The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 21 It’s too difficult to be an ancient relic

But...can you not bring them with you?

Chicang has tyrannical strength, so there is no need to fear the Beast Lord. They don't have any. If they are hated by the Beast Lord, it will be really hard to live with them.

The ancient relics all know the identities of the four great beast masters participating in the fight. There are sacrificial spirits from ancient countries, descendants of legendary ferocious beasts, and even ferocious and violent demon birds.

It's okay to meet the first two, they are a little reasonable, but if you meet the two extremely cruel ones at the back, you will definitely peel off their skin, drink their blood, and kill them.

Therefore, the remaining species hesitated and did not dare to continue walking.

The Bull Demon was also hesitating. In fact, the shadow of the supreme being inside was too great, and it felt a natural fear.

"Keep moving forward!"

Chi Cang said again, this time, his tone was so cold that it almost froze the void.

When the relics present heard this, their spirits froze, their huge bodies trembled, and they were almost melted by the momentum.

They felt sad and angry in their hearts, and wanted to look up to the sky and sigh, because just a moment ago they were enjoying life comfortably in their own nest, and the next second they were inexplicably beaten up and had to follow this human.

Now we are faced with such an embarrassing situation. There is a ferocious Beast Lord in front of us and a terrifying Great Demon King behind us. We are in a dilemma. People can't help but sigh that it is too difficult to be an ancient relic.

What can be done in this situation? If you don't continue forward, you will probably be slapped to pieces by the big devil and pierced with a finger, so let's get past this level first.

The Bull Demon suddenly trembled, remembering his previous encounters. The last time he was hesitant, his skin was torn apart by the electric shock. If he did it again this time, he might really be put on the dinner table.

Therefore, it gritted its teeth and headed forward. Although the other ancient relics were afraid, they could only follow and did not dare to go against Chi Cang's will.

They entered a battlefield, where the mountains and rivers were devastated, the earth was cracked and lifeless, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the rocks were pierced through the void.

There are still traces of the battle between the most powerful creatures in many places. A group of ancient relics are trembling with fear, their souls are throbbing, and they are all praying that the four beast masters have a rest today, are not fighting, and do not bump into them.

However, contrary to expectations, an extremely terrifying wave swept across the sky and the earth, rushing from afar and affecting all directions.

There is the center of the vast mountains, where the mountain treasure vision appears, and it is also the battlefield of the four great beasts.

At this moment, a war broke out without warning, and the aura of terror shocked the world. It was like coming before the opening of the sky. The sky was filled with fire, dark clouds covered the sun, and iron rods crossed the sky...

The four powerful men, each with their own opponents, fought for the most advantageous position. Their destructive power was astonishing, and they almost destroyed the area.

The ancient relics secretly thought that they were unlucky, their legs were weak from fear, their hearts were pounding, and they had the urge to turn around and run away.

However, there seemed to be a pair of cold eyes looking down at them, coming from the big devil on the back of the cow in front.

With this gaze, no ancient relic dared to act rashly, so they could only follow him obediently.

Soon, they came to the hinterland, where the scene was even more terrifying.

A basin was blocking their way. If they were ordinary people, they wouldn't be able to see anything. But they were all powerful beings. They could tell at a glance that this was a huge footprint that had trampled down a majestic mountain range. Many peaks were Broken and disfigured.

There are several dark abyss in the distance. They are huge and boundless. I don’t know how deep they are. You can’t see the bottom at a glance.

This is a claw mark, which was scratched out by the paw of some kind of terrifying ferocious bird. The black claw mark still exudes tyrannical energy.

Thunderbird, who is also a bird, trembled slightly, his soul falling into an ice cellar, and he was in awe of the supreme bird from the bottom of his heart.

They knew who shot this, it was the most ferocious and violent being.

Continuing forward, the red land is thousands of miles away, and there is a fire. The entire land is melted, and the heat is steaming, burning the human body.

The ancient relics looked at the scorched land in horror, and a fiery red figure could not help but appear in their minds.


Suddenly, a roar shook the world, and the world was in turmoil. A fiery red bird brought up a monstrous red flame in the mist-shrouded battlefield, burning down half of the sky.

Its opponent is an ape-like creature, with feet as red as burning coals and a pair of furry big hands holding an iron rod, sweeping across the world and shaking the sky.

The two fought a life-and-death battle that shook the mountains and the earth. If it weren't for the special place where Shan Bao was born and protected by the most powerful force, this vast wilderness would have collapsed.

On the other side, an unimaginably huge and ferocious bird roared, almost filling the sky. Its black wings stretched across the sky, as if there were a hundred thousand mountains pressing down on it.

Opposite it is a Qiongqi, which looks like both a tiger and a cow. It is blood red all over, has a wide mouth with fangs, long horns, and bright green eyes, which are soul-catching.

The Bull Demon carried Chi Cang, followed by a group of ancient relics. They really arrived at the battlefield of the four supreme beings. Less than ten miles away from the place where they fought fiercely, they could already clearly feel the terrifying atmosphere of the battle.

All the ancient relics felt tightness in their chests and almost collapsed to the ground due to the aura of the supreme creature.

The hierarchical suppression among beasts is no joke. Just like they knead the ferocious beasts below at will, the supreme creatures can control their lives at any time.

Fortunately, Chi Cang took action, releasing his aura and turning it into a piece of pure land. Suddenly, the unbearable feeling disappeared without a trace.

The relics were still in shock. While they were afraid of the power of the Beast Lord, they were also horrified by Chi Cang's strength, which was simply unfathomable.

At this time, the continuous collision sound suddenly slowed down. This was a sign before the end of the war. The Bull Demon and other ancient relics looked up in confusion. Could it be that today's fight is over and the Supreme Being is calling it a day?

As a result, the scene in front of them almost frightened them to death. The four supreme creatures temporarily stopped fighting and looked towards them in unison.

This kind of scene is so terrifying that it can scare the ancient relics to death.

The four pairs of cold and terrifying eyes of the four beast masters were all looking at this side. Their murderous intent was overwhelming.

Especially that demon bird, its eyes are like two huge blood moons, which makes people's scalp numb when looking at it.

The ancient relics wanted to explain themselves and save themselves, but in this situation, they were unable to speak out.

The air seemed to be frozen, filled with murderous intent that could make everything in the world wither. This mountain range seemed to have entered a harsh winter, making people tremble.

At this moment, a calm and casual voice sounded from the back of the Bull Demon. The voice was not loud, but it resounded throughout the wilderness.

"You guys keep fighting, I'm just passing by and taking a look."


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