Since the final turmoil was put down on the six major sacrificial roads and the plateau was destroyed, all the heavens and realms have shown great vitality.

Those glorious worlds and civilizations that were once sacrificed by the weird clan, under the power of the sacrifice, reappeared from history and bloomed again.

The heavens and realms at this moment are vast, and even the vast land of heaven is just a small corner compared to it.

It has appeared in ancient and modern times. This is an extremely splendid golden world. All kinds of unprecedented bloodlines and qualifications have appeared in this world, which is beyond imagination.

As a sacrificial path that overlooks the past, present and future, Shi Hao, Ye Fan and others also personally contributed to this glorious and prosperous age. With the power of the sacrificial path, they ranked and inscribed the endless geniuses in all the heavens and realms. On an ancient monument of chaos, hanging high among the worlds.

As long as they appear in the world, they will be recorded by this ancient tablet of chaos, and then they will be ranked according to their realm, talent, combat power, qualifications, etc., and will even mark the evolutionary path that Tianjiao has taken. This is not only about combat power and talent. Ranking, or comparison between evolutionary paths.

This approach naturally greatly inspired the geniuses in all the heavens and realms. They worked bravely, constantly opened up new roads, and determined to make a name for themselves in the heavens.

Era after era passed, no one knows how many Taoist ancestors and path-breaking creatures came out of this world.

There were even priest-level beings who appeared. They were once only one step away from the sacrifice, but they died with hatred under the encirclement and suppression of the strange tribe.

After being resurrected by Chi Cang and the others, Bai Chi Guan Head made further progress, finally breaking through the shackles and reaching the realm of sacrifice.

However, it was impossible for them to continue upward, because in that special space, except for Chi Cang and the six of them, no one else appeared. This meant that only the six of them could arrive.

As for the person worshiped by the strange group of people, he also did not appear in the supreme space.

Logically speaking, once this creature breaks through to the sacrificial path, it will appear in that supreme space at the same time, whether in the distant past, present, or future.

Unfortunately, the six priests searched the space for a long time, but there was no trace of that creature.

Moreover, when they looked back into the past and explored ancient history, there was no trace of that person at all. Everything about him seemed to have turned into nothingness and ceased to exist.

The artifacts related to him, such as stone harps and stone jars, cannot provide any clues.

This creature seemed to have been forgotten by time and cause and effect.

Later, the Six Great Sacrificial Dao no longer pursued this matter, but just kept it in mind and always paid attention to it.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen lived in a world of two, and they had another child. This time, it was a boy. Like Chi Xia, he inherited the supreme talent of his parents, but he was even scarier than Chi Xia.

Because this is the offspring born from the union of two major sacrificial paths, the power of bloodline can be said to be unique in ancient and modern times. As soon as it appears, it is the existence that dominates the ancient monument of chaos.

But Chi Cang and Liu Shen did not let him join the world immediately. Instead, they followed them and lived a leisurely pastoral life.

When the child named Chi Mu came of age, the two reluctantly let him live in the world.

After that, Chi Cang and Liu Shen continued to live in an undisturbed world, and it seemed that they were going to die forever.

However, the peaceful life was broken on this day.

Although the two of them had sealed the power of their own sacrifices, they still felt something was wrong at this moment.

The power of the seal surged up immediately, and the two walked out of the cabin, staring deeply in a direction, which was the direction where they once worshiped the sea.

At this time, the sea of ​​sacrifice has become a sea of ​​​​worlds, all of which are full of vitality.

But there is still an area that remains the same, which is the so-called Immortal Emperor's place of sacrifice.

"It's that person..." Chi Cang felt something in his heart, and his face showed an unprecedented solemn look.

Liu Shen nodded.

"It seems that I have to take a trip." Chi Cang said with a bitter smile.

Then, holding Liu Shen's hand, he took a step forward and appeared on a huge black altar in an instant.

The dark black altar looked particularly eerie under the cold night sky. It was stained with blood, but it had dried long ago, leaving only black traces.

Since ancient times, there has been a legend about the place where the Immortal Emperor sacrificed himself. Once he steps on this black altar, he will become a sacrifice. Even the Immortal Emperor will not be spared and will suffer defeat here.

But all this is meaningless to the priests. Nothing in this world can threaten them.

When Chi Cang and Liu Shen arrived, Shi Hao, Ye Fan, Wu Ren, and Wu Shi also arrived at the same time, standing on the black altar.

Apparently, they sensed it too.

Everyone met again after several epochs. It was too late to reminisce about the past. They looked at the ancient times at the same time and discovered something that had not been discovered before.

At the end of those extremely distant years, there was a plateau. There was a small courtyard on the plateau and a lake.

There is a lotus growing in the lake, filled with fragrance. As the years go by, it undergoes some kind of change and becomes the Lotus of Samsara.

Originally it was just an ordinary lotus, but after a person's enlightenment, it actually underwent a transformation beyond ordinary people's imagination.

This is undoubtedly a method that only the priests have, and the creatures living in the small courtyard are undoubtedly above the priests.

