"Qi'er, are you okay?" Yan Yingbang was very worried, walking towards Angel with a cane, sat down beside Angel, and patted Angel on the back, hoping that she would feel better. "Qi'er, are you feeling bad? It's uncomfortable there? Shall I take you to the hospital?"

"Godfather, it's okay, I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital." Angel raised her head and smiled at Yan Yingbang to comfort her.

Yan Yingbang looked at her originally fair neck, the bruises pinched out by Qi Wanhai, Yan Yingbang was heartbroken, and gave Qi Wanhai a hard look.

"Hehe, I should have found out a long time ago, I should have found out a long time ago, you obviously don't like Angel, every time I call Angel to come to my house, you turn a blind eye when you see Angel, ever since I didn't come back from playing cards all night, you don't like Angel? My attitude has changed, I make things difficult for Angel, but you speak for her everywhere, I don’t let Angel live at home, but you let her live, your change of attitude towards her is so obvious, I actually ignored it, and didn’t take you to the other side at all. Thinking about that aspect, I am so confused! Raising tigers has finally created a legacy." Qi Wanhai laughed at himself.

Yan Yingbang originally wanted to hide it for as long as he wanted, but today he was met by Qi Wanhai, and he was not caught in bed. As long as he denies it, there are many reasons why he and Angel are alone in the study, and why the hero is guarding outside the study. Qi Wanhai's performance disappointed him, and he didn't admit it, it was her own guess, even if her guess was right, she shouldn't be so excited before she figured it out.

"Enough." Yan Yingbang's voice was vigorous and powerful.

Qi Wanhai was stunned, and looked at the angry Yan Yingbang in astonishment, he still had the face to get angry at her, he was the one who did the wrong thing, he was the one who was sorry for her, not she for him.

Qi Wanhai was furious, and roared: "It's not enough, Yan Yingbang, you dare to do something wrong to me. For you, I endure the humiliation. For you, I am willing to be a mistress. For you, I am willing to be your golden house. For you, I gave up on the man who loved me so much, I gave you children, how did you treat me? Hmm? Yan Yingbang, you ungrateful thing, you are simply not human, you can't find anyone, you just look for her , do you know who she is? She is my goddaughter, Qi Wanhai, and she is also your goddaughter? You are chaotic gangsters, you are like this... It's shameful, it's disgusting."

"Do you know where you are inferior to her?" Yan Yingbang suddenly asked calmly.

An Qier was snickering in her heart, Yan Yingbang actually said that Qi Wanhai was inferior to her in some respects, could An Qier not snicker?

she? Qi Wanhai obviously knew who Yan Yingbang was referring to by her, and it was definitely not Angel.

"Hahaha." Qi Wanhai laughed back angrily, and pointed at Yan Yingbang with trembling fingers. The trembling of her body made her take two steps back, and her self-deprecating smile became stronger. "You really fell in love with her? While you married her, you hid my golden house, and gave birth to a child with her, and at the same time, you gave birth to a child with me. Yan Yingbang, don't you think you are too greedy? Yan Yingbang , when I was leaving, how did you tell me? How did you reassure me? "

Angel understood, the "she" they said was not referring to her, who was that? Angel was very curious, but she didn't dare to ask directly.

"I don't know why." Yan Yingbang turned pale, and helped An Qier up, and An Qier supported him in turn. "Qi'er, go, I'll take you to the hospital."

"Godfather." An Qier was very guilty, she didn't dare to go to the hospital, she was afraid that Yan Yingbang would force her to have an examination, and she was afraid of being exposed. "I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital so much trouble, I just go back to my room and rest for a while."

"You still call me godfather?" Yan Yingbang's expression darkened.

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