"Your elder brother." Papa Ni hung up the phone, said to Yan Dantong, looked at Zuo Yichu, and said, "Yao Shun said that Le Hui was discharged from the hospital."

"What?" Hearing this, Zuo Yimeng and Zuo Yichu questioned in unison.

"Why were you discharged from the hospital suddenly?" Aunt Liu couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, Yaoshun didn't say anything, he just told us not to go to the hospital to deliver soup." Papa Ni shook his head and said.

"Where did they go?" Zuo Yichu asked.

"Yao and Shun didn't say anything, only that he would send someone to pick us up." Papa Ni said.

"Why didn't you ask clearly?" Zuo Yichu said reproachfully.

Papa Ni was silent, put his phone back on the coffee table, and wanted to continue playing chess with Yan Dantong.

"Le Hui has been discharged from the hospital, and you are still in the mood to play chess, old Ni, do you think this is appropriate?" Zuo Yichu asked, his heart was really wide.

"It's a good thing to be discharged from the hospital. Lehui can only be discharged when she's fine." Zuo Yimeng tugged on Zuo Yichu's sleeve, and secretly gave Zuo Yichu a look, signaling Zuo Yichu to stop talking.

Zuo Yichu looked at Zuo Yimeng, snorted, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"Yi Chu." Zuo Yimeng yelled, gave Papa Ni a helpless look, and also entered the kitchen.

Papa Ni's vigorous gaze dimmed, and he returned to his seat. Yan Dantong looked at Papa Ni. The Papa Ni he saw this time was completely different from the Papa Ni he saw last time. , and this time, Papa Ni gives people a feeling of vicissitudes.

"Little uncle." Yan Dantong called.

Papa Ni returned to his senses, looked at Yan Dantong with a kind smile, and said, "Dantong, let's continue playing chess."

"Little uncle, are you okay with my aunt?" Yan Dantong tried to ask, she always felt that the little uncle and aunt were estranged a lot, and the two either didn't speak, or they quarreled before they could say a few words.

Yan Dantong did not forget that when my uncle and aunt left T City, they were getting divorced and lived apart for a while. After the two returned to Paris, they were also worried that they would do something that people would regret. I am very concerned about things in Paris, and I am not at ease until I am sure that they are all well.

Seeing the two of them this time, and seeing the changes between them, I have to worry, were they really all right in Paris?

"Don't worry, we are fine, nothing is wrong." Papa Ni said with a smile, but the smile was full of bitterness, and there was a hint of sadness, which made people feel heartbroken.

Papa Ni didn't talk about it, Zuo Yichu also avoided talking about it, Yan Dantong knew very well that if they didn't talk about it, let alone her asking, even if Ni Lehui asked, they probably wouldn't be able to ask anything.

"Little uncle, why don't I drive you and my aunt to my brother's residence." Yan Dantong suggested that it is a good thing that my sister-in-law has been discharged from the hospital. She also knows that my little uncle has no intention of playing chess with her. In this case, it is better to be satisfied sooner. he.

"No need." Father Ni refused. He dared to ask Yan Dantong to deliver it to anyone. Yan Dantong is pregnant and has triplets. If something happens, who can bear the responsibility.

"Little uncle, are you worried about my driving?" Yan Dantong asked knowingly.

"Who can rest assured that you are like this?" Papa Ni asked back, even if he agreed, the two sisters would not agree.

Yan Dantong was silent, she knew this would be the result, lowered her eyes, her gaze fell on her bulging abdomen, not to mention they were worried, her belly is so big, can she sit in the driver's seat?

In the seaside villa, the child is not around. Ni Lehui only sleeps and eats. Although Yan Yaoshun is with her, Ni Lehui still feels empty in her heart. She misses her son.

When Ni Lehui was sleeping in a daze, she heard someone talking to Yan Yaoshun, opened her sleepy eyes, and met a small face that was close at hand, Ni Lehui froze for a moment, Han Han saw that she woke up, showing a cute face Little Huya called out sweetly: "Mom, are you awake?"

