fool. They had seen clearly just now that these people were like jackals. Now that they have become docile, it is only superficial, and their essence will not change.

Chi Cang looked at this scene and laughed dumbly. This kind of people are the most indispensable in the world, and they are the ones he hates the most.

However, from another perspective, without the support of these people, how can we show how precious the pure land of Butian Pavilion is?

Of course, there is no eternal pure land in the world. As each generation passes, today's Butian Pavilion will deteriorate and gradually decline. This is inevitable.

But so what?

At least the current Butian Pavilion makes Chi Cang feel comfortable and the internal atmosphere is good, which is enough.

If you are worried about the cause and effect, watch the destruction of Butian Pavilion, and cannot do whatever you want, how can you be called the Emperor of Thunder?

He looked down at the divine vine to see how it would handle it.

There were too many forces involved in the Butian Pavilion disaster this time. If they were all killed, it would be equivalent to bloodbathing the entire wilderness.

As a result, the wilderness will inevitably fall into chaos.

Suddenly, the old vine moved, and a vine was pulled out. Green leaves spread all over the place, releasing a brilliant green glow, like it was made of divine gold. It penetrated hundreds of creatures at once, all belonging to the same ethnic group, and no one was spared.

"The Tuoba family, you sacrificed your life as a sacrifice, and you lost your conscience, and I killed you in ancient times.

Over the years, your clan and I, Butian Pavilion, have had deep grievances that cannot be resolved. In a world where the jungle prevails, there is no good or evil, only life and death. Today's results are your own fault. "Lao Teng's words were very calm, as if he was telling a very common thing.

The other ethnic groups were so frightened that they were trembling all over. The people of this ethnic group were instantly stabbed to death. No matter old or young, they all died violently.

Immediately afterwards, all the men and horses in Xiling Beast Mountain were pierced and turned into powder.

The old vine blooms with divine energy, suppressing the world and no one can leave.

It is like a god of death, waving a sickle and harvesting life under people's gaze.

Everyone who was still alive was sweating like rain, and the seven souls scared away the six souls.

"Okay, after cleaning up the irresolvable things, it's time to clean up the ones that add insult to injury." Old Teng said to himself, scaring those greedy tribesmen to the ground.

"Senior, we were confused for a moment, please forgive me, senior, we have realized our mistake." Many people begged for mercy and cried to the sky and the earth.

"No, you don't know that only when the butcher's knife actually lands on your own neck can you truly shock your soul." Lao Teng swung the butcher's knife and killed all the leaders of the ethnic group who wanted a piece of the pie, as well as some important figures. , people are frightened.

My pursuit of reading is to accompany the runner. It was just launched on Channel 6 today, and it may not be available for another week. I will discuss the time with the editor.

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