The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 84 The giants meet


The dragon's horns glowed, creating a space in the void, covering the entire stone cliff and the dragon's nest, and fitting it in.

Then, the brilliance flourished, and a piece of pure white bone flew out, as smooth as jade, like a precious mirror.

This is the Taoist bone left behind after the death of the real dragon. It is like the relics of the ancient monks. It has endless magical uses. It can illuminate all the secrets of things and make them invisible.

There is no doubt that the dragon bone mirror is a treasure, rare in the world, and a real dragon will naturally bring it with him.

In addition, the true dragon energy swirling in this small world has also been absorbed by the dragon horns, leaving nothing behind. This has a certain effect on strengthening the remaining marks.


The small chaotic world was already difficult to maintain, but now it was abandoned by the real dragon and was immediately in danger of collapse.

Chi Cang turned around, led Lei Que away at high speed, and returned to the ground along the same path, followed closely by the broken dragon horn.

Climbing high into the sky again, overlooking the mountains and rivers billions of miles away, Chi Cang had a dreamy feeling. He didn't expect that this time, on a whim, he searched in the wilderness and really bumped into a supremely powerful person who had survived like them.

Although the real dragon is in very bad condition, with only a trace of mark remaining, it can be regarded as a different kind of survival.

Finally, he used Thunder Tribulation Liquid to solidify the mark of the real dragon, and the real dragon agreed to follow him back to Stone Village.

This time, there is one more "old, weak, sick and disabled" in Shicun.

They crossed eight million miles of wilderness and soon arrived at Shicun. Lei Que slowly descended and arrived at the entrance of Shicun.

They did not hide their aura, so the creatures in Shicun were aware of Chi Cang's return.

"Uncle Chicang is back." The naughty boy in the village shouted happily.

The adults all came out and greeted Chi Cang, and the ancient relics also walked out of the stone house to greet Chi Cang.

Chi Cang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He said he was going out for a walk, but in fact he had only been away for a few days. Looking at everyone's looks, it seemed as if he had been away for several months.

He smiled in response and walked into the village.

At first, everyone did not see the broken dragon horn suspended next to Chi Cang. Later, Lihuo Bull Demon, Golden Hair Lion, Golden Suan Ni, etc. noticed that Lei Que always looked at the broken dragon horn with awe. horn, they sent a message to the Thunderbird to ask.

As a result, a shocking result was obtained.

The truncated horn turned out to be the horn of a real dragon, one of the ten evils in the legend. This was simply frightening to death.

A bunch of ancient relics sucked in the cold air there, causing the temperature of the surrounding air to rise a bit. The people in Shicun were very puzzled. They didn't know what the ancient relics were doing. It was late autumn now, and it was not too cold. There is no need for heating, so sucking in cool air is obviously superfluous.

"Where are Shi Hao and Qingfeng?" Chi Cang asked aloud without seeing their figures.

"They said they were going to a force called Butian Pavilion. They just set out, and the two children had to go alone. This vast wilderness is full of dangers, and I don't know if they can arrive safely." Shi Yunfeng explained, with worry on his face. .

"Don't worry, with Shi Hao's current strength, he can take care of himself and Qingfeng, and everything will be fine." Chi Cang said with relief.

"Liu Shen said the same thing. With your words, everyone can rest assured."

Chi Cang nodded, Shi Hao's wings were already full and he could fight in the sky by himself. It was time for them to let go and let him go on his own.

After greeting everyone, Chi Cang brought Long Jiao to the charred willow tree stump.

The tender green wickers, in bud, are dancing in the air, releasing endless green ripples, and the little bits of light and rain are rippling, covering the stone village, making the place peaceful.

Willow God is becoming more and more extraordinary. You can see that more than a dozen protrusions at the roots of its five green branches are almost about to break through and grow. By then, Willow God will be even more powerful.

Seeing the extraordinary willow god, the real dragon's horns trembled. Obviously, it was very uneasy.

"Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit."

The voice of the real dragon comes out, carrying endless vicissitudes of life, giving people a feeling of time flying by and the sea changing.

The last time the two met, it was the magnificent Immortal Era. In the blink of an eye, endless time passed, and the world changed. It was no longer the era when they looked down upon the world. However, the vivid faces and magnificent scenes of the past were The epic scene is still emerging in front of my eyes, everything seems to be just yesterday and never far away.

The willow branches are flying, and the young buds on them are shining with golden luster, releasing a soft halo.

"A real dragon?"

Liu Shen was also surprised. He didn't expect Chi Cang to bring back such a heavyweight creature, which was really surprising.

He soon learned that the current state of the real dragon was very bad. The real body had fallen, and only a trace of the mark remained. It was no longer as grand as it used to be.

"Times come and go, eras change, and we are no longer as brave as we used to be. Fortunately, you still have hope of coming back." The real dragon sighed, happy to pay homage to his ancestors.

During the Immortal Era War, the ancestral sacrificial spirits did too much for the primitive ancient world. After the two leaders of the primitive ancient world passed away and returned with their bodies wrapped in banners, they entered a foreign land alone and fought the last glorious battle in their lives. .

With the whole world facing enemies, he went in and out nine times, killing the immortal king of a foreign land until he was frightened.

Unfortunately, in the end, he was outnumbered and retreated in defeat. Later, he was besieged by the enemies of the Immortal Realm during Nirvana. He was seriously injured and had to undergo Nirvana. He has been there all the way to this day.

"We should have been old acquaintances and comrades-in-arms, but now I have lost some key memories and can't remember many things. I'm sorry." Liu Shen did not hide his state. Now he is far away from fully recovering his memory and finding himself. Not even close.

I really can’t remember clearly about the past between myself and the real dragon.

The voice of the real dragon rang out from the real dragon horns.

"It's nothing. After Nirvana, everything will return to zero and everything will have to start over. This is normal."

Its voice is a little lonely, because it has no possibility of nirvana and only has a trace left.

The three most powerful men left over from the Ancient Immortal Era gathered in this small stone village and talked with each other about their respective experiences and current situation.

"So, Taoist Fellow Daoist's only remaining heir needs to make up for his congenital defects before he can be born perfectly?"

"Yes, the descendants of the powerful men of the Ancient Immortal Era have all been plotted. As far as I know, many of the descendants of true immortals have completely disappeared and cannot be reappeared. Immortal kings like us have barely managed to save one descendant by risking our lives. I think , the situation of other Taoist friends is similar.

The methods of the foreign land are really vicious, and the purpose is to let us and other descendants weaken the foundation of the creatures in this world, so that they can be manipulated at will in the future. "The real dragon said angrily.

The deeds of annihilation were really extraordinary. Many descendants of the most powerful people were plotted and sealed in chaos. Their parents spent a huge price to set up heaven-defying magic circles and activate their vitality. I hope they can Born after countless years.

Next week's score will be strong, please read it. Although the possibility of upgrading is very small, there may be hope.

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