"Hanhan." Ni Lehui was a little surprised, sat up cautiously, held Hanhan's face in her hands, and kissed Hanhan's forehead. "How did you come?"

"Mom, I miss you." Hanhan nestled in Ni Lehui's arms. Her father said that her mother had just given birth to a younger brother and she was not in good health. She couldn't move around in her mother's arms, or her mother would be in pain.

"Mom misses you too." Ni Lehui said gratifiedly, her daughter misses her, this feeling is really good, her son is not discharged from the hospital, she can't see her son, but seeing her daughter, Ni Lehui is still very satisfied.

"Mom, I saw my brother." Hanhan said.

"Really?" Ni Lehui was a little surprised, she didn't need to think about it, she knew it must be Mingyan who brought Hanhan to the hospital to see the little guy.

"Mom, my brother is so small, like a little monkey." Hanhan complained.

"Newborn children are like this." Ni Lehui said, newborn children are really not good-looking, a little wrinkled, like a little old man, Han Han said that her younger brother is like a little monkey, that is still a good metaphor sentence.

"Mom, was I also that young when I was born?" Han Han asked curiously.

"No." Ni Lehui shook her head, let go of Hanhan, patted Hanhan's head, and said, "You were older than him when you were born."

"Really?" Han Han blinked at Ni Lehui.

"Of course it's true, mother won't lie to you." Ni Lehui said with a smile, Han Han was silent, mother often lied to her.

"Han Han." Yan Yaoshun called out.

Hearing Yan Yaoshun's voice, Hanhan jumped off the bed, ran to Yan Yaoshun, and hugged Yan Yaoshun's leg. "dad."

"Hanhan, let's let mother rest, and let's go to the kitchen to make delicious food for mother." Yan Yaoshun said.

"Okay." Han Han had no objection.

"Yan Yaoshun." Ni Lehui had a lot of opinions, her daughter missed her, what's wrong with letting her accompany her, he actually called her away, it was too much. "Go to the kitchen by yourself, Hanhan stay with me."

"Lehui, you need to rest." Yan Yaoshun said, he didn't let Hanhan stay, worried that Hanhan would disturb her rest, confinement women, if they don't rest well, it will affect their recovery, before the child is discharged from the hospital, she You can rest well. If the child is discharged from the hospital, she will not be able to rest even if she wants to.

"I just fell asleep." Ni Lehui reminded that the rest should be divided into time, people will go crazy if they rest day and night, confinement is the most boring, and there are many taboos. , You can't eat this one, you can't eat that one, some people serve her, some people think it's enjoyment, but Ni Lehui doesn't think that when she gave birth to the letter, the aunt was in charge of her and restricted her, now Yan Yaoshun is in charge of her and restricts her .

"Are you hungry?" Yan Yaoshun asked.

"I'm not hungry, I'm full." Ni Lehui said angrily. Every time he woke up, besides asking her if she was hungry, could he ask her something else? He ate and slept, slept and ate, and didn't move. How could he be hungry? so fast.

"Mom, Dad told you to rest, you have to be obedient." Hanhan said sweetly, in her opinion, Dad was right.

Ni Lehui was taken aback, the corner of her mouth twitched, did Han Han think she was a child?

Yan Yaoshun looked at Hanhan with satisfaction, her daughter was indeed her father's caring little padded jacket, what she said was so right.

"Hanhan." Ni Lehui raised her eyebrows and shouted, the daughter was born to her, but she did not favor her, she spoke for Yan Yaoshun, under Yan Yaoshun's gaze, Ni Lehui compromised. "I'll go to the kitchen to watch you cook."

The TV is not allowed to let her say that it is not good for the eyes, and the books are not allowed to read, it is also to protect the eyes, let alone the mobile phone, she does not know where Yan Yaoshun put her mobile phone now.

It's fine if she is not allowed to go out, she wants to have some activities in the house, Yan Yaoshun has objections, it stands to reason that Yan Yaoshun's idea, she can only lie on the bed, or sit on the bed, anyway, she is not allowed to get out of bed, if it wasn't for her If she had to go to the bathroom, she was afraid that Yan Yaoshun would tie her to the bed.

