The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 18 Supreme Bone Regeneration

The next day, early morning.

As the sun rises, a red sun slowly rises from the end of the horizon, casting warm light over the entire wilderness.

The Shicun people came to the open space at the head of the village early and stood there waiting.

They knew that today was the day when Little Dot came out of the cauldron. Seven days had passed, and this significant baptism would also come to an end.

Everyone looked at the black cauldron with extraordinary origins with concern, their eyes full of hope. What surprises would the little one bring to people? Is it really as lost as Chi Cang said? And, on the basis of the original, achieve nirvana and surpass the past.

The Bull Demon was lying far away from the fire, breathing heavily from its nose. Looking at these nervous villagers, it was speechless and sneered at this behavior. It didn't know what they were nervous about.

With its psychic true blood, why doesn't the fat white boy just take off? There is no need to worry about failure at all.

Chi Cang still sat cross-legged, motionless. After finishing the conversation with Liu Shen, he began to practice the Blood Moving Realm again. After so many days of study, Chi Cang already had an idea of ​​how to break through the Blood Moving Realm. Soon, Then you can try it.

At this time, the cauldron was still emitting light, and the lines on its surface remained unquenched, and those mysterious visions lasted for seven days.

This is so amazing that one can’t help but wonder if he is refining a cauldron of divine elixir.

Counting the lost years as a little boy, he is only in his early three years now. The thought of such a young child having been trained in the cauldron for seven whole days is breathtaking.

"Grandpa Patriarch, you have told the story of alchemy before. Won't the little one turn into a magical elixir directly?" Sniffle Kid asked nervously. He was thinking about whether the little one could still be with them if he turned into a magical elixir. Have fun together.

Shi Yunfeng touched his head and couldn't help laughing. The little one was baptizing and reviving a peerless talent. How could it be refined into elixirs? What a childish thing.

At this moment, the movement of the black cauldron went out, which was so sudden that it caught people off guard.

Everyone was surprised, and their hearts couldn't help but hang up.

Chi Cang seemed to sense something, his eyes looked towards Hei Ding, and a smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.


The next moment, the black cauldron cover soared into the sky, and brilliant light spurted out from the cauldron. It was as if a vast divine treasure had exploded, and countless essences overflowed, forming clouds and mist that enveloped the cauldron, hazy. , which makes people unable to see clearly.

At this time, a bright and blazing sun rose from the clouds and mist, showing a golden color with surging rays, even more dazzling than the morning sun in the distance.

Everyone was stunned because this sun looked so much like a magic elixir. They were all spherical, radiating golden light, and extremely sacred.

Snotlout was stunned, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"The little one...has really been made into a magical elixir..."

Even the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng next to him was dumbfounded. How could a fat and white boy become like this? Is it really like what the snot-nosed kid said?

Many people couldn't help but look at Chi Cang, only to find that he was smiling and looking very pleased. This was undoubtedly a reassurance for everyone. From this, it seemed that there was no accident in the little boy.


Suddenly, the blazing sun exploded, it seemed to be just a vision.

Immediately afterwards, the heaven and earth rioted, endless light rose up, and nothing was visible in the vast expanse. Only endless mysterious symbols were arranged in the sky above the tripod, densely packed, like a heavenly book printed in the void.

At the black cauldron, it seems that there is an innate supreme being awakening there, swallowing up the whole world with anger, looking at the eight wastelands, and being the only one in the sky and on the earth.

The breath of terror spreads, endless symbols are intertwined, imprinted on the universe, and the sea-like brilliance floods the heaven and earth.

This is an unparalleled divine power, coming from inside the black cauldron. The waves are like the sea, and the supreme energy surges, covering the sun, moon, stars and rivers, suppressing the nine heavens and ten earths.

Everyone in Shicun was stunned, frightened by this aura, and their spirits were stiff, as if they were facing a god.

"Then what is that? Did it come from a little one?" Shi Linhu was shocked and couldn't believe that it was caused by a three-year-old child.

"It's the little guy, it's him, he's born supreme."

Shi Yunfeng's lips were trembling with excitement. He asked Chi Cang and learned that the focus of this baptism was to resurrect the lost Supreme Bone of Little One. Now, this indescribable vast energy shows the result of the baptism. Little One It worked.

"Born to be supreme."

The tribesmen couldn't help but uttered these words, their eyes blurred, almost talking in sleep.

This is so amazing. There is a born Supreme in their village, who is almost like a myth.

Even the Bull Demon over there was trembling with fear. Even though it was an ancient relic that was powerful and roamed the wilderness, it still had the urge to kowtow when faced with that kind of aura.

At this moment, the Bull Demon was full of doubts, why did this boy who likes animal milk suddenly become so powerful? Is it because it was baptized with true blood?

Thinking of this, the two big ears of the Bull Demon couldn't help but flap. If this was really the case, then it would have accomplished a great feat.


The black cauldron collapsed, making a huge roar, and the whole land shook.

A figure walked out of it, with red clouds gushing out all over its body, surging energy and blood, surging up to the sky, like a ferocious humanoid beast, extremely terrifying.

As he walked out, all the symbols densely displayed in the sky began to tremble, glowing dazzlingly, and then began to fall, converging on the figure's chest.

There is a small golden sun there, which contains dense runes and is crystal clear.

There is a piece of bone, the source of all runes, embedded in the crystal light. A blazing little man sits cross-legged in the bone, chanting scriptures there.

Everyone was attracted by this bone, staring at it, their minds seemed to sink into it, and their murmurs seemed to send people away to reincarnation.

The next moment, they woke up with a start, blood bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and gasping for air. It was Chi Cang who forcibly peeled them out.

Wherever they can look directly at the reborn Supreme Bone, their lives may be in danger if they look at it for a while longer.

"After Nirvana, it is indeed more prosperous than before." Chi Cang commented, looking directly at the bone, his eyes slightly solemn.

The bull demon on the other side had no one to care about it and was very curious. He stared at the bone intently. He was dizzy and dizzy, and finally fell to the ground, unable to wake up.


The little one roared loudly, like a real dragon cub, roaring to heaven and earth. The vast wilderness was frightened by this sound, startling countless birds and beasts.

He is so extraordinary, his black hair falls to his shoulders, and he is a bit taller than before entering the cauldron. All the lost years in the past have been regained.

The body was full of shocking air and blood, as strong as a dragon. It didn't look like a human child at all, but more like a pure-blooded heir of a heaven-level ferocious beast.

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