The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 209 Dad, do you really love mom?

Xi Jingxing felt that he was about to split.

Seeing that Xi Jingxing's expression was not right, Xi Yan hurriedly grabbed the notebook back.

Xi Jingxing asked in a difficult voice, "...Why did you let President Zhang and President He sign this book?"

No matter how you look at the book used by this kind of bells and whistles, it feels like it doesn't match those big guys.

Xi Yan: "Is there a problem with signing this book? Mr. Zhang and the others didn't say anything."

He was really pissed off, but he asked the manager to look around and bought this book from a beautiful waitress.

So what's wrong with Xi Jingxing, why is he nitpicking and wanting to tear up the notes he has worked so hard to take down!

Xi Jingxing: "..."

Mr. Ma said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem, otherwise everyone will not sign."

Since it has been signed, and so many people have signed it, it represents the recognition of Xi Yan's behavior and the recognition of Xi Yan himself.

Xi Jingxing's face was flushed with shame, and he wished he could find a hole to burrow into.

Mr. Ma glanced at Chen Xiangxiang again and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang and Mr. He are not in the band, and there is no chaos in their private life."

Chen Xiangxiang felt the blood all over her head in an instant, anxious, ashamed and angry, but she couldn't say a word.

Mr. Ma's words were clearly mocking her short-sightedness.

He didn't say anything serious on the surface, but the arrogance and contempt in those words made her feel as if a fire was burning in her heart, and she felt wronged.

She just glanced at it, where can you associate those names with business bigwigs.

After Mr. Ma finished speaking, he left, of course he said that on purpose.

The other party is not only short-sighted, but also narrow-minded and vicious. Opening his mouth is to frame things, and he points it out to help everyone avoid lightning.

Most of the people who can sneak into the Spring Bud Charity Gala are not fools, and they quickly think of this layer.

"Who is this, stay away from her in the future."

"Brows and eyes look a bit like Yan Qingcheng...but their daughter Yan Xi was still giving a speech on stage.


"I remember it seems to be a copycat version, and I will tell you in detail later."

Chen Xiangxiang was startled and looked at Xi Jingxing subconsciously, for fear that he would hear these gossips.

After seeing this, she immediately felt relieved, Xi Jingxing's attention was obviously not here.

He tightened his body and looked at the person walking by, as if he saw his wife for a moment.


Yan Xi said goodbye to those big bosses and came over, "Brother, how is it, isn't the harvest at the top floor cocktail party not bad?"

Xi Yan handed over his notebook to Yan Xi as if he was busy offering a treasure, "I wrote down everything I heard, and asked those people to sign it!"

Yan Xi flipped through the notebook and could see that Xi Yan took notes very seriously. And he did not simply write down the original words, but carried out key refinements.

This was quite a surprise to Yan Xi. My brother was not a talkative person, and he would usually appear stage fright and dare not express his opinions and opinions in public, but he was unexpectedly a good listener.

This note is really beautifully done, no wonder those bigwigs are willing to sign it.

"Your notebook is very well done. You can keep it and study it well when you go back. I think there are many things in it that are very interesting, or you can try it." Yan Xi affirmed.

Xi Yan was very happy, holding the notebook without letting go, giggling.

However, Xi Jingxing felt that his face was a little unbearable, as if he had no vision.

He coughed lightly and changed the subject, "Yan Yan, you can remember donating in your mother's name, it's good, and the speech on the stage just now was also wonderful. It's just that you have this idea, why don't you tell your father? You It's not good to ask your grandfather and uncle to donate so much money as soon as you reach out. Dad wants you to have a correct view of money."

Xie Chang raised his eyes and glanced at Xi Jingxing, Xi Jingxing felt a little guilty for some reason, but he didn't feel that he was wrong.

Xi Lurong also reacted, "You asked the Yan family for money, have you ever thought about it, it's all a debt of favor and needs to be paid back by the Xi family!"

Of course, the Xi family would not accept this account, but it did not prevent her from condemning Yan Xi.

After all, the other party is so bold to ask for so much money, but he doesn't want the Xi family at all... Even if it is said that it was donated by the Xi family, it would be good to give Xi Jiabo a good reputation.

Yan Xi glanced at Xi Jingxing. To be honest, she didn't plan to take action against Xi Jingxing tonight.

But the other party showed her presence again and again, so she didn't mind reminding him, "If I tell you, can you take out 100 million? Or even 10 million, you shouldn't want to take it, right? After all, this is for Mother pray."

Xi Jingxing was embarrassed for a moment, the 800,000 he donated were directly embezzled by customers to repay.

This is still hidden from the company, for fear that those executives know that they have opinions in their hearts.

"Charity is about your heart, not your eyeballs..." Xi Jingxing felt inappropriate as soon as the words left his mouth, "Of course, Dad didn't say you were doing a show..."

Although in his opinion, Yan Xi did this just to show off.

However, it is normal for a girl of this age to be a little bit vain. This is not a big problem, and he will not condemn it.

Yan Xi: "Dad, do you really love mom?"

Xi Jingxing couldn't react, "What?"

Yan Xixin continued: "If you really love your mother, you should know that she has continued to do charity for more than ten years, and even brought my brother and I to the mountains to visit and review documents. Is this also a show? Is it eye-catching? Even when she is seriously ill and can't get up, she still thinks about those charitable students."

A handkerchief was suddenly handed over, and Yan Xi realized that she was not indifferent.

She said thank you to Xie Chang, took the handkerchief, blinked her eyes, and forced back the tears in her eyes.

It is said that the argument is irrelevant, but in fact the world likes to speculate on the motives of others.

The Yan family has funded so many people, but because of the slander of Du Xiaoman and Chen Xiangxiang's mother and daughter, they were inexplicably labeled as hypocritical and showy.

So when she came to the Spring Bud Charity Gala, she wanted to make a high profile, and she wanted to tell others what an outstanding woman her mother, Yan Qingcheng, was.

If the consequence of being low-key is to be arbitrarily smeared, then she must be high-profile and hold the right to speak.

Xi Jingxing's heart sank, he was a little flustered, it seemed that he really said something wrong. "Yan Yan, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant..."

Yan Xi: "Also, I didn't ask the Yan family for my money, it's the property left to me by my mother. I've managed it well over the years and made a lot of money. I spent 200 million for my mother's money. Nominal donation. There is another 100 million donated by a benevolent person who was touched by Mom’s kindness, but obviously it’s not Dad.”

The audience suddenly realized that it was so!

Some people speculated before that the Xi family and the Yan family paid Yan Xi to carry the sedan chair, but it turned out to be completely different.

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