"No." Yan Yaoshun refused, how could he agree.

Ni Lehui took a deep breath, she shouldn't be angry about what was expected, and Ni Lehui asked again: "Is Sister Ming downstairs?"

"Yes." Yan Yaoshun nodded.

"Will Sister Ming stay here?" Ni Lehui asked again. Because of what happened last time, her mother used Mingyan as an excuse to argue with her father for a divorce. She did not misunderstand Mingyan and her father. What kind of person is her father? Besides, Mingyan is not this kind of woman, and Ni Lehui knows in her heart that this is her mother deliberately finding fault. The real problem is not her father, but her mother.

"No." Yan Yaoshun said, how could he not know what Ni Lehui was worried about.

"Did she come back with a letter from Han?" Ni Lehui also asked.

"She came to see you with a letter. After a while, she will leave." Yan Yaoshun said.

"Where's Hanhan?" Ni Lehui asked.

"Hanhan left with her." Yan Yaoshun said.

Ni Lehui was silent for a long time. Ni Lehui looked at Yan Yaoshun with a serious face and said, "Yan Yaoshun, I don't think it's good for us. When my parents didn't come, it's reasonable to give the Han letter to sister Ming. Now I Parents are here, and there are people on hand, if I trouble Sister Ming to take care of Hanhan, it seems unreasonable."

"Sister Ming likes Hanhan, and she is willing to help us take care of Hanhan. Hanhan also likes Sister Ming, and is willing to let Sister Ming take care of her." Yan Yaoshun said.

Ni Lehui rubbed her forehead, they couldn't just trouble Sister Ming just because of this reason.

Han Han wants to go to Ming's house with Ming Yan, but Ni Lehui refuses to listen to what she says, Yan Yaoshun remains neutral, Ni Lehui has no choice but to compromise.

After lunch, Yan Yaoshun sent someone to Wen's house to pick up Papa Ni and Zuo Yichu, Yan Dantong and Zuo Yimeng were going to see Ni Lehui, and they also came.

The child is not around, Ni Lehui has enough milk, but there is no child to eat, Zuo Yichu suggested to her to buy a special milk storage bag, squeeze out the milk, and put it in the refrigerator to freeze, but Ni Lehui refused, so the milk stored in the freezer is only It can be kept for three months. The child before three months can't eat much at all, and her milk is sufficient. Even if the child comes back, she can't finish it. There is no need to hide it.

Before giving birth, when Hanhan was not around, she could sleep until dawn and conceived the child. At four or five months, she had to go to the toilet several times at night. Only when the milk is expressed can she continue to sleep. Sometimes she is very sleepy and does not want to express herself, so she will ask Yan Yaoshun for help.

Yan Yaoshun was quite happy with this errand, but in the end, Yan Yaoshun was burning with desire, and he was just asking for guilt.

The next day, Zuo Yichu pulled Yan Yaoshun aside and said, "Yaoshun, your father and I are at home, we can get over with, you can go back to work at the company."

Yan Yaoshun was taken aback, Zuo Yichu pulled him aside, he thought she would tell him about the child, but unexpectedly Zuo Yichu asked him to go back to the company to work, Yan Yaoshun said with a smile: "Mom, don't worry, I will not delay work, take care of Lehui, and I will not be absent."

"Yao Shun, I know you love Lehui, you love Lehui, but a man can't focus on his family, he must focus on his career." Zuo Yichu said.

"Mom, I don't want to miss Lehui's confinement." Yan Yaoshun said, his attitude was blunt, he could leave the work to others, and he didn't want to leave it to others to take care of his wife, he wanted to do it himself.

"You child." Zuo Yichu shook his head helplessly. Yan Yaoshun didn't listen to her, and she couldn't help it.

"Mom, I've already arranged things at work, so there's no need to worry." Yan Yaoshun said, what else could Zuo Yichu say after he had said that.

Yan Yaoshun went upstairs, and at the stairs, Papa Ni pulled Yan Yaoshun aside again, and asked in a low voice, "What did your mother tell you just now?"

