The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 59 Reopening the Cave

Chi Cang came to the bottomless abyss that he had struck out with the Nine Heavens Tribulation Light, and sat cross-legged in the void.

The next moment, ten caves appeared, hanging high above Chicang's head. Among them, the tenth one was obviously much larger than the other nine. It was in the center, and the other nine smaller caves slowly surrounded it. Rotating like stars over the moon.

The power of the tenth cave is just like its size, surpassing the other caves. It is the most majestic when it absorbs divine energy, which is far from what other caves can match.

In the world of cultivation in the lower realm, Ten Cave Heaven is already the pinnacle of this realm. Young geniuses who can reach this realm will be extremely brilliant in the future.

But Chi Cang knew that this was far from the limit. In Shi Hao's memory, Shi Hao not only expanded all the ten caves to the size of the tenth cave, but also sublimated them to the extreme, making the ten caves into one, and his achievements were astonishing. But Overlooking the same level.

These days, the topic that Chi Cang and Liu Shen discussed was the Ten Caves.

They deeply understand that everyone's path is different, and similarly, Chi Cang and Shi Hao are not the same. He believes that if he takes the path of ten holes and heaven, he may not succeed, and he will fail if he deviates even slightly.

But, what kind of existence is Chi Cang? He was the youngest of the Ten Fierce and had his own pride. He admired the unity of the Ten Caves and Heaven, but he had no intention of walking this path in advance. He had his own path.

However, before taking the final step, the steps to expand the other nine caves are the same, and many people have reached this step since ancient times.

Chi Cang started, and unlike Shi Hao, his reopening of the cave was more domineering.


In just an instant, the abyss turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and the place where Chi Cang sat cross-legged became a thunder star. Fierce and shining thunder light burst out, trying its best to hit the nine smaller holes in the sky.


There was a loud noise, and the nine holes of the cave sky split open at the same time. Nine-colored magma surged and exploded in the void. For a moment, the abyss trembled violently, the earth cracked, and one after another grand canyons appeared. It seemed like a collapse of the sky had occurred here, and in the void They are all dark spider webs, which are cracks in space, all blasted out by the explosion of the Chicang Nine-mouth Cave.

Chaos energy filled the air, lightning surged, and lightning intertwined, as if the world had been created, and it was extremely terrifying.


Chi Cang coughed up a large mouthful of blood, his body cracked, and dense cracks appeared. The nine holes of the cave exploded together, and even the most amazing array of geniuses in ancient times could not bear it.

The turbulent divine energy flooded the sky and the earth, as violent as the ocean.

"Destroy everything, start over again in Nirvana, wither and prosper again."

This is the essence of Liu Shen Ku Rong’s way.

Chi Cang is interpreting this profound meaning with practical actions.

"Reenactment, opening up."

Chi Cang's eyes were cold and full of symbols of the great avenue, capturing the fragments of the great truth that burst out when the cave sky shattered.

Combined with the fragments he captured when he opened the cave, this was a complete process that had evolved countless times in his mind.


The Nine-Kou Cave Heaven was rapidly taking shape, and it soon took shape. However, a kind of avenue rule was restricting and imprisoning them, preventing them from being opened up.

Chi Cang encountered tremendous pressure, and the sound of cracks all over his body was heard endlessly. It was terrifying, like a piece of porcelain that was about to break.

At this time, endless thunder liquid rushed up from the thunder pool on his chest, and it suddenly spread all over his body. The expansion of those cracks was immediately stopped, and they healed extremely quickly.

He was not affected by his injuries, and he struck with all his strength. The thunder pool and divine light all over his body shook together, and a shocking burst of blood and blood almost eclipsed the sun in the sky.


Chi Cang shouted loudly, tried his best, and was extremely domineering, directly trying to break through the shackles and imprisonment of the entire nine holes of the cave.

This is unimaginable and has never happened before.

The void shook violently, and the fluctuations became even more terrifying. The entire wilderness felt the vibration, as if a major earthquake had occurred. Many creatures looked towards the center of the vast mountains, confused and uncertain, and consciously stayed away from there.

Stone Village was protected by the Willow God, so it was naturally unaffected. However, the vibration was visible to the naked eye. Standing in the middle of Stone Village, Saint Honghu looked at the "moving" mountains and valleys over there and was shocked.

"What is this? Is another holy object about to be born? By the way, why aren't you surprised?" He was a little confused, because the little red bird old god was there, standing on the willow tree, with his eyes closed, seeming to be practicing hard. .

The ancient relics should practice the exercises and boil the animal milk. Even the villagers in Shicun Village were busy with their own affairs. No one paid attention to the outside world. A few aunties were still talking and laughing.

The only person who was as shocked as it was the old man surnamed Yun. He had just returned from a walk around the newly opened Spiritual Plant Garden in Shicun. This had become his job and was regarded as a form of labor reform.

Everyone was busy doing their own thing, only the two of them looked surprised, which was very embarrassing.

"Grandpa, you just get used to it. A few months before you came, there was thunder every night, and the whole wilderness seemed like daylight.

It's okay, this is Uncle Chicang practicing. "The snot kid next to me reminded me kindly, because the two old grandfathers looked a little fussy.

"Ah? Oh! Okay." Saint Honghu's mind was a little confused. Cultivation? Is there such a big movement in cultivation?

The old man surnamed Yun was also horrified, where is this cultivation? It's almost like the world is about to be destroyed.

In the center of the vast mountains, ten rounds of blazing suns suddenly appeared, forming a circle, huge and boundless, slowly rotating around Chi Cang, as if he was the center of the universe.

The nine openings of the cave have been reopened, and each opening is bursting with immeasurable auspicious colors, releasing extremely terrifying fluctuations of divine energy, exactly the same as the tenth opening.

The ten caves are all extremely grand, as if they are connected to a vast fairyland. Each cave is no longer a crater, but a bizarre world, becoming a real "cave".

He succeeded and reached a situation that many people had reached, and he sacrificed all ten caves to the same level.

At this point, we have basically reached the extreme. After that, we need to go all out to change. Almost no one can succeed. Shi Hao can combine ten caves and heaven into one, which is only seen in eternity.

Although Chi Cang did not intend to go through the ten caves and the sky to become one, he was not willing to stop there. He had his own ideas and had discussed them with Liu Shen many times.

He took a deep breath, and the whole process of opening up the cave flowed through his mind, activating the vast ten caves, flowing out terrifying divine energy, all impacting on himself, and the thunder pool Shen Xi in his blood also cooperated.


The blazing flesh began to glow, becoming crystal clear. In invisible places, it seemed that one sacred place after another was opened, spewing out vast essence, dense and steaming, extremely gorgeous.

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