Tonight in Stone Village, the bonfire is brightly lit.

Chicang, Little Red Bird, Shicun tribesmen, ancient relics, Honghu Saint, etc., sat around in front of the big black pot, feasting happily, and the fragrance of beast meat was everywhere.

Everyone had a great time eating, raising glasses and clinking glasses from time to time, and there was a lot of laughter.

"Hmm! These crane legs are really wonderful. After being stewed in a big iron pot, they melt in your mouth and are fragrant. When you eat them, you feel warm in your belly. It's like there is a small sun in your belly." Chi Cang grabbed a piece of the crane's legs. I ate a crane leg and commented while eating it, nodding my head from time to time. I was very satisfied with the taste.

The little red bird on the side was flapping its wings and eating happily. It grabbed the wings of the sky-swallowing bird and devoured it.

"It's so satisfying. This vicious guy has finally been defeated. Haha, I have to say that although the character of the Sky-Swallowing Bird is not very good, the taste of the bird's wings is beyond description. It is simply the most delicious thing in the world."

The Honghu Saint was eating the other wing of the Sky-Swallowing Bird. When it first started eating, it was still hesitant, with complicated eyes, as if it was remembering some past events.

After all, this is its apprentice. Once upon a time, it carefully taught and allowed the Sky-Swallowing Bird to evolve into a pure-blooded creature and placed high hopes on it. Who could have imagined that when it ran out of energy, it would encounter such a situation as the murder of its master by its apprentice? Things make people feel helpless.

Shaking his head, the Honghu Saint ate it in one bite with hatred towards the Sky-Swallowing Bird for betraying it. In just a moment, the Honghu Saint was stunned.

This scoundrel... smells a bit sweet.

It couldn't help but eat a few more bites, and then it got out of hand and ate more happily than anyone else, leaving everyone watching in a daze.

The little red bird was speechless. The old man was just telling everyone about its warm past with the sky-swallowing bird. He didn't expect that he would be so happy eating the bird's wings now.

"Sage Honghu, your disciple tastes good." It said suddenly.

"Yeah, I think so too." Honghu Saint responded, and then took a deep breath on the bird's wings.

"Hiss Liu~"

Everyone felt their scalps numb inexplicably, and they must never worship Saint Honghu as their teacher in the future.

This "apprentice is very fragrant" is probably hard to live with in everyone's mind.

Due to their physical constitution and strength, the people of the Shicun tribe cannot eat much. They cannot eat casually like Chicang, Honghu Saint, and Little Red Bird.

Even the six ancient relics cannot eat too much. Although no one restricts them, due to their own endurance limit, they can only look at the big iron pot and drool. They really can't eat anymore.

The body of each Beast Lord is as big as a small mountain, and is enough for everyone to eat for many days.


The Lihuo Bull Demon, the Demonic Ape, the Golden-haired Lion, etc. are all glowing, and the divine light erupts from their pores without stopping. The Lord's flesh and blood has an unimaginable amount of divine essence inside, even if they are beast kings. , I ate too much and couldn’t bear it.

The eyes of several ancient relics were twinkling and full of excitement. Not long after they came to Shicun, they had eaten the flesh and blood of the Beast Lord one after another, and their cultivation realm had been greatly improved. He devoured the essence of the sun and moon much faster.

Thinking of this, they felt happy. Coming to Shicun was simply the biggest opportunity in their lives.

How to put it, their current state is that the present is beautiful and the future is promising.

As for the old man named Yun, he could only stay quietly under the willow tree stump in the distance, swallowing secretly as he watched everyone having a banquet.

At the same time, he felt a shock in his heart. Five venerables shared a table of food. If this spread, a big earthquake would occur in the whole world.

It is estimated that those ancient sacred mountains will notice the anomaly soon, including the Tianshen Mountain where he is located, and will definitely send the Venerable to investigate the disappearance of the Divine Mountain Venerable. When the time comes, they will follow the clues to the wilderness. If Tou Tie breaks into this terrifying place, The village must have come and gone.


The old man surnamed Yun sighed, as if he had foreseen some scenes in the future.

This village might become the tomb of the venerable one. The five great beast lords are just an appetizer, and there will be more to come.

At this time, the little red bird came over. After getting Chi Cang's permission, it brought some beast meat and fine wine, and handed them to the old man surnamed Yun.

"Thank you for the situation at that time. Otherwise, Zhu Yan and I would never have escaped death."

The old man named Yun shook his head.

"I am also one of them. I attacked you secretly and took action against you."

"It's different. If only five beast masters made a sneak attack, we might have been left there, and the final result would be to be eaten by them.

You left us a gap, and we escaped. "

The old man named Yun smiled bitterly and stopped talking. Now that he is a prisoner, what is the point of saying this?

"Eat it, I've asked him, one yard is another yard, these are my gifts to you to thank you for saving your life." The little red bird pointed at the animal meat that he brought over and said.

The old man surnamed Yun declined at first, because considering his current situation, it was inappropriate to eat other people's food, but later, he could not resist the aroma of animal meat and tasted it briefly.

Then, just like the Honghu Saint, he got out of control and ate without caring about his image.

"I never thought that the beast's meat would be so fragrant." The old man surnamed Yun sighed while eating, and he didn't forget to ask the little red bird what kind of meat he was eating.

There was no way, the four major poultry beasts were stewed in one pot, and it was very badly cooked. The aroma of the meat and other things were all mixed together, and it was really difficult to distinguish the type of meat.

"What you are eating is Qingluan."

"Qingluan?" The old man surnamed Yun stopped and looked at the meat in his hand in a daze. He had a good relationship with Lord Qingtian. This time he was working with the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi. The one he didn't want to come to was Qingluan. Lord Tian tried his best to persuade, and he reluctantly agreed.

Thinking of the scene where the five beast masters forced Chi Cang to take action when he took the mountain treasure, the old man surnamed Yun smiled bitterly. No matter how good the friendship was, it would turn into a joke at that moment.

He shook his head to himself, and then started eating.

"how is the taste?"

"It smells so good."

Hearing this, the little red bird smiled slightly. Then, it sent a message to the old man surnamed Yun, telling him that the people in this stone village are very good. As long as he can honestly admit his mistakes, accept punishment, and reform well, there will be no hope of life. Danger, in short, don't have other ideas.

"Okay, I understand, I will behave well." The old man surnamed Yun had mixed feelings in his heart.

Previously, he was an extremely noble lord of Tianshen Mountain, overlooking the earth, with overwhelming power, but now he is a prisoner, and his life is in the hands of others.

Such a contrast, such ups and downs, is really disappointing.

Not long after, the banquet came to an end. Only Chi Cang and others could continue to eat meat calmly. Most people felt that they were about to burn. In the future, their physical fitness will inevitably improve unprecedentedly. .

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