"We're early." Ni Lehui said in a funny way. The doctors hadn't even arrived for work yet, so he got up early in the morning and dragged her to the hospital. It would be strange if he didn't wait.

"Let's go out for a while." Yan Yaoshun said.

"Why are you shopping?" Ni Lehui asked, and then added: "Don't you want to see the first one? You went shopping and the doctor came to work. Do you think the doctor will wait for you?"

"..." Yan Yaoshun was silent.

After waiting for ten minutes, the doctor came and started calling.

Ni Lehui attends the outpatient clinic every Tuesday. It turns out that the doctor who did the prenatal check-up has taken maternity leave. She is new here. Ni Lehui has not come to work for a month. Her outpatient consultation every Tuesday has also been temporarily cancelled. Ni Lehui does not know this new arrival. Even the prenatal doctor didn’t know Ni Lehui.

The nurse knew the other doctors. She came early, and the nurse and the other doctors were still preparing other things.

"No. 1." Chen Li called.

Yan Yaoshun helped Ni Lehui in. Chen Li glanced at Ni Lehui, and Yan Yaoshun showed her the ticket.

"This is your first time for a prenatal check-up?" Chen Li asked. Seeing Ni Lehui nodding, she asked again: "How many weeks are you pregnant?"

"12 weeks." Ni Lehui answered, and Chen Li was stunned for a moment. It was difficult for pregnant women to tell how many weeks they were pregnant when they came for a prenatal check-up for the first time. They were all approximate, and it was difficult to tell how many weeks they were so certain.

"Do you know the items of the first prenatal check-up?" Chen Li asked.

"Establish a pregnancy health care manual, determine gestational age, calculate due date, assess pregnancy risk factors, blood pressure, body mass index, fetal heart rate, blood routine, urine routine, blood type (ABO and Rh), fasting blood sugar, liver function and kidney function , hepatitis B virus surface antigen, Treponema pallidum, HIV screening, and electrocardiogram." Ni Lehui said.

Chen Li was dumbfounded. She just asked casually, but she actually knew everything.

Ni Lehui looked at the shocked expression on Chen Li's face and said: "Warm reminder: People who have not had premarital examinations or pre-pregnancy examinations before should be screened for thalassemia, and people who have pets at home should be screened for parasites. .”

Ni Lehui paused and then said: "Experts remind: The first prenatal check-up has the most inspection items. This is also to comprehensively check the health of the expectant mother. You should bring the expectant father with you for the check-up, and you need to understand your direct relationship with him. The health of relatives and family members.”

Chen Li was stunned. She had a kind of teacher who tested the students. The students answered all the questions correctly and even knew more than the teacher.

"Mrs. Yan." Yan Yaoshun was unhappy. They were here for prenatal check-ups, not for other people's prenatal check-ups. He reminded: "Mrs. Yan, you have a day off today."

"I know." Ni Lehui looked at Yan Yaoshun and smiled helplessly.

"Dr. Chen, there is a pregnant woman...Dr. Ni." The nurse was surprised to see Ni Lehui there. "Dr. Ni, isn't your consultation on Tuesday suspended?"

"I'm not here for a consultation, I'm here for a prenatal check-up," Ni Lehui said.

"Doctor Ni?" Chen Li looked at Ni Lehui. She was Dr. Ni Lehui.

"Dr. Chen, don't you know Dr. Ni?" the nurse asked curiously. Seeing Chen Li shaking her head, the nurse suddenly realized and said, "I forgot, Dr. Liu asked for maternity leave, and Dr. Chen came to replace Dr. Liu's work. Dr. Ni was resting when the doctor came to the hospital."

"Hello, Dr. Ni." Chen Li stood up and stretched out her hand. No wonder she could speak so clearly.

"Hello." Ni Lehui smiled and shook hands with Chen Li.

"Dr. Ni, let me create a pregnancy care manual for you." The nurse said.

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