The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 211 I'm already planning to retire

Wang Zinan raised her head, looked at Xi Jingxing quickly in the rearview mirror, and quickly lowered her head: "...It's Yan Xi, she said she doesn't want to see me again."

Xi Lurong couldn't help looking sideways, and after thinking about it, she sneered, "Sure enough, it seems like something she would do, being arrogant and unreasonable."

The disappointment in Xi Jingxing's heart added another point.

He really couldn't figure out why his daughter became like this.

Xi Lurong didn't vomit unpleasantly: "She played tricks on the invitation letter, and she refused to take any advantage of the Xi family. It's okay, she even went in with a little white face!"

Xi Jingxing was stunned for a long time before realizing who the little white face in her words was referring to.

To be honest, although the neighbor next door is his junior, he always gives him the feeling of an equal, and he doesn't dare to put on the air of an elder in front of the other party.

Xi Jingxing really didn't think about that, so he subconsciously frowned, "Auntie, don't say a word."

Xi Lurong also complained, after all, she was really going to be mad today, and when she thought of two hundred million, she felt that her heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney hurt everywhere.

Thinking that she was almost kicked out because of Yan Xi, Xi Lurong suddenly felt a little pity for Wang Zinan.

Because of this same illness, when Wang Zinan refused to go home, he offered to take the initiative, "Then go to my place and stay for one night."

The enemy of the enemy is the friend, and besides, this can win the favor of Xi Jingxing and make the other party appreciate him even more.

Moreover, Yan Xi could easily spend 200 million yuan. Xi Jingxing managed the company and bought stocks for investment, so he must have a lot of money.

No matter what Yan Qingcheng did, he still cared about the love between husband and wife and left a legacy to Xi Jingxing.

Xi Jingxing had no bad hobbies, and he didn't even smoke or drink, so the money must be well saved.

Xi Lurong is old, but she always seeks benefits for the rest of the Xi family, such as Xi Yaohua from the big house.

Yan Xi did not enter the oil and salt. On such an important occasion today, he did not want to support each other in the family, but was busy fighting in the nest.

How could the other party still care about taking care of Xi Yaohua?

Now that I think about it, it's fortunate that she was ill and didn't live long.

Or else get it?


Yan Xi knew that Xi Jingxing and Xi Lurong had taken in Wang Zinan the next day.

Gu Nianfeng handed her a stack of investigation materials to look over.

"That Wang Zinan may have bad intentions."

He is a former mercenary with a keen intuition, and has been paying attention to Wang Zinan since he saw him.

Therefore, I saw the other party fall in front of Xi Jingxing's car with my own eyes last night, and was finally brought into the car by Xi Jingxing and brought back to Xi Lurong's villa in Qiushuiwan.

"I was afraid that she would pester the eldest young master, so I asked people to investigate her information and found that she was not, as the Qiushuiwan Villa claimed, was forced by her parents to drop out of school to get married and run out to work to earn tuition."

The Wang family is indeed quite snobbish, but the book is not completely forbidden to her.

If she is not allowed to study, where will she go to meet rich people? The Wang family doesn't have that kind of connections and channels!

So in the end, Wang Zinan was sent to an uneducated high school, and then Wang Zinan, with his aloof personality... quickly offended the school bully.

But she didn't figure out the position for a while, thinking that it was "woman, you caught my attention", but she didn't expect that the school bully was simply thinking of a straight man and thought she was trying to make trouble.

And the school bully doesn't have money at home, it's not that the rich young master wants to play rebellion.

In the end, Wang Zinan made a big ugly face at school and didn't want to go to school at all.

After reading the investigation materials, Yan Xi was not too surprised. This coquettish operation was indeed something Wang Zinan would do.

She also couldn't figure out what Wang Zinan wanted to do. If she still wanted to pester Xi Yan, living in Qiushuiwan would not help at all.

"Actually... this Miss Wang also approached Master Xi Yan when she left Shengyang High School, through other friends, in the name of going out to play and relax." Gu Nianfeng thought about it, and felt that it was not impossible to say. "But the young master turned around and left immediately when he saw the other party, and also broke up with those few friends."

Wang Zinan was arrogant and arrogant, of course he couldn't stand such a blow.

At that time, she couldn't help chasing after him, threatening that she would find someone who was a thousand times better than Xi Yan and ten thousand times better.

Later, when arguing with the school bully, the other party also sent a message to Xi Yan to show off. After Xi Yan replied with a respectful blessing, he decisively blocked the person.

Yan Xi guessed that with Wang Zinan's personality, it would be impossible to humiliate himself in front of Xi Yan again.

Since Xi Yan can't go this route... Could it be that she wanted to fight Xi Jingxing?

This is quite possible, with the character of the other party, it can be done completely.

"Just keep paying attention. As long as it's not aimed at your brother, you don't have to intervene."

Even if Wang Zinan wanted to do something, it might not be that easy. Chen Xiangxiang's mother and daughter still lived in that villa.

That mother-daughter pair is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, how could Wang Zinan be allowed to touch their cake?


Yan Xi thought about going to the next door to find Xie Changze, but as soon as she went out, she encountered an uninvited guest.

Huo Ziang was wearing sunglasses and stood at the door gracefully.

Seeing Yan Xi, he quickly stepped forward, "Yan Yan."

Yan Xi noticed the assistant next to him, who was holding something and a bunch of flowers... This was obviously another gift, but Yan Xi didn't want it.

"Zi'ang, are you looking for my brother? He's studying upstairs, and I'm going out too. I'm afraid it won't be very convenient to receive..."

Before she could finish a sentence, Huo Ziang suddenly interrupted her, "Yan Yan!"

The other party looked at her deeply, and after a long time, he said with a forbidding expression, "I'm here to find you, I want to invite you to a meal, isn't that too much? We haven't had a meal together for so many years. dinner."

Yan Xi: "...After all, you are a public figure, so it's not very convenient. Forget about eating, it will cause unnecessary trouble."

Huo Ziang's jaw line was tight, of course he could see that Yan Xi was hiding from him, but he was very unwilling to give up.

"Yan Yan, you don't have to worry about this. After all, you are... different from others. Besides, I'm already planning to quit the circle."

Yan Xi was a little surprised. This was not in line with the original plot in the novel. Huo Ziang was clearly cooperating with Chen Xiangxiang in two movies, and he retired from the circle and went behind the scenes after both won the Best Actor and Best Actor.

The other party took the characters of Gao Leng Yingying + Domineering President, which had a strong presence in the novel and was once better than the school tyrant Fu Yuhuai.

Yan Xi had a bad comment on his decision, so she could only smile and say, "That's fine too."

Huo Ziang's deep eyes continued to stare at her: "... I didn't make this decision suddenly, I found that I was not strong enough before, so I was always passively chosen or abandoned. But it won't be in the future, I like it, think What I want, I will work hard and never let go.”

Yan Xi felt uncomfortable being stared at, she subconsciously took a step back.

The long eyelashes drooped down, obscuring the thoughts in the bottom of his eyes.

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