The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 207 Yan Qingcheng donated 300 million

Yan Xi: "But she didn't enter the venue under my name."

"Then you have to scold your Uncle Huo severely for this. This is all a good thing he has done. Only by putting people in can he let them have a chance to touch you."

Li Weiran came over with a smile, and Huo Xiao followed behind him.

The other party was a little helpless, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, and I will never let anyone take advantage of it in the future." After a pause, he added, "You can't even give money."

Li Weiran: "It's almost the same."

He handed a card to Yan Xi, "Well, the apology and pocket money that your Uncle Huo gave you are not much, just a few million."

Yan Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry after figuring out the whole story: "You don't need to give me money, I really don't lack money to spend."

Li Weiran: "You just accept it. This is a little thought from your Uncle Huo, and let him buy a lesson."

In the end, the money was exchanged from Huo Ziang in equal value... But now Huo Xiao felt that he was at a loss. If he had known that Huo Ziang would bring the counterfeit in, he should have directly asked for 100 million.

If the other party thinks that they can't afford it, they shouldn't play a hero to save the beauty.

Yan Xi thought for a while: "Well then, I will donate it to the Chunlei Charity Foundation in the name of Uncle Huo. I hope this money can bring more hope to the children in the mountains."

During the charity auction, she shot three pieces of children's handicrafts. In previous years' auctions, these items cost tens of thousands of dollars at most. Let's make a point of it, after all, they are really worthless.

But Yan Xi insisted on increasing the price to 5 million. One of the paintings she liked very much, and it was also very memorable to her.

The theme of the painting is "Hope", and the picture is a scene of a group of people watching the sunrise.

Yan Xi could see at a glance that the lady who was still shrouded in brilliance was her mother, Yan Qingcheng.

It was when she was in her teens that she followed her mother to visit the mountains and stayed overnight at the farmhouse, which was tortured by illness and poverty and seemed to have no hope.

But now, the little girl has walked out of the mountains, went to school with a new look, and lived an active and hard life.

Prove that the efforts of my mother and myself have not been in vain, and my hope is endless.



When the host checked the donation list, he suddenly covered his mouth in surprise, which was called a pupil earthquake.

"Sister Liang... This Yan Qingcheng donated 300 million yuan, far exceeding the 150 million yuan of Ji Qingsong and his wife."

According to tradition, in the final thank you session, the person with the most donations and the most influential person will be invited to speak and interact on stage.

In previous years, it was Ji Qingsong who spoke on the stage. This was the first time that the amount of donations exceeded Ji Qingsong and his wife...and it exceeded that much.

The host first suspected that it was donated by Yan Yunzhi.

Yan Qingcheng passed away for many years. Although the Yan family donates money every year, it is in the name of the Yan family. After all, the Yan family owns an independent charity foundation. The donations for education, medical care and environmental protection amount to one billion yuan each year. There's no need to be in the limelight at the Spring Bud Charity Gala.

This time, the Yan Group also donated 100 million directly, which is more than in previous years, so it is unlikely to be the Yan family.

"Could it be from the Xi family's side?" The host guessed and flipped through the list, but he didn't see Xi Jingxing's name.

Editor-in-chief Liang shook his head, "No."

The host suddenly paused and looked at the donation list with some surprise. It took a long time to slowly recover, "Mr. Xi donated 800,000 this year."

Several people at the scene were a little surprised and couldn't even believe it.

Of course, everyone did not dislike Xi Jingxing's small donations and love regardless of size. This was originally a personal freedom.

But Xi Jingxing has always created a persona of his affectionate wife. He is active in the Spring Bud Charity Gala every year, with an annual donation of 20 million. He has performed well among the wealthy families in Beiqiao City, and the organizers are also willing to hold him.

But after shrinking so much all of a sudden, everyone is still a little confused, and this time they are on par with their senior migrant workers.

Editor-in-chief Liang: "Okay, don't talk about it. In any case, this is someone else's act of kindness. We shouldn't look at people with tinted glasses."

After a pause, she said to the host, "Of course Yan Qingcheng can't be there to give a speech... The money should have been donated by her daughter Yan Xi, so let's invite Yan Xi and Mr. Ji to speak up together, I believe Mr. Ji and Yan Xi won't mind."

Of course, she made this arrangement because she was sure, otherwise she would be offending people.

She had noticed before that Ji Qingsong and Yan Xi and the other young people chatted very happily, and it could be seen that Ji Qingsong and his wife admired this junior.

When Yan Xi heard that the host invited her and Ji Qingsong to speak together on stage, she was not surprised at all.

What was unexpected to her was the amount of donation. She obviously only donated 200 million yuan, so where did the extra 100 million yuan come from?

But in any case, the donation of 300 million in personal name also directly refreshed the highest donation record for the Spring Bud Charity Gala over the years.

Everyone looked at the person on the stage in shock. Is this Yan Qingcheng's daughter?

It's no wonder that the title of the first lady in Beiqiao City came out a few years ago. It is true that temperament and upbringing etiquette can be regarded as a model of ladies and gentlemen. Standing with a big man like Ji Qingsong is not suppressed at all, but complements each other.

In terms of appearance, it is even more beautiful. This is too beautiful. I feel like I was hit in the heart for some reason.

Many elderly people can't help but recall Yan Qingcheng's demeanor.

Really blue is better than blue.

Yan Xiqian asked Ji Qingsong to speak first, and then took the microphone, with a firm look and a gentle smile: "Hello everyone, I am Yan Qingcheng's daughter Yan Xi. Someone once asked me what the original purpose of doing charity was, in fact, it started from Speaking of my great-grandfather. My great-grandfather was a People's Volunteer Army and experienced..."

Because of the war and chaos, I understand that today's happy life is not easy to come by.

If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are successful, you will help the world. This is also the family motto of the Yan family.

My grandfather and mother devote themselves to charity work in the hope that they can truly give back to the society and benefit the disadvantaged.

After all, if the Yan Group can grow and develop, in the final analysis, it is because it has enjoyed the dividends of the peaceful era that it should maintain a humble and awe-inspiring attitude.

Instead of becoming arrogant and detached from the people once you have money, that is the real self-destruction.

After Yan Xi finished speaking briefly, there were bursts of warm applause from below.

The host was also a little surprised, and at the same time, there was some emotion in his heart, as expected of the granddaughter taught by Yan Lao himself.

This character and mind is admirable. Especially when the other party is only seventeen or eighteen years old... In short, it is very rare.

Yan Xi was in the limelight this night and became a highly anticipated existence. Even after the party was over, people kept coming up to say hello.

Xi Lurong was almost so angry that she had a heart attack, she said to Xi Jingxing unhappily, "What's the matter with you, why do you allow her to spend so much money as a child?"

In her opinion, the property left by Yan Qingcheng belongs to the Xi family!

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