There is also a rough stone millstone in the courtyard, which looks like an ordinary farm tool.

The man was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, stroking the stone harp, and the tinkling tinkling music could not hide his exhaustion and illness.

This creature was originally very elegant, but now it lacks vitality.

The most important thing is that his appearance is very similar to Shi Hao and Ye Fan, almost exactly the same.

The two had explored this issue before and believed that their appearance had been subtly changed due to frequent contact with the bronze coffins of the Three Generations, or in other words, they had moved in a similar direction.

Now, there is one more person.

Next to him, there was a stove for boiling tea. It was the time stove that was later spread among the gods.

In the courtyard, there was a flower. After it withered, it turned into seeds again and began to grow.

Everyone was greatly touched. It was hard to imagine that what was once just an ornamental flower would become the source of pollen roads for future generations.

The pale and elegant man was playing the piano and admiring the flowers. He was enjoying himself leisurely. However, his health was deteriorating, which made him frown continuously.

In the end, everything changed. Black blood flowed from the man's mouth and nose, gray mist shrouded his body, and gold, silver and other substances appeared.

His body became worse and worse. He kept coughing and became weak. In the end, he rotted away and all kinds of problems in his body burst out.

Until one day, he sighed and said weakly to himself: "Will I... come back?"

Then, he left the yard, refined a bronze coffin on the plateau, carved out a stone jar, burned himself, dropped his ashes into the jar, submerged them into a triple copper coffin, and was buried at the bottom of the plateau.

Until one day, the plateau cracked and the copper coffin was exposed on the surface. As the terrain changed, a corner of the copper coffin was opened, and the ashes were scattered out.

Later, someone came to the plateau, and they were the first batch of strange ancestors. They seemed to be aware of the danger on the plateau, and hid in the coffin. Unfortunately, they were still contaminated, so they went crazy and shattered the yard, leaving stone jars and stone jars. Things like pianos fly in all directions.

"It turns out that there really is such a person, who creates weirdness and is the ultimate source of unknown." Chi Cang sighed.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the majestic black altar. It was very blurry, and its voice was extremely hoarse, whispering like a ghost: "You are here."

"Are you the person that the weird tribe has been worshiping, longing to find, but extremely afraid of?" Ye Fan asked aloud.

"So be it." Black Shadow replied.

Later, he said he had no ill intentions.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, red hair began to grow on the black shadow's body. Black blood began to flow between his mouth, nose and eyes, and gray mist swirled around his withered hair, which was extremely terrifying.

The six major priests watched this scene coldly, ready to take action at any time. This person claimed to have no malicious intentions, but the strange changes on his body were real.

"You have misunderstood. I really have no ill intentions. I was just ill. I was extremely ill. In the end, I had no choice but to burn myself and bury myself in a copper coffin. Since then, everything has been empty for all eternity.

However, I don’t know when, I was sacrificed from time to time. It was not until today that I gradually gathered a shadow. "Black Shadow explained.

"who are you?"

"Before me, my memory was nothing. After me, it will be your world... The reason why I brought you here is to ask you to help me escape."

"Can you really not remember the past?" Chi Cang asked.

The shadow nodded.

"There is nothingness, only hazy guesses. I seem to come from nothing, and then from something to nothing, the cycle repeats...I am sick..."

"Relief? Do you want me to take action and burn out your last shadow?" Shi Hao asked.

"Yes, please take action." Black Shadow nodded.

"But, I want to know your past and why you got sick." Chi Cang's eyes were deep and he looked directly into the black shadow's face.

Then, he added: "If you are promoted to a priest within this Cangyu, we cannot be unaware of it.

Even if you burn everything, there should be your footprints in that supreme space, but there are not. This means that you may be an outsider, and your illness is likely to be related to your origin. "

When Liu Shen, Shi Hao and others heard this, they all nodded in agreement. In fact, they also had doubts.

This creature is most likely not on the advanced sacrificial path in Fang Cangyu, so his figure has never appeared in the supreme space.

The shadow remained silent for a long time before answering: "I really can't remember it. If I have relevant memories, I will definitely tell you."

"It doesn't matter, the six of us are enough to summon your soul.

The reason for this is because I don’t want there to be anything I don’t know about in this world. This is undoubtedly a threat that will come true one day. Instead of waiting for it to come, it is better to take the initiative to find it. Chi Cang said calmly.

The other sacrificial ministers naturally supported Chi Cang's decision. Speaking of which, they were also curious, where did this foreign sacrificial minister come from?

"It's up to you. However, after achieving the goal, please let me be liberated and completely disappear from the world. This seems to be a mission of mine and a process that must be completed." The black shadow said.


Chi Cang agreed.

Then, the six major sacrifices began to summon souls, using unimaginable power to summon the power and traces of the past for the black shadow.

Gradually, this creature solidified and was no longer so blurry. It was almost the same as the person in the historical picture.

This time, he looked more like Shi Hao and Ye Fan, as if they were the same person.

