The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 33 Liu Shen’s Resurrection

Time passes day by day, and months pass by in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Chi Cang has completely transformed the blood Shen Xi into the appearance of a thunder pool. The lines on the inner and outer surfaces are exactly the same, truly embodying this taboo form.

Except for the most special original symbol inside, everything else is the same.

He also paid a heavy price for this. For three consecutive months, he came back with heavy injuries every day and recovered silently under the willow tree.

Fortunately, Chi Cang has something that others don't have, unlimited thunder liquid, full of vitality, which can help him recover from the injuries caused by thunder.

Those who control thunder and lightning were injured like this by lightning, which shows how terrible the thunder disaster Chi Cang encountered.

Logically speaking, it was time for him to proceed to the next step and manifest the original symbols inside the thunder pool.

Only when that original symbol is embodied can the Lei Chi Shen Xi be truly complete.

However, Chi Cang had to stop.

Because he had a premonition that if he embodied the original symbol, he would suffer a calamity of death and no life, without any hope of survival.

This is a premonition based on his powerful spiritual sense, and its accuracy is self-evident.

Even without mentioning this premonition, Chi Cang could still feel that the recent thunder punishment was unusual.

In the endless thunder sea, there are faintly horrifying things rising and falling, flashing with dark red light, making people's necks feel chilly, as if their heads will fall to the ground in the next second.

Chi Cang knew what it was. Throughout the ages, the most feared thunderbolt punishment for geniuses was the Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine.

This kind of punishment is too overbearing. No matter who you are or how strong you are, you will be trapped by the chain of order of heaven and earth, unable to move. Then you will be detained, pressed under the guillotine, and decapitated with one blow, not only the body, but also the body. To kill the soul is to kill the soul with one blow of the knife.

He knew that he should stop. Before he found a solution, continuing would be a waste of time. Even if he was called the Thunder Emperor, he would not be able to escape the punishment of the guillotine.

Although it has not reached the ideal point, the current achievements are already extraordinary.

After Shen Xi's blood became thunder pools, she secretly aroused the power of taboos, allowing Chi Cang to attract more creation power from heaven and earth, and her ability to control thunder and lightning was also enhanced.

Even if he is the darling of Thunder innately, he still needs to practice tirelessly the day after tomorrow. If he only relies on the innate ability to control thunder and lightning with the help of the original symbol, his achievements will be limited after all. Only he can truly master that ability. He is the true Emperor of Thunder.

In addition, Chicang's ancient immortal system has also been revived with the achievement of the Blood Moving Realm. His combat power at this moment can already be compared with the divine fire in this world's magic.

This level is what the world calls gods. Most of the ancient gods and gods are talking about the cultivators of the divine fire realm.

At this level, except for some special places, Chi Cang has been able to run rampant in the eight realms of the lower realm. Without an opponent, he can conquer the world.

While Chi Cang was deep in thought, the willow tree in front of him suddenly burst out with earth-shaking power.

The vast fluctuations are like the endless ocean, the sacred light bursts out, and the sound of sacrifices is endless. In a trance, it seems that three thousand immortal divine kingdoms have turned into flames, burning blazingly behind the willow trees.

The ancient relics in the stone house and the villagers in the stone village were all alarmed. They walked out one after another and looked at the shining willow trees with horror in their eyes.

"Is Liu Shen awake?" Shi Yunfeng was overjoyed and said excitedly.

Other tribesmen were also very excited, silently calling the name of Willow God in their hearts. Since Willow came to Shicun, Shicun has never been harassed by ferocious beasts, and they are always grateful for this.

The ancient relics were deeply shocked. This willow tree that they could not see through was indeed an unimaginable boss, just like Chi Cang.

This small village is really scary.

Green flowers soar into the sky, and a soft halo envelopes the entire stone village. There are patches of light raining down, full of vitality, making people feel like they are bathed in the spring breeze.

"Crack, click, click!"

The bark of the old trees fell off, and there were blazing green clouds there, with several bumps appearing, as if something was about to come out.


Finally, the things inside broke through the barrier and appeared in people's sight.

The light and mist were thick, and there were thousands of auspicious colors. The willow tree was reborn. Four fresh branches were pulled out and grew rapidly. They soon reached several meters in length, exactly the same as the original one.

The five willow branches are green and shining, emitting precious light, like divine chains of order, dancing in the air, mysterious and unpredictable.

People were surprised to see that a small area of ​​greenery returned to the blackened tree stumps.

There is no doubt that Liu Shen is more powerful.

"Willow God!"

Everyone in Shicun gathered under the willow tree and sincerely prayed and blessed.

The five branches swayed in the air, looking very soft, yet giving people an indestructible feeling.

"Congratulations, you have recovered a little." Chi Cang said, congratulating Liu Shen.

"Thanks to your thunder liquid, it is very mysterious, has a shocking origin, and has the power to create all things." Liu Shen's voice sounded, and it was obvious that she had gained a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Shen noticed Shi Hao. Counting the missing year, this little guy who was just four years old had already achieved astonishing achievements. With one arm, he could reach a full 80,000 kilograms of strength.

This is the result of not using those heaven-level ancient recipes. Such terrifying power is enough to surprise people.

Even Liu Shen was speechless for a while. You must know that in ancient times, the cubs of heaven-level beasts could not reach this level without going through various ancient methods of tempering. In comparison, Shi Hao really looked like a humanoid beast cub.

Moreover, she discovered that Shi Hao's blood fluctuations were extremely strong. His practice in the blood-moving realm actually combined the mysterious runes containing the secret of reincarnation in the Supreme Bone with the blood. This was undoubtedly in line with the Supreme Bone and could better exert his power. reveal its true power.

However, in the endless years, it is not that there are such extraordinary young creatures. Although they are amazing, they have not yet reached the level of being unique. Being amazing in the early stage does not mean that they will be able to advance all the way in the later stage.

There are too many such examples in history. Who knows if Shi Hao will be the same? He is still too young to see anything for the time being. Only after he practices in depth will he be able to see a little bit of his potential in cultivating the Tao.

Even so, meeting such a god-like creature in a small stone village in the barren and broken lower world was truly extraordinary, enough to arouse Liu Shen's attention.

Noticing that Liu Shen was observing Shi Hao, Chi Cang said in a voice message: "I have already seen Shi Hao's talent. It is extraordinary and has endless potential.

Even without my intervention, he will rise step by step, but I want to give him a try, help him lay the strongest foundation, let him fight in the sky, and see what happens. "


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The starting coin of 163 for “Xiaoyu x”.


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