The chili peppers in this restaurant are famous for being spicy. Many people who like spicy food like to come to this restaurant to eat. It is so spicy that it makes people like it but also fear it.

Ni Lehui took a spoonful and ate it happily. She liked the spicy taste.

"Don't you think it's spicy?" Yan Yaoshun asked.

"It's quite spicy, but I like it." Ni Lehui said with a smile. He doesn't like spicy food, and she doesn't force it. If people don't like your taste, you can't force them to like it. This is too overbearing.

Yan Yaoshun was silent and poured another cup of tea. Except for the fish-flavored shredded pork, he didn't dare to eat any of these dishes. Seeing Ni Lehui eating so happily, he knew she could eat spicy food and liked spicy food. He didn't expect such a spicy dish. She ate so happily that even though it was so spicy that she stuck out her tongue, she couldn't help but continue eating.

"It's not good to eat too spicy food." Yan Yaosun couldn't help but persuade her. She was still pregnant, so eating such spicy food made Yan Yaosun really worried about her and the baby in her belly.

"It's delicious, but it's a pity that you can't eat spicy food. If you can eat spicy food, I guarantee you will like it." Ni Lehui said. It seems that she wants to slowly train Yan Yaoshun to learn to eat spicy food. How can he not eat spicy food? She likes to eat it. Damn, it’s impossible for him to keep accommodating her. What if one day he gets annoyed and goes on strike? What will she do?

Protest to the end? Or compromise?

"I don't eat spicy food." Yan Yaoshun said. It's not that he doesn't like it, but he doesn't eat it.

Ni Lehui raised her eyes to look at him and continued to eat her food. She ordered a lot of dishes and did not let her eat. These dishes were enough for her, so what else could she eat? Can the food be as delicious as the food?

Ni Lehui didn't even remember how long it had been since she had eaten here. She only remembered that it had been a long time and it had never happened before. It used to happen at least two or three times a week.

Ni Lehui is really hungry. She has big eyes and a small belly. She can't finish all the dishes. Yan Yaoshun doesn't dare to eat. Ni Lehui is full and there is still a lot left. If it was before, she would pack it up, but now she can't. .

After eating and drinking, Ni Lehui patted her butt and left. The landlady said she would treat her to a meal, so Ni Lehui was not polite. It was not yet two o'clock and she couldn't get the report. She was full again and didn't want to leave. Ni Lehui wanted to go. Yan Yaoshun disagrees with sleeping in the workplace. She has a day off today. Who can guarantee that she will not encounter any complicated mothers when she goes to the obstetrics and gynecology department. As long as she encounters it, she will have to take part in it. It will be difficult to go home. .

Yan Yaoshun wanted her to feel comfortable and planned to go to a nearby hotel, but Ni Lehui refused. He just rested for an hour. Going to the hotel was too wasteful. He was rich, but no matter how rich he was, he couldn't squander it like this.

Eventually, the two went to the car to rest.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Yaoshun saw Ni Lehui asleep and couldn't bear to wake her up. He went to get the report himself. When he came back, Ni Lehui was still sleeping. He couldn't understand the report results and couldn't bear to wake her up. Yan Yaoshun Driving to Ni Lehui's house.

In the parking lot, Ni Lehui woke up, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and looked at the familiar parking lot.

"This is my home." It's not a question, it's an affirmation.

"We won't go back to Yan's house tonight. We will stay here." Yan Yaoshun said.

"Why?" Ni Lehui asked.

"Quiet." Yan Yaoshun said, and Ni Lehui was silent.

The Yan family is very lively, but it is quiet here. I have been noisy for a long time and I want to be quiet.

Yan Yaoshun led Ni Lehui toward the elevator. After a while, the elevator stopped. Yan Yaoshun and Ni Lehui looked at the scene in the elevator. They were both stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other.

After hesitating for a long time, they still didn't know whether to enter the elevator or not. While they were thinking about it, Ni Lehui's hand pressing the button did not let go, and the elevator kept stopping in front of them.

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