"Mom asked me to go back to work at the company." Yan Yaoshun replied honestly, one is the mother-in-law and the other is the father-in-law, can he lie?

Papa Ni raised his eyebrows and questioned, "You agreed."

"Dad, I want to accompany Lehui." Yan Yaoshun said.

Hearing this, Father Ni's eyes flickered, he looked at Yan Yaoshun appreciatively, patted Yan Yaoshun's shoulder, and said with relief: "Yaoshun, I support you, a man should put his career first, but family is more important. Without a happy family, what good is a career, no matter how great it is?"

"Dad, thank you for your support. Don't worry, I won't let you down." Yan Yaoshun promised.

Papa Ni nodded. The first time he saw Yan Yaoshun, he felt that his daughter had found the right person this time. "I believe in you. It is a blessing for you and Lehui that Lehui can marry you."

My daughter is excellent, and Yan Yaoshun is also excellent. When two excellent people come together, they will only become more outstanding.

"Dad, there is something I want to ask you." Yan Yaoshun said.

"What's the matter?" Papa Ni asked, his heart skipped a beat. Yan Dantong also said the same thing to him. When facing Yan Dantong, he wasn't so flustered. The heart beat faster.

"Are you and your mother divorced?" Yan Yaoshun spoke bluntly without obliquely beating the bush.

Papa Ni was stunned. He didn't expect Yan Yaoshun to ask such a direct question, which caught him off guard. He didn't know how to answer for a while, and Yan Yaoshun also saw the clues of his silence and embarrassment.

"You really left." This time it was not a question, but a confirmation.

Father Ni knew that in front of Yan Yaoshun, he could not lie to Yan Yaoshun, so he grabbed Yan Yaoshun's sleeve and begged, "Yaoshun, you must not tell Lehui about our divorce. I can't bear it, you know, she just gave birth, if...if..."

"Because of Bi Jun?" Yan Yaoshun asked again, Ni's father was silent, Yan Yaoshun sighed and said, "Dad, you are so confused! How do you get a divorce?"

"I don't want to divorce either, but I have no choice. She wants a divorce, so I can only agree." Father Ni said helplessly, his eyes were full of paleness.

"Dad, do you love Mom?" Yan Yaoshun asked, divorce is too immature, they are not ignorant young people in their twenties, they are middle-aged people, and they are about to enter old age, why do they still look like young people? So, how about getting a divorce every now and then?

"Love." Papa Ni almost blurted out, no need to think about it, he loves her, there is no doubt about it, if he didn't love her, he wouldn't marry her, if he didn't love her, he wouldn't let her go forever, if If he didn't love her, he wouldn't...

"Dad, you and Mom are elders. It stands to reason that I, as a junior, shouldn't say anything about your elders, but I still want to say, Dad, you love Mom so much. You have spoiled Mom for so many years. Are you willing to leave suddenly? If you leave your mother, can you live a better life? If your mother leaves you, can you guarantee that your mother can live a better life?" Yan Yaoshun asked.

They have been married for so many years, they are used to each other, and they left suddenly, can they adapt to life without each other? In this world, no one can't live without someone, but Yan Yaoshun can guarantee that they will only miss each other after they leave each other.

"I can guarantee that your mother can live a better life." Father Ni smiled bitterly. He left her, and his life was not good. to do what she wants to do.

They have been married for so many years, and they know each other well. He knows in his heart who she really loves. Now that man appears, she wants to leave him and be with that man. He will not blame her, let alone Hate her, he has been with her for so many years, and has been with her for so many years, he is already very satisfied.

"Dad, you're not mom, you don't know what mom thinks at all." Yan Yaoshun said.

"I know." Papa Ni said firmly, no one knows Zuo Yichu better than him, even that man.

"Dad." Yan Yaoshun really didn't know what to say. Dad was so sure, what else could he say, as a son-in-law, he did what he should do, and he said what he should say.

"Yao Shun, let things take their course with your mother, don't worry about it, I just hope you don't tell Le Hui about our divorce for the time being." Papa Ni begged.