"Fellow Taoist, what did you remember?" Chi Cang asked aloud.

This creature did not speak, but frowned slightly, and its faint eyes turned into two ancient lamps, containing the terrifying power of cause and effect.

Everyone looked at it, and their minds were attracted by it. In a daze, they seemed to see an indescribable river, flowing quietly in the void, and a huge corpse lying on its back on the river. Above, with huge and empty eyes open, silently, drifting along the river.

I don’t know where it started, and I don’t know where it will go.

And above the face of the corpse, stood a gentle figure in blue robes, stretching out his hands and flipping through an old ancient history book with relish. Chi Cang could vaguely see the appearance of the ancient history book. There were six words on it. The black hole in the mouth is slowly rotating, like six reincarnations.

At this moment, he recalled the scene when he summoned the soul of the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation. It was an ancient history book that could not be opened or shaken. Now, it was turned over and browsed by that blue-robed figure.

Who is he? What is this river?

Suddenly, the figure in blue robe seemed to notice their gaze, put down the ancient history book, smiled at everyone, and whispered.

"Brother Shi, it looks like you succeeded."

The next moment, the picture was distorted and everything collapsed. It turned out that the ancient lamp of cause and effect in the black shadow's eyes could no longer support it.

The black shadow acted as a medium of communication. After some consumption, the figures condensed by the souls summoned on the six sacrificial paths immediately became void and no longer solid.

The six people came back to their senses. Except for Shi Hao and Chi Cang, they all had blank faces. They didn't know what that picture and what that person said meant.

However, Shi Hao understood everything.

He looked at the blurred black shadow again, then at Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and said, "This person is actually me."

Shi Hao said such puzzling words. The foreign sacrificial priest who was extremely ill and burned himself to ashes was actually Shi Hao? They do look exactly the same, but it is unbelievable to say that they are the same person.

Everyone looked at Shi Hao and saw his serious face, and immediately understood that this was not a lie.

“Beyond the sacrificial path, there is detachment, unity, and uniqueness. All possibilities are contained within oneself.

In another piece of heaven, I successfully stepped into this realm, and the same person who you just saw also stepped into this realm.

However, in that sky, I lost a relative forever. "Said, Shi Hao looked at Liu Shen.

"In order to save her, that person and I, with great power, restarted a timeline, located it in Shicun, and resurrected a creature that had long disappeared in the long river of time. He is the youngest of the Ten Evils in Immortal Ancient, known as The being who has the greatest hope of becoming king and ancestor in the Ancient Immortal Era." Shi Hao looked at Chi Cang again.

Then, he continued: "In that sky, I have become one and the only one, and all possibilities have been shattered.

Restarting the timeline means breaking this point.

In the end, I chose to restart and break the unity.

After doing all this, when I came to this world, many unimaginable backlashes and changes happened to me. I became ill, and strange and unknown things happened to me.

In the end, I could only burn myself to ashes and bury myself on the plateau.

Fortunately, in the end, I came back.

This residual image sacrificed by the strange ethnic group is the remnant of the unified me in the past. It’s time to let him go. "Shi Hao sighed.

Except for Chi Cang, although everyone else was still a little confused, they roughly understood what Shi Hao meant.

Everyone just felt a little dreamy, but they didn't expect that this creature was actually Shi Hao who came from another universe. No wonder the faces were so similar, they were basically the same person.

They no longer held back, and used the power of the sacrifice to burn the black shadow, completely turning it into ashes and nothingness without any trace.

After the black shadow disappeared, everyone broke through the limitations of the supreme space, finally found the river, and saw the blue-robed figure with their own eyes.

"These two are Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen." The blue-robed figure smiled sarcastically.

"I dare to ask my friend..."

"I am the master of life."

PS: There should be one more chapter. If all goes well, the follow-up book will be released in early December, starting with the Great Emperor style.

Some brothers may not understand who this destiny is. In fact, he is the protagonist of the previous Zhetian fan. When I wrote the book "The Perfect Ten Evils", I thought about linking it up. Writing it this way can also explain the time traveled by the Thunder Emperor. and the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The world view of the third part of Zhe Tian Fan's book is self-created. Old book friends who have read it should know that Liu Shen is not resurrected in it. The ending extra is that the protagonist Life Master and Shi Hao take action together to freeze the beginning of time. In Stone Village, restart the perfect world timeline, resurrect the Thunder Emperor, and save Liu Shen.

The Lord of the Bronze Coffin is actually Shi Hao in the previous book. He restarted the perfect world and broke the unification of all things. As a result, he was backlashed, unknown things happened, and everything was forgotten. (The life master is Hua Yunfei, who is also the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Because he has become one, that is, above the sacrificial path, all possibilities are unified and united. Therefore, in the book Perfect, Chi Cang cannot resurrect the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation. The ancient history book of the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation cannot be shaken.)

In short, the two books are somewhat related. This is the reason why this extra chapter is written like this. You can also treat this book as an independent book. It's just that I can't give another explanation for the reason for time travel.

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