"Dad, don't worry, I won't take the initiative to tell Le Hui." Yan Yaoshun assured, Le Hui just gave birth to a child, and it was a caesarean section. It is really not suitable for Le Hui to know about the divorce of her parents.

But, then again, he could tell, let alone Le Hui.

"She asked you, but you can't tell." Papa Ni said, Yan Yaoshun would not take the initiative to tell Le Hui, if Le Hui asked him, would he tell the truth?

"Dad, I can't guarantee this, I don't want to lie to Le Hui." Yan Yaoshun said in a difficult way.

One sentence made Papa Ni speechless. It’s a good thing not to want to lie to Le Hui, even if it’s for his sake. Papa Ni admires Yan Yaoshun very much. He really shouldn’t have handed Le Hui into Yan Yaoshun’s hands What to worry about.

"Yaoshun, go and accompany Lehui, I won't force you." Papa Ni waved to Yan Yaoshun.

"Dad, what about you?" Yan Yaoshun asked.

"You don't have to worry about me. If she wasn't afraid of Lehui's worries, she wouldn't let me go back to T City with her to take care of Lehui. With you and your mother, I wouldn't be able to interfere. Hanhan went to Ming's house, Er Bao Not discharged from the hospital again, alas!" Papa Ni sighed, he really couldn't help.

"Dad, there is something, can you help?" Yan Yaoshun asked.

"What's the matter?" Papa Ni asked, he was worried that he had nothing to do, and of course he would be happy if Yan Yaoshun could arrange things for him.

"I have to send milk to the hospital every day. I want to trouble Dad to deliver it." Yan Yaoshun said, Lehui wanted her child to breastfeed. When she was in the hospital, every time she expressed milk, he sent it to the pediatric department. Now After being discharged from the hospital, I have to be sent to the hospital at least once a day.

"Milk delivery?" Papa Ni raised his eyebrows, not because he didn't want to go, but because he was a little confused, and asked, "Is there no milk powder in the hospital?"

"Lehui wants her child to breastfeed." Yan Yaoshun said.

"It's good to eat breast milk, it's good to eat breast milk." Papa Ni repeatedly agreed.

"So Dad agrees?" Yan Yaoshun asked.

"Yes, I agree, when will I deliver it?" Papa Ni asked, sending milk to the hospital for Er Bao, of course he was willing to take over this task, but Papa Ni became worried again. "Can your mother allow me to send it?"

"I'll go and tell Mom." Yan Yaoshun said, paused, and then said: "Dad, I'll go and see if Lehui is packed."

Papa Ni was already bored, but now that Yan Yaoshun arranged things for him, Papa Ni suddenly felt refreshed.

Yan Yaoshun returned to the room, Ni Lehui sat on the bay window, looked at the scenery outside the window, sighed again, money is good, and knowing how to enjoy life is even more perfect.

Yan Yaoshun came, squatted down, hugged Ni Lehui in his arms, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"I didn't look at anything, I was in a daze." Ni Lehui glanced at Yan Yaoshun, and said with some melancholy.

"Lehui." Yan Yaoshun shouted, turning Ni Lehui's body so that Ni Lehui and him looked at each other face to face.

"When will my son be discharged from the hospital?" Ni Lehui asked.

"Lehui, let our son stay in the incubator for a few more days. It's better for our son, and we can't afford the money." Yan Yaoshun said, staying in the incubator and following the mother's body Almost, the son is not full-term, and he can stay a few days longer.

"Yan Yaoshun, even if my son stays in the incubator, he won't grow much." Ni Lehui said, although she is not a pediatrician, she has seen a lot.

"Le Hui." Yan Yaoshun called out.

"Yan Yaoshun, do we want to make a bet?" Ni Lehui asked.

"What's the bet?" Yan Yaoshun asked back.

"Let our son stay in the incubator for thirteen days. Believe it or not, the son can grow two taels at most." Ni Lehui said firmly.

"No way." Yan Yaoshun didn't believe it, thirteen days, only two or two.

"Do you want to bet with me?" Ni Lehui asked.

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